Chinchou is a small, piscinePokémon with a round, blue body. It has large yellow eyes with pupils shaped like plus signs, a pair of semi-transparent, light blue pectoral fins, and stubby feet. Positioned on Chinchou's rear, where its tail would be, are a pair of antennae that curve up and over its head. The antennae developed from fins and have yellow, teardrop-shaped orbs at the tips.
Inside Chinchou's antennae are electricity-generating cells that create so much electrical power that they even make Chinchou tingle slightly. The orbs on its antennae can glow and light up from the electric current, which Chinchou uses to lure prey. It also flashes its light to communicate with others of its kind and claim territory. By discharging positive and negative electricity from the antennae, it can both defend itself and stun its prey. Chinchou lives on dark ocean floors, rarely ever coming up to the surface. However, it has demonstrated the ability to walk on land in the Pokémon the Series episode Takin' It on the Chinchou.
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire: Chinchou are the main bumpers on the Ruby Field. Hitting a nearby button will change the formation from three floating in place, to three moving around, to just the one moving around. They will occasionally disappear and be replaced by Lotad or Whiscash.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
It shoots positive and negative electricity between the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies. (Pokémon Red, Silver, or Crystal inserted) On the dark ocean floor, its only means of communication is its constantly flashing lights. (Pokémon Blue, Gold, or Yellow inserted)
Chinchou lets loose positive and negative electrical charges from its two antennas to make its prey faint. This Pokémon flashes its electric lights to exchange signals with others.
Chinchou's two antennas are filled with cells that generate strong electricity. This Pokémon's cells create so much electrical power, it even makes itself tingle slightly.
Chinchou lets loose positive and negative electrical charges from its two antennas to make its prey faint. This Pokémon flashes its electric lights to exchange signals with others.
Chinchou's two antennas are filled with cells that generate strong electricity. This Pokémon's cells create so much electrical power, it even makes itself tingle slightly.
Chinchou’s two antennae, which evolved from a fin, can light up from the electricity running through them. It flashes those lights to communicate with others.
Multiple Chinchou made their animated series debut in Takin' It on the Chinchou, all under the ownership of Dayton, with one of them being nicknamed Bright. They were featured as subjects of the Parade of the Chinchou, which celebrated the natural migration of newly-hatched Chinchou from the mountains to the ocean.
Chinchou, the Angler Pokémon, have the ability to conduct electrical currents from their two tentacles, which flow positive from one end and negative from the other. Chinchou can also communicate underwater by flashing its tentacles.
Chinchou debuted in Number One Donphan, where Gold encountered them during his search for his Poliwag. He caught multiple of them to avoid being electrocuted and later released them.
In Teddiursa's Picnic, a Chinchou appeared in its Poké Ball after a wild Granbull had spit out all of the Poké Balls that it stole to get attention on its dislocated jaw. It was later returned to its owner by Wilton afterwards.
Although Chinchou is shown to have the ability to walk on land in the animated series and in the games, it can only be caught in water, and it lacks a footprint.
The vowel sounds in Chinchou's English name are reverse of the vowels in its Japanese name.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.