Rhyperior is a large, brownish-gray Pokémon with two horns: a larger one on its nose, and smaller one above it. The upper horn is even smaller on a female Rhyperior. The larger horn is divided into three sections by two thin slanted rings, making the horn resemble a drill. Its hide is partially covered by orange, rocky plates on its head, shoulders, arms, waist, and knees, similar to that of the protector used to evolve it from Rhydon. The hide of Rhyperior's armor has a mysterious substance. It has blade-like protrusions on its elbows and has holes in the palms of its hands which work as cannons or guns. It has three blunt, gray fingers on each hand, two gray toes on each foot, and a club-like tail. Its eyes have red irises with what appears be two thick, rectangular rocks above each one, resembling heavy eyebrows.
Rhyperior is even stronger than Rhydon, although its brain structure is smaller. It can insert rocks and boulders into its arms through the holes in its hands and fire them as projectiles. Occasionally, it will insert and fire Geodude or Roggenrola by accident. Rhyperior has a very hard carapace; it can survive volcanic eruptions, cannot be scratched even by a masterwork sword, and deflect most incoming attacks. This can throw the opponent off balance before it drills into the foe. Rhyperior lives far up in the mountains.
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: Team Raider's Rhyperior reappears with the rest of the team as recruitable allies for the player. Rhyperior will only become connected once the player gives Gallade's letter to Roserade.
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: Rhyperior is used by Heath to protect the yellow circuit ball. Ice later borrows it to use in a three-way boss battle with Ice's Gallade and Lavana's Magmortar in the trio's efforts to thwart the player.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
This Pokémon evolved through use of a curious item. Its rocklike hide is composed of a mysterious substance and can withstand a blow from a masterwork sword with nary a scratch.
In The Semi-Final Frontier!, a Trainer's Rhyperior went up against Tobias during the Lily of the Valley Conference finals. It battled his Darkrai off-screen, but as with the other five Pokémon owned by its Trainer, it was easily defeated by the Pitch-Black Pokémon.
Rhyperior, the Drill Pokémon and the evolved form of Rhydon. Rhyperior can throw rocks at its enemies by tightening its arm muscles and launching them from the holes in its palms.
Rhyperior, the Drill Pokémon. Rhyperior launches rocks or Geodude from holes in its palms. Its shell-like covering can withstand a volcano's eruptions.
A soldier's Rhyperior appeared in The Redemption, during a fantasy of a story from the past. It was one of the many Pokémon fighting in the great war of Kalos 3,000 years previously.
A Rhyperior briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Bertha.
A Rhyperior appeared in The Rival under the ownership of Palmer. It was used as his third and final Pokémon in his Battle Tower battle against Barry. After defeating Barry's Staraptor with Rock Wrecker, it eventually lost to his Empoleon's Hydro Pump, giving Barry a hard-fought victory.
Sometime before Raising the Stakes with Rhyperior, Blue traded Silver his Rhydon after learning how to evolve him with a book written by Giovanni. He remained on Silver's team until sometime before Pinsir Glares, where he was revealed to have been returned to Blue.
Rhyperior and its pre-evolved form share their category with Nidoking and Nidoqueen. They are all known as the Drill Pokémon. Additionally, all four are partly Ground-types.
Rhyperior may be a combination of rhinoceros, rhyolite (a type of rock, referring to its Rock type), hyperion, and superior.
Dosidon may be a combination of 土 do (ground, soil), 怒 do (anger), or ど do- (prefix for very much), 犀 sai (rhinoceros), and -don (common suffix in dinosaur names derived from the Ancient Greek word for tooth).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.