The Paradise Barrens (Japanese: 楽土の荒地 Paradise Wasteland) are a dry wasteland located in Kitakami.

Paradise Barrens 楽土の荒地
Paradise Wasteland
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Region: Kitakami
Generations: IX

Location of Paradise Barrens in Kitakami.
Pokémon world locations


Places of interest


Desert biome

Item Location Games
Great Ball SV Great Ball (10.0%)  S  V 
Poké Ball SV Poké Ball (30.0%)  S  V 
Rare Bone SV Rare Bone (15.0%)  S  V 
Rare Bone SV Rare Bone (×2) (5.0%)  S  V 
Burn Heal SV Burn Heal (10.0%)  S  V 
Awakening SV Awakening (10.0%)  S  V 
TM Material SV Orthworm Tarnish (10.0%)  S  V 
TM Material SV Nosepass Fragment (10.0%)  S  V 

Rocky Area biome

Item Location Games
Great Ball SV Great Ball (35.0%)  S  V 
Ultra Ball SV Ultra Ball (5.0%)  S  V 
Rare Bone SV Rare Bone (15.0%)  S  V 
Rare Bone SV Rare Bone (×3) (5.0%)  S  V 
Paralyze Heal SV Paralyze Heal (10.0%)  S  V 
Antidote SV Antidote (10.0%)  S  V 
TM Material SV Mudbray Mud (10.0%)  S  V 
TM Material SV Timburr Sweat (10.0%)  S  V 


This table is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this table to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: This list was automatically generated, and needs to be verified in game.
How does level scaling effect the level ranges?
Pokémon Games Terrain Levels Probability Weight Group Rate Group Pokémon
Land Water surface Underwater Overland Sky Morning Day Evening Night
S V 19-22 0 0 0 100
S V 19-22 100
S V 19-22 200
S V 19-22 300 20%
S V 19-22 200
S V 19-22 160
S V 19-22 300
S V 19-22 200
S V 19-22 150 150 0 0
S V 19-22 100
S V 19-22 300
S V 19-22 200 200 30 30
S V 19-22 200 20%
S V 19-22 250
S V 22 70
S V 19-22 150
S V 19-22 0 0 0 250
S V 19-22 70
S V 19-22 400
S V 19-22 150 20%
S V 19-22 1200
S V 19-22 200
S V 19-22 150
S V 19-22 80
S V 19-22 100
S V 19-22 300
S V 19-22 200 200 0 0
S V 19-22 500
S V 19-22 100
S V 19-22 200
S V 19-22 200 200 30 30
S V 19-22 160 20%
S V 19-22 200
Rocky Area
S V 19-22 200
S V 22 50
S V 19-22 300
S V 19-22 0 0 0 100
S V 19-22 100
S V 19-22 250
S V 19-22 300 20%
S V 19-22 200
S V 19-22 400
S V 19-22 400
S V 19-22 150
S V 19-22 300
S V 19-22 500
S V 19-22 150 150 0 0
S V 19-22 200
S V 19-22 100
S V 19-22 100
S V 19-22 50
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Probability weight indicates the likelihood that a Pokémon will spawn at a certain point in this location relative to others that can spawn there. A higher probability weight generally indicates that a Pokémon is more likely to spawn.
Pokémon with the highest or lowest level requirements may not spawn in every possible location within this area.
A bolded level range replaces the Pokémon's non-bolded level range after the player has completed The Way Home.

Special encounters

The Titanic Okidogi

After Ogerpon's masks are stolen by the Loyal Three, Okidogi will appear here as a Titan Pokémon, which the player will battle together with Carmine. Its stats will be different if the player has not yet finished The Way Home. It is coded to never be Shiny.

Before completing The Way Home

Aura: +2 Defense
Okidogi Lv.35
Dark Physical
Poison Fang
Poison Physical
Low Kick
Fighting Physical
Brutal Swing
Dark Physical

After completing The Way Home

Aura: +2 Defense
Okidogi Lv.85
Dark Physical
Close Combat
Fighting Physical
Brutal Swing
Dark Physical
Poison Jab
Poison Physical

After catching Ogerpon

Okidogi reappears here after Ogerpon has been caught following the events of The Teal Mask, and will be at the same level regardless of the player's current position within the story. If defeated, he can be battled again after the game has been rebooted, provided that over one hour has passed on the Nintendo Switch's internal clock since his defeat. It is coded to never be Shiny.

Okidogi Lv.70
Poison Jab
Poison Physical
Brutal Swing
Dark Physical
Dark Physical
Fighting Physical


Trainer Pokémon
Satoru the Festival Boy
Satoru the Festival Boy
サトル Satoru
Reward: $960/2,600
Nosepass Nosepass Lv.24/64
No item
Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Lv.24/65
No item
Nanami the Festival Girl
Nanami the Festival Girl
ナナミ Nanami
Reward: $1,000/2,640
Vullaby Vullaby Lv.25/66
No item
Hokuto the Black Belt
Hokuto the Black Belt
ホクト Hokuto
Reward: $1,000/3,696
Timburr Timburr Lv.23/62
No item
Gurdurr Gurdurr Lv.25/66
No item

Before completing The Way Home

After completing The Way Home


Games Location Song name Composition Arrangement
 S  V  Everywhere The Land of Kitakami Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
During a wild
Pokémon battle
Battle! (Kitakami Pokémon) Minako Adachi Minako Adachi


  • Despite Scarlet and Violet having a wasteland biome, Paradise Barrens is considered a desert instead.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 樂土荒地 Lohktóuh Fōngdeih
Mandarin 樂土荒地 / 乐土荒地Lètǔ Huāngdì
French Lande de la Quiétude
German Paradiesebene
Italian Landa Paradisiaca
Korean 낙원의 황무지 Nagwon-ui Hwangmuji
Spanish Elíseo Baldío

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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.