Floaro Gardens (Japanese: 園生開墾地 Garden Clearing) is an area located in the northwestern part of the Obsidian Fieldlands of Hisui. It connects to Aspiration Hill to the south and southeast.

Floaro Gardens 園生の開墾地
Garden Clearing
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description:
Location: Northwest Obsidian Fieldlands
Region: Hisui
Generations: VIII

Location of Floaro Gardens in Hisui.
Pokémon world locations

Request 92: "A Token of Gratitude" (which requires save data from Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield) takes place in this area. Once the request is activated, the Mythical Pokémon Shaymin can be encountered here.


Floaro Gardens slopes slightly upward from Aspiration Hill into a forested valley. The deepest part of the valley hides an open meadow of withered flowers, surrounded by trees. During and after Request 92: "A Token of Gratitude", the flowers here will permanently bloom.


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Item Location Games
Old Verse LA Old Verse 19 At the very northern end of the gardens (hidden, requires Ursaluna)  LA 


Pokémon Levels Alpha
Time of day Weather
Morning Day Evening Night Clear Harsh sunlight Cloudy Rain Thunderstorm Fog
3-6 18-21
2-6 17-21
5-7 20-22
3-5 18-20
3-6 18-21
4-8 19-23
Fixed Alpha
In the air
18-22 33-37
18-22 33-37
Shaking trees
20-23 35-38
Mass outbreak
7-9 22-24
7-9 22-24
Non-fixed alpha Pokémon do not spawn until the player quelled the frenzy of the subregion's noble.
Some of the Pokémon marked with (‡) may only spawn near the area's borders.

Special encounters

Shaymin at the Floaro Gardens
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Reason: respawn conditions

If the Nintendo Switch profile being used has save data from Pokémon Sword or Shield, Request 92: "A Token of Gratitude", in which Shaymin can be caught in the flower field, will be available after completion of Mission 18: "The Counterpart". It is coded to never be Shiny.

Grass Unknown
Shaymin Lv.70
Air Slash
Flying Special
Energy Ball
Grass Special
Earth Power
Ground Special
Seed Flare
Grass Special


  • The official strategy guidebook of Pokémon Legends: Arceus hints at the similarity between the rejuvenated Floaro Gardens after Request 92 and the Floaroma Meadow.[1]
    • Shaymin's implied role in the folklore of Floaroma Town is consistent with that in A Token of Gratitude.
    • The Korean and Spanish names for Floaro Gardens are the same as the respective names of Floaroma Town in those languages, while other languages use similar-sounding names.
  • Despite its name being similar to Floaroma Town and Floaroma Meadow, the Floaro Gardens is south of Jubilife Village, while the other two places would be established north of its future development.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 荒園開墾地 Fōngyún Hōihándeih
Mandarin 荒園開墾地 / 荒园开垦地 Huāngyuán Kāikěndì
French Champ Flora
German Flora-Rodefläche
Italian Giardino Bonificato
Korean 꽃향기 개척지 Kkothyanggi Gaecheokji
Spanish Campo Aromaflor


  1. 元宮 秀介, ワンナップ. Pokémon LEGENDS アルセウス 公式ガイドブック【完全版】. p.308.

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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.