Shinx is a quadrupedal, feline Pokémon resembling a lion cub or lynx kitten. Its front half is light blue, while the rear is black. There is a short tuft of fur on its head and smaller tufts on each cheek. The top tuft is smaller on the female Shinx. It has large, oval ears with yellow, star-shaped markings on the insides; yellow eyes; and a tiny, red nose. Whenever its mouth is open, small fangs can be seen in its upper jaw. A black marking encircles Shinx's neck like a collar, and there are yellow bands above its forepaws. The hind paws are black on the male Shinx and blue on the female. Spiked fur surrounds the base of its long tail, which is tipped with a yellow star shape.
Electricity is produced by the extension and contraction of muscles in Shinx's forelegs, which causes this Pokémon's fur to glow. If it senses danger, its fur can gleam brightly to blind predators so it can flee. Excited trembling is a sign that Shinx is generating tremendous amounts of electricity. It can send signals to other Shinx by shining the tip of its tail and shaking it. It has an aggressive nature; thus, taming a Shinx is said to take great patience. As mentioned in Pokémon Sleep, Shinx can create electricity when it rolls around while asleep. On rare occasions, a sleeping Shinx releases discharge sparks.
Shinx evolves into Luxio, which evolves into Luxray.
This Pokémon generates electricity by contracting its muscles. Excited trembling is a sign that Shinx is generating a tremendous amount of electricity.
Electricity makes this Pokémon's fur glow. Shinx sends signals to others of its kind by shaking the tip of its tail while the tail tip is shining brightly.
Shinx looked like it was having fun playing with Charmander. As the Pokémon ran around chasing each other, Shinx’s forelegs were naturally generating electricity.
The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Even while it sleeps, it creates electricity each time it rolls over. On very rare occasions, it can be seen discharging sparks in its sleep.
In A Campus Reunion!, it was revealed that Clemont had befriended a Shinx in his youth. He evolved into a Luxio sometime after he lost contact with him, and he was caught by him when they finally met up again.
In The Rise of Darkrai, Dawn's Piplup got into a fight with a Shinx over a Pecha Berry in the garden. They eventually began a fight among most of the other Pokémon. Not too long after, they were calmed down when Alice started playing Oración. Shinx decided to split the fruit in half and share one half with Piplup.
Shinx bears a resemblance to a hoax Pokémon that was created on April Fool's Day 2005.
Shinx is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 263.
Shinx and its evolutionary relatives seem to be based on the constellation Lynx, as well as the lynx in mythology, which medieval bestiaries sometimes depicted as a lion-like creature. Resembling a lion cub, it may also be based on the neighboring constellation, Leo Minor.
Name origin
Shinx may be a combination of shining and lynx.
Kolink may be a combination of 子 ko (child) and リンクス lynx.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.