The "Alliance Forger Malekith" Universe is an alternate universe where Malekith forged many alliances, such as some with the Light Elves, to take down Asgard.
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"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway." The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse. |
"I request elaboration." This article is a stub. You can help Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki by expanding it.Please expand this article. Once finished, this notice may be removed. |
The "Alliance Forger Malekith" Universe is an alternate universe where Malekith forged many alliances, such as some with the Light Elves, to take down Asgard.
To be added
To be added