Seel is a pinnipedPokémon with a thick hide covered in bluish-white fur. It has a pale tan canine maw with a large red tongue and a pair of tusks on its lower jaw. It has circular eyes, prominent black eyebrows (it’s one of the few Pokémon that has eyebrows) and a black nose that is capable of closing when it swims. There is a small horn on its forehead, which it uses in combination with its tusks to bore through ice floes. It has two flippers on its chest, and two more on the end of its tail. When the tail is raised, it resembles a waterspout.
Seel lives on icebergs in frigid ocean waters. Its warm fur and thick hide allow it to swim in waters as cold as -40° Fahrenheit (-40° Celsius). It thrives in these cold environments, becoming more active as the temperature drops and tires easily in warm waters. Preferring to sleep during the day, it hunts for prey under sheets of ice in the late day and evening hours. While it is a graceful swimmer, it is awkward and struggles to move on dry land.
Although it can't walk well on land, it is a graceful swimmer. It especially loves being in frigid seas. (Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted) In daytime, it is often found asleep on the seabed in shallow waters. Its nostrils close while it swims. (Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)
Seel hunts for prey in the frigid sea underneath sheets of ice. When it needs to breathe, it punches a hole through the ice with the sharply protruding section of its head.
Seel hunt for prey in frigid, ice-covered seas. When it needs to breathe, it punches a hole through the ice with the sharply protruding section of its head.
Seel hunts for prey in the frigid sea underneath sheets of ice. When it needs to breathe, it punches a hole through the ice with the sharply protruding section of its head.
Seel is the first Pokémon Lorelei owned, which debuted in Can You Diglett?. As a child, Lorelei saw her Seel become poisoned due to the effects of nearby industrialization. Agatha, who was passing by, healed Seel using her Gastly. This encounter with the negative effects that humanity had on Pokémon would be the motivation Lorelei had to join the Elite Four in a plot to destroy all of humanity years later.
In the Poké Floats stage, Seel appears as a Poké Float, arriving alongside Venusaur. After the second half of Venusaur is revealed, the screen moves continually to the right without stopping, so fighting does not stay on Seel for very long.
Seel shares its category with Dewgong and Popplio. They are all known as the Sea Lion Pokémon.
Seel is the only non-Ice-type Pokémon that can have Ice Body as its Ability. Consequently, Seel is the only Pokémon with Ice Body to benefit from its hail immunity, since all other Pokémon with the Ability are naturally immune to hail damage due to their typing.
Seel may be based on an earless seal, particularly a harp seal pup due to its white fur and icy habitat. It also shares characteristics with other aquatic mammals that live in the Arctic Ocean. Its long, white body is similar to a beluga whale, its horn may be inspired by a narwhal, and its tusks may be inspired by a walrus. The shape of its tail resembles a stylized waterspout or geyser.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.