List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV/Guitarist

Main article: List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Guitarist in the Sinnoh and Johto Battle Frontier.

Malcolm, Tad, Concord, Bernie and Curtis

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Lax Incense Lax Incense Shadow Sneak Fury Cutter Confuse Ray Sand-Attack Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0403 Shinx (Pokémon) Shinx King's Rock King's Rock Thunder Fang Bite Howl Leer Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0433 Chingling (Pokémon) Chingling Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Confusion Swift Disable Growl Modest - - - 255 255 -
0447 Riolu (Pokémon) Riolu Expert Belt Expert Belt Brick Break Bullet Punch Foresight Counter Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0353 Shuppet (Pokémon) Shuppet Spell Tag Spell Tag Shadow Sneak Knock Off Will-O-Wisp Grudge Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0355 Duskull (Pokémon) Duskull Spell Tag Spell Tag Shadow Sneak Pain Split Will-O-Wisp Confuse Ray Adamant - - 255 - 255 -
0025 Pikachu (Pokémon) Pikachu Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry ThunderShock Swift Thunder Wave Double Team Modest - - - 255 - 255
0343 Baltoy (Pokémon) Baltoy Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Psybeam Mud-Slap AncientPower Light Screen Modest - - - 255 255 -
0436 Bronzor (Pokémon) Bronzor Odd Incense Odd Incense Confusion Gyro Ball AncientPower Imprison Brave - 255 - 255 - -
0453 Croagunk (Pokémon) Croagunk Black Sludge Black Sludge Poison Jab Wake-Up Slap Taunt Swagger Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0066 Machop (Pokémon) Machop Scope Lens Scope Lens Karate Chop Rock Tomb Foresight Scary Face Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0238 Smoochum (Pokémon) Smoochum BrightPowder BrightPowder Confusion Icy Wind Fake Out Sweet Kiss Mild - - - 255 - 255
0318 Carvanha (Pokémon) Carvanha Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Aqua Jet Bite Scary Face Swagger Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0439 Mime Jr. (Pokémon) Mime Jr. Lax Incense Lax Incense Copycat Confusion Barrier Light Screen Bold - - - 255 255 -
0079 Slowpoke (Pokémon) Slowpoke Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Water Pulse Confusion Disable Yawn Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0177 Natu (Pokémon) Natu Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Night Shade Air Cutter Ominous Wind Future Sight Timid - - - 255 - 255
0081 Magnemite (Pokémon) Magnemite Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Shock Wave Mirror Shot Metal Sound Reflect Bold - - 255 255 - -
0102 Exeggcute (Pokémon) Exeggcute Odd Incense Odd Incense Confusion Grass Knot Leech Seed Light Screen Modest - - 255 255 - -
0096 Drowzee (Pokémon) Drowzee Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Psybeam Assist Disable Barrier Modest - - - 255 255 -
0434 Stunky (Pokémon) Stunky BlackGlasses BlackGlasses Pursuit Toxic Slash SmokeScreen Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0100 Voltorb (Pokémon) Voltorb Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Shock Wave Swift Thunder Wave Light Screen Modest - - - 255 - 255
0170 Chinchou (Pokémon) Chinchou Magnet Magnet Shock Wave BubbleBeam Icy Wind Thunder Wave Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0228 Houndour (Pokémon) Houndour Charcoal Charcoal Fire Fang Bite Roar Will-O-Wisp Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0325 Spoink (Pokémon) Spoink Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psywave Swift Magic Coat Confuse Ray Modest - - - 255 255 -
0274 Nuzleaf (Pokémon) Nuzleaf Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Razor Leaf Faint Attack Swagger Harden Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0425 Drifloon (Pokémon) Drifloon Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Ominous Wind Air Cutter Icy Wind Will-O-Wisp Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0239 Elekid (Pokémon) Elekid Cheri Berry Cheri Berry ThunderPunch Karate Chop Quick Attack Light Screen Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0180 Flaaffy (Pokémon) Flaaffy Light Clay Light Clay Shock Wave Swift Thunder Wave Light Screen Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye BlackGlasses BlackGlasses Faint Attack Shadow Sneak Fake Out Detect Impish - 255 255 - - -
0351 Castform (Pokémon) Castform Persim Berry Persim Berry Weather Ball Sunny Day Rain Dance Hail Timid - - - 255 - 255
0093 Haunter (Pokémon) Haunter Persim Berry Persim Berry Night Shade Toxic Confuse Ray Grudge Timid - - - 255 - 255
0198 Murkrow (Pokémon) Murkrow BlackGlasses BlackGlasses Faint Attack Wing Attack Torment Taunt Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0202 Wobbuffet (Pokémon) Wobbuffet Focus Band Focus Band Counter Mirror Coat Charm Splash Jolly - - 170 - 170 170
0311 Plusle (Pokémon) Plusle Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Shock Wave Swift Fake Tears Helping Hand Timid - - - 255 - 255
0312 Minun (Pokémon) Minun Salac Berry Salac Berry Shock Wave Swift Encore Helping Hand Timid - - - 255 - 255
0417 Pachirisu (Pokémon) Pachirisu Magnet Magnet Spark Quick Attack Bite Sweet Kiss Jolly - 255 - - - 255

Fred and Chase

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Passho Berry Passho Berry Blaze Kick Earthquake Shadow Claw Stone Edge Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0392 Infernape (Pokémon) Infernape BrightPowder BrightPowder Flamethrower Focus Blast SolarBeam Sunny Day Modest - - - 255 - 255
0308 Medicham (Pokémon) Medicham Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Calm Mind Modest - - - 255 - 255
0124 Jynx (Pokémon) Jynx Expert Belt Expert Belt Blizzard Energy Ball Signal Beam Wring Out Modest - - - 255 - 255
0122 Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime Kasib Berry Kasib Berry Psychic Thunderbolt Energy Ball Hyper Beam Modest - - - 255 255 -
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Hydro Pump Thunder Blizzard Rain Dance Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Toxic Orb Toxic Orb DynamicPunch ThunderPunch Stone Edge Facade Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0359 Absol (Pokémon) Absol Razor Claw Razor Claw Night Slash Psycho Cut X-Scissor Aerial Ace Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Life Orb Life Orb DynamicPunch Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Thunderbolt Focus Blast Signal Beam Nasty Plot Timid - - - 255 - 255
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Quick Claw Quick Claw Thunder Fang Fire Fang Ice Fang Bite Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0435 Skuntank (Pokémon) Skuntank Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Sludge Bomb Dark Pulse Flamethrower Shadow Ball Timid - - - 255 - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Damp Rock Damp Rock Thunder Hyper Beam Magnet Rise Rain Dance Timid - - - 255 - 255
0275 Shiftry (Pokémon) Shiftry White Herb White Herb Leaf Storm Dark Pulse Focus Blast Shadow Ball Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Expert Belt Expert Belt Ice Beam Thunderbolt Signal Beam Destiny Bond Modest - - - 255 - 255
0097 Hypno (Pokémon) Hypno Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Zen Headbutt Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0080 Slowbro (Pokémon) Slowbro Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Flamethrower Shadow Ball Signal Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0065 Alakazam (Pokémon) Alakazam Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Charge Beam Signal Beam Grass Knot Timid - - - 255 - 255
0199 Slowking (Pokémon) Slowking Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Focus Blast Modest - - - 255 255 -
0454 Toxicroak (Pokémon) Toxicroak Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Sludge Bomb Focus Blast Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Modest - - - 255 - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Energy Ball Icy Wind Destiny Bond Timid - - - 255 - 255
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0062 Poliwrath (Pokémon) Poliwrath Wide Lens Wide Lens Hydro Pump Focus Blast Blizzard Mud Bomb Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Scope Lens Scope Lens Psychic Energy Ball Focus Blast Confuse Ray Modest - - - 255 - 255
0181 Ampharos (Pokémon) Ampharos Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Charge Beam Hyper Beam Thunder Wave Rest Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Coba Berry Coba Berry Megahorn Stone Edge Facade Shadow Claw Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0229 Houndoom (Pokémon) Houndoom Passho Berry Passho Berry Flamethrower Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Will-O-Wisp Modest - - - 255 - 255
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Earth Power Psychic Charge Beam Ice Beam Modest - - - 255 255 -
0437 Bronzong (Pokémon) Bronzong Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Shadow Ball Charge Beam Signal Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0452 Drapion (Pokémon) Drapion Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Poison Fire Fang Thunder Fang Ice Fang Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0405 Luxray (Pokémon) Luxray White Herb White Herb Thunder Fang Ice Fang Superpower Thunder Wave Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Quick Claw Quick Claw DynamicPunch Earthquake Stone Edge Ice Punch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0430 Honchkrow (Pokémon) Honchkrow Life Orb Life Orb Dark Pulse Air Cutter Psychic Shadow Ball Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0461 Weavile (Pokémon) Weavile Focus Sash Focus Sash Night Slash X-Scissor Metal Claw Counter Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0282 Gardevoir (Pokémon) Gardevoir BrightPowder BrightPowder Psychic Charge Beam Energy Ball Focus Blast Modest - - - 255 255 -
0475 Gallade (Pokémon) Gallade Scope Lens Scope Lens Psycho Cut Stone Edge Aerial Ace X-Scissor Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0103 Exeggutor (Pokémon) Exeggutor Focus Sash Focus Sash Wood Hammer Zen Headbutt Trick Room Explosion Brave 255 255 - - - -
0121 Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Surf Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam Modest - - - 255 - 255
0135 Jolteon (Pokémon) Jolteon Lax Incense Lax Incense Thunder Shadow Ball Rain Dance Yawn Timid - - - 255 - 255
0196 Espeon (Pokémon) Espeon Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Hyper Beam Grass Knot Modest - - - 255 - 255
0197 Umbreon (Pokémon) Umbreon Lax Incense Lax Incense Faint Attack Swagger Psych Up Screech Impish 255 - 255 - - -
0448 Lucario (Pokémon) Lucario Muscle Band Muscle Band Close Combat Earthquake Blaze Kick Shadow Claw Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Scope Lens Scope Lens Shadow Punch Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0462 Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Charge Beam Flash Cannon Magnet Rise Thunder Wave Modest - - 255 255 - -
0466 Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Thunderbolt Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam Modest - - - 255 - 255
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar White Herb White Herb Superpower Dragon Claw Shadow Claw Aqua Tail Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Occa Berry Occa Berry Hammer Arm ThunderPunch Ice Punch Aerial Ace Adamant - 255 255 - - -

Tobias and Cecil

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken White Herb White Herb Flare Blitz Superpower ThunderPunch Night Slash Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0392 Infernape (Pokémon) Infernape King's Rock King's Rock Flare Blitz Close Combat Earthquake ThunderPunch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0308 Medicham (Pokémon) Medicham Scope Lens Scope Lens Psycho Cut Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0124 Jynx (Pokémon) Jynx Choice Specs Choice Specs Ice Beam Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Modest - - - 255 - 255
0122 Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Charge Beam Shadow Ball Focus Blast Modest - - - 255 255 -
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Expert Belt Expert Belt Surf Thunderbolt Ice Beam Signal Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Shell Bell Shell Bell Focus Punch Seed Bomb Giga Impact Spore Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0359 Absol (Pokémon) Absol Choice Band Choice Band Night Slash Superpower Giga Impact Zen Headbutt Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Earthquake Stone Edge Poison Jab Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu BrightPowder BrightPowder Volt Tackle Return Brick Break Thunder Wave Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric BrightPowder BrightPowder Thunderbolt Flamethrower Signal Beam Swift Timid - - - 255 - 255
0435 Skuntank (Pokémon) Skuntank Muscle Band Muscle Band Poison Jab Night Slash Crunch Explosion Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Focus Sash Focus Sash Thunderbolt Signal Beam Explosion Mirror Coat Quirky - - - 255 - 255
0275 Shiftry (Pokémon) Shiftry Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Seed Bomb Sucker Punch Aerial Ace Explosion Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Lax Incense Lax Incense Blizzard Shadow Ball Psychic Hail Modest - - - 255 - 255
0097 Hypno (Pokémon) Hypno Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Focus Blast Modest - - - 255 255 -
0080 Slowbro (Pokémon) Slowbro Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0065 Alakazam (Pokémon) Alakazam Expert Belt Expert Belt Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Focus Blast Modest - - - 255 - 255
0199 Slowking (Pokémon) Slowking Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Surf Ice Beam Flamethrower Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0454 Toxicroak (Pokémon) Toxicroak Razor Claw Razor Claw Gunk Shot Cross Chop Earthquake Stone Edge Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Ball Psychic Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Timid - - - 255 - 255
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Lax Incense Lax Incense Shadow Ball Air Cutter Silver Wind Explosion Docile 255 255 - - - -
0062 Poliwrath (Pokémon) Poliwrath Expert Belt Expert Belt Waterfall Focus Punch Earthquake Hypnosis Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Lum Berry Lum Berry Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Modest - - - 255 - 255
0181 Ampharos (Pokémon) Ampharos Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Thunder Focus Blast Signal Beam Power Gem Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Salac Berry Salac Berry Megahorn Earthquake Reversal Endure Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0229 Houndoom (Pokémon) Houndoom White Herb White Herb Overheat Dark Pulse SolarBeam Sunny Day Timid - - - 255 - 255
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Lax Incense Lax Incense Earthquake Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Explosion Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0437 Bronzong (Pokémon) Bronzong Quick Claw Quick Claw Zen Headbutt Iron Head Earthquake Explosion Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0452 Drapion (Pokémon) Drapion Razor Claw Razor Claw Cross Poison Night Slash Earthquake Aerial Ace Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0405 Luxray (Pokémon) Luxray Muscle Band Muscle Band Thunder Fang Ice Fang Crunch Thunder Wave Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Quick Claw Quick Claw Cross Chop Earthquake ThunderPunch Fire Punch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0430 Honchkrow (Pokémon) Honchkrow Scope Lens Scope Lens Night Slash Drill Peck Sucker Punch Steel Wing Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0461 Weavile (Pokémon) Weavile Razor Claw Razor Claw Night Slash Ice Punch Aerial Ace Brick Break Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0282 Gardevoir (Pokémon) Gardevoir Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Timid - - - 255 - 255
0475 Gallade (Pokémon) Gallade Scope Lens Scope Lens Psycho Cut Close Combat Leaf Blade Night Slash Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0103 Exeggutor (Pokémon) Exeggutor Expert Belt Expert Belt Leaf Storm Psychic Sludge Bomb AncientPower Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0121 Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie Expert Belt Expert Belt Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam Modest - - - 255 - 255
0135 Jolteon (Pokémon) Jolteon Razor Fang Razor Fang Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam Modest - - - 255 - 255
0196 Espeon (Pokémon) Espeon Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Morning Sun Modest - - - 255 - 255
0197 Umbreon (Pokémon) Umbreon BrightPowder BrightPowder Payback Trump Card Curse Moonlight Impish - - 255 - 255 -
0448 Lucario (Pokémon) Lucario Expert Belt Expert Belt Aura Sphere Psychic Shadow Ball Dragon Pulse Modest - - - 255 - 255
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Muscle Band Muscle Band Shadow Punch Earthquake Brick Break Rock Slide Adamant - - 255 - 255 -
0462 Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone BrightPowder BrightPowder Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Tri Attack Signal Beam Modest - - 255 255 - -
0466 Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire Shuca Berry Shuca Berry ThunderPunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Earthquake Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Chople Berry Chople Berry Stone Edge Crunch Earthquake Dragon Dance Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Quick Claw Quick Claw Meteor Mash Zen Headbutt Earthquake Explosion Adamant 255 255 - - - -

Roget and Iggy

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Aqua Ring Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Wide Lens Wide Lens ThunderPunch Iron Tail Slam Quick Attack Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Thunder Fang Crunch Roar Thunder Wave Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Thunderbolt Swift Thunder Wave Light Screen Modest - - - 255 - 255
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Ice Beam Ominous Wind Confuse Ray Attract Timid - - - 255 - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius Kasib Berry Kasib Berry Shadow Ball Power Gem Magical Leaf Memento Modest - - - 255 - 255
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Salac Berry Salac Berry Ominous Wind Air Cutter Baton Pass Endure Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Spite Confuse Ray Timid - - - 255 - 255
0181 Ampharos (Pokémon) Ampharos Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Thunderbolt Power Gem Light Screen Thunder Wave Modest - - - 255 255 -
0405 Luxray (Pokémon) Luxray Razor Claw Razor Claw Thunder Fang Crunch Howl Charge Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0135 Jolteon (Pokémon) Jolteon Focus Sash Focus Sash Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Agility Baton Pass Timid - - - 255 - 255
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Iron Ball Iron Ball Shadow Punch Fling Will-O-Wisp Trick Room Brave - 255 255 - - -
0462 Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone Light Clay Light Clay Thunderbolt Mirror Shot Light Screen Reflect Bold - - 255 255 - -
0466 Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire Scope Lens Scope Lens ThunderPunch Cross Chop Thunder Wave Screech Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Lum Berry Lum Berry Dive Confuse Ray Thunder Wave Attract Calm 255 - - - 255 -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Focus Band Focus Band ThunderPunch Focus Punch Sweet Kiss Thunder Wave Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Damp Rock Damp Rock Thunder Hyper Beam Thunder Wave Rain Dance Modest - - - 255 - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode BrightPowder BrightPowder Charge Beam Thunder Wave Flash Swagger Timid - - - 255 - 255
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Focus Band Focus Band Ice Punch Sucker Punch Swagger Psych Up Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius Lum Berry Lum Berry Shadow Ball Confuse Ray Perish Song Mean Look Modest - - - 255 255 -
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Black Sludge Black Sludge Payback Facade Will-O-Wisp Trick Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Life Orb Life Orb Shadow Ball Dream Eater Hypnosis Substitute Modest - - - 255 - 255
0181 Ampharos (Pokémon) Ampharos Cheri Berry Cheri Berry ThunderPunch Fire Punch Focus Punch Thunder Wave Careful - 255 - - 255 -
0405 Luxray (Pokémon) Luxray Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Thunderbolt Signal Beam Thunder Wave Magnet Rise Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0135 Jolteon (Pokémon) Jolteon Razor Claw Razor Claw Discharge Double Kick Dig Thunder Wave Hardy - 255 - 255 - -
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Leftovers Leftovers Curse Pain Split Confuse Ray Attract Careful - - 255 - 255 -
0462 Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone Lum Berry Lum Berry Iron Head Explosion Swagger Psych Up Impish - 255 255 - - -
0466 Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire Wide Lens Wide Lens Thunder DynamicPunch Rock Slide Iron Tail Quirky - 255 - 255 - -
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Hydro Pump Thunder Blizzard Rain Dance Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Thunderbolt Focus Blast Signal Beam Nasty Plot Timid - - - 255 - 255
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Quick Claw Quick Claw Thunder Fang Fire Fang Ice Fang Bite Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Damp Rock Damp Rock Thunder Hyper Beam Magnet Rise Rain Dance Timid - - - 255 - 255
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Expert Belt Expert Belt Ice Beam Thunderbolt Signal Beam Destiny Bond Modest - - - 255 - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Energy Ball Icy Wind Destiny Bond Timid - - - 255 - 255
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Scope Lens Scope Lens Psychic Energy Ball Focus Blast Confuse Ray Modest - - - 255 - 255
0181 Ampharos (Pokémon) Ampharos Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Charge Beam Hyper Beam Thunder Wave Rest Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0405 Luxray (Pokémon) Luxray White Herb White Herb Thunder Fang Ice Fang Superpower Thunder Wave Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0135 Jolteon (Pokémon) Jolteon Lax Incense Lax Incense Thunder Shadow Ball Rain Dance Yawn Timid - - - 255 - 255
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Scope Lens Scope Lens Shadow Punch Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0462 Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Charge Beam Flash Cannon Magnet Rise Thunder Wave Modest - - 255 255 - -
0466 Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Thunderbolt Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam Modest - - - 255 - 255
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Expert Belt Expert Belt Surf Thunderbolt Ice Beam Signal Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu BrightPowder BrightPowder Volt Tackle Return Brick Break Thunder Wave Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric BrightPowder BrightPowder Thunderbolt Flamethrower Signal Beam Swift Timid - - - 255 - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Focus Sash Focus Sash Thunderbolt Signal Beam Explosion Mirror Coat Quirky - - - 255 - 255
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Lax Incense Lax Incense Blizzard Shadow Ball Psychic Hail Modest - - - 255 - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Ball Psychic Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Timid - - - 255 - 255
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Lax Incense Lax Incense Shadow Ball Air Cutter Silver Wind Explosion Docile 255 255 - - - -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Lum Berry Lum Berry Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Modest - - - 255 - 255
0181 Ampharos (Pokémon) Ampharos Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Thunder Focus Blast Signal Beam Power Gem Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0405 Luxray (Pokémon) Luxray Muscle Band Muscle Band Thunder Fang Ice Fang Crunch Thunder Wave Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0135 Jolteon (Pokémon) Jolteon Razor Fang Razor Fang Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam Modest - - - 255 - 255
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Muscle Band Muscle Band Shadow Punch Earthquake Brick Break Rock Slide Adamant - - 255 - 255 -
0462 Magnezone (Pokémon) Magnezone BrightPowder BrightPowder Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Tri Attack Signal Beam Modest - - 255 255 - -
0466 Electivire (Pokémon) Electivire Shuca Berry Shuca Berry ThunderPunch Fire Punch Ice Punch Earthquake Adamant - 255 - - - 255

Battle Frontier Trainers

Ace TrainerAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameraman
CamperClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerFishermanGentleman
GuitaristHikerIdolJoggerLadyLassNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPicnicker
PKMN BreederPKMN RangerPoké KidPokéfanPolicemanPsychicRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientistSocialiteTuber