Yungoos is a long-bodied Pokémon similar to a mongoose. It is covered in brown fur with a yellow stripe down its back and underside. It has short, rounded ears on the sides of its head, a short snout with a pink nose, and a large mouth full of pointed teeth. There are three black claws on each of its four short legs. Despite its length, Yungoos is thick-bodied and has a wide, flat tail with longer fur on the tip.
Yungoos has a voracious appetite and is always hungry, which in turn makes it more ferocious. Much of its body is dominated by its stomach, and it is able to digest food quickly. Its strong teeth allow it to crush and consume the hardest of objects. This Pokémon stalks through its territory searching for food until it passes out from exhaustion. However, it is believed that Yungoos decides its territory based on safety so that it can collapse anywhere without fear.[1] It is able to eat anything, but usually prefers fresh hunt. This Pokémon is found in Alola, although it is not native to the region and was imported there. Prior to Generation VIII, Yungoos and its evolved form, Gumshoos, were the only known Pokémon that could have Stakeout as an Ability.
Yungoos, the Loitering Pokémon. Gumshoos, the Stakeout Pokémon. Both are Normal types. Yungoos have sturdy fangs and jaws, and when they evolve into Gumshoos, they gain a certain tenacity and patience.
Yungoos may be considered a counterpart of AlolanRattata. They can be caught at certain times of the day (Yungoos at day, Alolan Rattata at night). They also evolve into Gumshoos and Alolan Raticate, respectively, at level 20 at their respective times. Also, their evolved forms are the Totem Pokémon in their respective games (Gumshoos in Sun and Ultra Sun, Raticate in Moon and Ultra Moon).
Yungoos and its evolution are the only Pokémon that have Stakeout as a standard Ability instead of a Hidden Ability.
Yungoos appears to be based on a mongoose, such as the small Indian mongoose, which was imported to Hawaii to counter the rat problems on sugar cane plantations. However, the small Indian mongoose is diurnal while rats are nocturnal, thus the small Indian mongoose was ineffective at its intended role and became an invasive species. This is reflected in-game by the fact that Yungoos can only be found during the day, while Alolan Rattata can only be found at night.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.