Gyro Ball (Japanese: ジャイロボール Gyro Ball) is a damage-dealing Steel-type move introduced in Generation IV. It is:

Gyro Ball
ジャイロボール Gyro Ball
Type  Steel
Category  Physical
PP  5 (max. 8)
Power  —
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation IV
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jam  0  
Points double if last to appeal.
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Earns double the score on the final performance.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  1
Jamming  0  
Works better the later it is used in a turn.


Generations IV and V

Gyro Ball inflicts more damage the slower the user is compared to the target. Therefore, the larger the relative difference between the user's and target's Speed stat, the greater the damage. The base power is calculated by the following formula:


The Speed values used in the calculation take all modifiers into account (including stat stages, paralysis, held items such as the Iron Ball, and Abilities such as Slush Rush). Effects that only modify movement order without affecting Speed (such as Trick Room and Stall) have no effect on Gyro Ball.

If the user of Gyro Ball has a Speed stat that rounds down to 0, the stat will be treated as 1 in the power formula, to avoid having to divide by 0.

The maximum base power that can be reached with Gyro Ball is 150, if the target's Speed is at least 5.96 times the user's Speed.

Generation VI onwards

If the user of Gyro Ball has a Speed stat that rounds down to 0, the move's power is set to 1, entirely ignoring the above formula.

Pokémon with Bulletproof are immune to Gyro Ball.


Games Description
DPPtHGSS The user tackles the foe with a high-speed spin. The slower the user, the greater the damage.*
The user tackles the foe from a high-speed spin. The slower the user, the greater the damage.*
PBR The user tackles the foe with a high-speed spin. The slower the user, the greater the damage.
BWB2W2 The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin. The slower the user, the greater the damage.
The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin. The slower the user compared to the target, the greater the move's power.
SV The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin. The slower the user is than the target, the greater the move's power.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0027 Sandshrew Field Field 33 33BW
34 34 36 36 36
0027 Sandshrew
Alolan Form

Field Field 34 36 36
0028 Sandslash Field Field 45 45BW
38 46 46 46
0028 Sandslash
Alolan Form

Field Field 1 Rem.
0039 Jigglypuff
Fairy Fairy 33 37 37XY
35 32 32 32
0040 Wigglytuff
Fairy Fairy 1 1 1
0081 Magnemite
Mineral Mineral 49 54BW
47 16 16 16
0082 Magneton
Mineral Mineral 54 60BW
59 16 16 16
0095 Onix
Mineral Mineral 20 20
0100 Voltorb Mineral Mineral 40 43 43XY
46 46 46
0100 Voltorb
Hisuian Form

Mineral Mineral 46
0101 Electrode Mineral Mineral 46 51 51XY
54 54 54
0101 Electrode
Hisuian Form

Mineral Mineral 54
0109 Koffing Amorphous Amorphous 33 37BW
29 29
0110 Weezing Amorphous Amorphous 29
0120 Staryu Water 3 Water 3 37 37BW
0157 Typhlosion Field Field 1 1 1 1 1 1
0157 Typhlosion
Hisuian Form

Field Field 1
0204 Pineco Bug Bug 39DP
42 42 42 42 42
0205 Forretress
Bug Bug 45DP
50 50 46 46 46
0208 Steelix
Mineral Mineral 20 20
0237 Hitmontop Human-Like Human-Like 42 42 42 42 8 8 8
0241 Miltank Field Field 41 41 41 41
0436 Bronzor
Mineral Mineral 35 35 35 35 16 16 16
0437 Bronzong
Mineral Mineral 38 38BW
36 36 16 16 16
0462 Magnezone
Mineral Mineral 54 60BW
59 16 16 16
0463 Lickilicky Monster Monster 57 61 61 61
0597 Ferroseed
Grass Mineral 21 21 21 45
0598 Ferrothorn
Grass Mineral 21 21 21 49
0781 Dhelmise
Mineral Mineral 14 20
0801 Magearna
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1
0965 Varoom
Mineral Mineral 17
0966 Revavroom
Mineral Mineral 17
0985 Scream Tail
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 77
1024 Terapagos No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 90
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Compatibility
0007 Squirtle Monster Water 1
0008 Wartortle Monster Water 1
0009 Blastoise Monster Water 1
0027 Sandshrew Field Field
0027 Sandshrew
Alolan Form

Field Field
0028 Sandslash Field Field
0028 Sandslash
Alolan Form

Field Field
0039 Jigglypuff
Fairy Fairy
0040 Wigglytuff
Fairy Fairy
0052 Meowth
Galarian Form
Field Field
0074 Geodude
Mineral Mineral
0074 Geodude
Alolan Form

Mineral Mineral
0075 Graveler
Mineral Mineral *
0075 Graveler
Alolan Form

Mineral Mineral
0076 Golem
Mineral Mineral
0076 Golem
Alolan Form

Mineral Mineral
0081 Magnemite
Mineral Mineral
0082 Magneton
Mineral Mineral
0095 Onix
Mineral Mineral
0100 Voltorb Mineral Mineral
0100 Voltorb
Hisuian Form

Mineral Mineral
0101 Electrode Mineral Mineral
0101 Electrode
Hisuian Form

Mineral Mineral
0109 Koffing Amorphous Amorphous
0110 Weezing Amorphous Amorphous
0110 Weezing
Galarian Form

Amorphous Amorphous
0120 Staryu Water 3 Water 3
0121 Starmie
Water 3 Water 3
0138 Omanyte
Water 1 Water 3
0139 Omastar
Water 1 Water 3
0151 Mew No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0157 Typhlosion Field Field
0157 Typhlosion
Hisuian Form

Field Field
0204 Pineco Bug Bug
0205 Forretress
Bug Bug
0206 Dunsparce Field Field
0208 Steelix
Mineral Mineral
0211 Qwilfish
Water 2 Water 2
0211 Qwilfish
Hisuian Form

Water 2 Water 2
0213 Shuckle
Bug Bug
0219 Magcargo
Amorphous Amorphous
0232 Donphan Field Field
0237 Hitmontop Human-Like Human-Like
0241 Miltank Field Field
0302 Sableye
Human-Like Human-Like
0324 Torkoal Field Field
0337 Lunatone
Mineral Mineral
0338 Solrock
Mineral Mineral
0343 Baltoy
Mineral Mineral
0344 Claydol
Mineral Mineral
0362 Glalie Fairy Mineral
0375 Metang
Mineral Mineral
0376 Metagross
Mineral Mineral
0384 Rayquaza
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0413 Wormadam
Trash Cloak

Bug Bug
0425 Drifloon
Amorphous Amorphous
0426 Drifblim
Amorphous Amorphous
0436 Bronzor
Mineral Mineral
0437 Bronzong
Mineral Mineral
0462 Magnezone
Mineral Mineral
0463 Lickilicky Monster Monster
0498 Tepig Field Field
0499 Pignite
Field Field
0500 Emboar
Field Field
0517 Munna Field Field
0518 Musharna Field Field
0527 Woobat
Field Flying
0528 Swoobat
Field Flying
0543 Venipede
Bug Bug
0544 Whirlipede
Bug Bug
0545 Scolipede
Bug Bug
0554 Darumaka Field Field
0554 Darumaka
Galarian Form
Field Field
0555 Darmanitan Field Field
0555 Darmanitan
Galarian Form
Field Field
0577 Solosis Amorphous Amorphous
0578 Duosion Amorphous Amorphous
0579 Reuniclus Amorphous Amorphous
0597 Ferroseed
Grass Mineral
0598 Ferrothorn
Grass Mineral
0622 Golett
Mineral Mineral
0623 Golurk
Mineral Mineral
0650 Chespin Field Field
0651 Quilladin Field Field
0652 Chesnaught
Field Field
0679 Honedge
Mineral Mineral
0680 Doublade
Mineral Mineral
0681 Aegislash
Mineral Mineral
0682 Spritzee Fairy Fairy
0683 Aromatisse Fairy Fairy
0703 Carbink
Fairy Mineral
0705 Sliggoo
Hisuian Form

Dragon Dragon
0706 Goodra
Hisuian Form

Dragon Dragon
0710 Pumpkaboo
All forms

Amorphous Amorphous
0711 Gourgeist
All forms

Amorphous Amorphous
0712 Bergmite Monster Mineral
0713 Avalugg Monster Mineral
0713 Avalugg
Hisuian Form

Monster Mineral
0719 Diancie
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0721 Volcanion
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0766 Passimian Field Field
0774 Minior
All forms

Mineral Mineral
0777 Togedemaru
Field Fairy
0781 Dhelmise
Mineral Mineral
0791 Solgaleo
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0794 Buzzwole
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0797 Celesteela
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0799 Guzzlord
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0800 Necrozma
All available forms
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0801 Magearna
All forms

No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0805 Stakataka
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered USUM
0808 Meltan No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0809 Melmetal No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0819 Skwovet Field Field
0820 Greedent Field Field
0837 Rolycoly Mineral Mineral
0838 Carkol
Mineral Mineral
0839 Coalossal
Mineral Mineral
0842 Appletun
Grass Dragon
0863 Perrserker Field Field
0884 Duraludon
Mineral Dragon
0904 Overqwil
Water 2 Water 2
0965 Varoom
Mineral Mineral
0966 Revavroom
Mineral Mineral
0982 Dudunsparce
All forms
Field Field
0985 Scream Tail
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
0990 Iron Treads
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
1011 Dipplin
Grass Dragon
1018 Archaludon
Mineral Dragon
1019 Hydrapple
Grass Dragon
1024 Terapagos No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Gyro Ball inflicts damage. In the Explorers series, the final damage is doubled if the user is suffering from Half Speed status condition. In Gates to Infinity, the lower the user's Travel Speed is compared to the enemy's, the stronger the move. In Super Mystery Dungeon, the Speed stat is used for damage calculation instead.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDTDS 1 - 12 - 88% - Front Enemy No
BSL 1 - 12 - 88% - Front Enemy No
MDGtI 4 99 20 99 95% 98% Front Enemy No
SMD 4 99 20 99 95% 98% Front Enemy No
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon Conquest

Stars: ★
Power: 18
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Deals more damage the slower the user is compared to the target.
Users: Forretress
Grid assumes the user is in the square marked by > facing to the right, to act as their origin point.
A blue square indicates the user's position after performing the move, if the move changes their positioning at all.
Orange squares indicate spaces that are hit.
Red squares indicate the knockback on hit Pokémon.

Pokémon GO

In Pokémon GO, Gyro Ball is a Charged Attack that has been available since February 16, 2017.

 Gyro Ball
Charged Attack
Gyms & Raids
Power 80
Energy cost 50
Duration 3.3 seconds
Damage window 3 - 3.3 seconds
Trainer Battles
Power 80
Energy cost 60
Secondary effect ?
Effect chance ?%
Eligible Pokémon:
Standard eligibility
Sandshrew (Alolan Form)Sandslash (Alolan Form)JigglypuffMeowth (Galarian Form)VoltorbMewPinecoShuckleHitmontopMiltankBaltoyClaydolGlalieMetangBronzorVenipedeWhirlipedeScolipedeFerroseedChespinQuilladinChesnaughtHonedgeDoubladeAegislashTogedemaruVaroomRevavroom
By Elite Charged TM
By GO Snapshot
As Shadow Pokémon
As Purified Pokémon
Formerly eligible

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Gyro Ball Physical 2 44 52 100% An opponent This attack's power is doubled when the target's Speed is raised. Thorton & Bronzong
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Magnemite
Scottie/Bettie & Magnemite/MagnetonEgg (Support/Tech roles only)


  • Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Its power is doubled if the target's Speed has risen.
  • Description prior to Version 2.20.0 (from April 27, 2022): This move's power is doubled when the target's Speed is raised.

Pokémon Rumble Rush

Gyro Ball
Attack power 89.34513
Charge time 1.46 seconds
Range type Dash
Number of hits 1
Number of projectiles 1
Critical hit rate 1.5%
Additional effect None


Games Description
MDTDS Inflicts damage on the target and double damage on a target if the user has a Half Speed status.
BSL てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる じぶんが どんそくじょうたいだと ダメージが 2ばいになる
Conq. The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin. The slower the user, the greater the damage.
MDGtI It damages an enemy. The slower your Travel Speed than that of the enemy, the greater the damage the move causes.
It damages an enemy. The slower your Speed compared to your enemy's, the greater the damage caused by the move.

In animation

Pokémon animated series




The user tackles the foe with a high-speed spin.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Bronzong Bronzong holds out its arms and white balls of energy appear at the ends of them. Bronzong then spins around quickly and it slams into the opponent.
Lucian's Bronzong An Elite Meet and Greet! Debut
A Coordinator's Bronzong Old Rivals, New Tricks! None
Marcus's Bronzong Arceus and the Jewel of Life None
Lickilicky Lickilicky spins at a high speed and spins into the opponent.
Baron Alberto's Lickilicky The Rise of Darkrai None
Baron Alberto The Rise of Darkrai None
Koffing Koffing spins forward at a fast speed and a purple ring surrounds its body vertically, or Koffing spins around and its body becomes surrounded by a light blue aura. It then spins into the opponent.
Giant's Koffing Tag! We're It...! None
Roxie's Koffing Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 1 None
Bronzor Bronzor spins at a fast speed and three light blue rings surround Bronzor's body. Bronzor then spins into the opponent, hitting the opponent with the top of its head.
Byron's Bronzor Dealing With Defensive Types! None
Glalie Two light blue orbs appear at the end of Glalie's horns and it spins around quickly, slamming into the opponent.
A Pokémon Poacher's Glalie The Drifting Snorunt! None
Metagross Metagross pulls its arms back and light blue orbs appear at the end of its four claws. Metagross then spins rapidly and slams into the opponent.
A wild Metagross Noodles! Roamin' Off! None
Jigglypuff Light blue orbs appear at the end of Jigglypuff's hands, and its body becomes surrounded by light blue sparkles. Jigglypuff then begins to spin rapidly and slams into the opponent.
Ursula's Jigglypuff Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn! None
Baltoy Two light blue orbs appear at the end of Baltoy's arms and it spins rapidly. It then repeatedly floats into the opponent.
Buck's Baltoy Bucking the Treasure Trend! None
Shuckle Shuckle pulls its head into its shell and its arms and legs glow light blue. It then spins its body rapidly and can float into the air. It then spins into the opponent.
Conway's Shuckle Working on a Right Move! None
Golurk Golurk flies towards the opponent and holds its arms out like a 'T'. It then starts to spin its body and a line of bright orange energy appears over its fists, and Golurk flies into the opponent.
Juanita's Golurk Black—Victini and Reshiram None
An illusionary Golurk An Epic Defense Force! None
Golett Golett's arms and legs glow light blue and it pulls its head and limbs into its body. It then starts spinning around in the air, then floats down and rolls into the opponent.
Luke's Golett The Club Battle Finale: A Heroes Outcome! None
Magnezone Mangezone's magnets glow light blue, and it starts spinning around rapidly. It then spins into the opponent.
Barret's Magnezone Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry! None
Spritzee Spritzee spins around rapidly into the opponent. While spinning, a light pink aura shines around it.
Valerie's Spritzee Fairy-Type Trickery! None
Avalugg Avalugg spins in a fast counter-clockwise motion. As it spins, a light-blue aura surrounds it, with a bright white light running horizontally across the light-blue aura surrounding Avalugg.
Wulfric's Avalugg All Hail the Ice Battlefield! None
Glalie Four light blue orbs appear at the end of each of Mega Glalie's horns and it spins around quickly, causing two blue rings to form around its body, and slams into the opponent.
Levi's Glalie Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel None
Geodude Geodude's hands glow light blue and it spins around fast, with a light-blue ring surrounding it. It then spins into the opponent.
Brock's Geodude When Regions Collide! None
Steelix Some of Steelix's spikes glow light blue and spin around fast, with a light-blue ring surrounding Steelix.
Brock's Steelix When Regions Collide! None
Hitmontop Hitmontop jumps up and spins on his head. He then spins into the opponent.
Bea's Hitmontop Octo-Gridlock at the Gym! None
Chesnaught The spikes on Chesnaught's back glow light-green it spins around fast, with a light-green ring surrounding it. It then spins into the opponent.
Alain's Chesnaught Curtain Up! Fight the Fights! None

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Side series games


  • In Pokémon Conquest, Gyro Ball will always do 1 damage if the user is faster than the target. This happens due to how the move's damage is calculated: the target's Speed stat is divided by the user's, and this quotient is rounded down to use as a damage multiplier. A faster user than the target will give a multiplier of 0, causing the move's damage to become 0, finally adjusted to a minimum of 1.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 陀螺球 Tòhlòh Kàuh *
迴轉球 Wùihjyún Kàuh *
螺旋波 Lòhsyùhn Bō *
Mandarin 陀螺球 Tuóluó Qiú *
迴轉球 Huízhuǎn Qiú *
Czech Gyroskop
Dutch Gyrobal
French Gyroballe
German Gyroball
Greek Περιστρόσφαιρα
Indonesian Gyro Ball
Italian Vortexpalla
Korean 자이로볼 Jairobol
Polish Żyroskop
Portuguese Girobola
Romanian Gyro Ball
Russian Гирошар Giroshar
Serbian Žiro lopta
Spanish Latin America Giro Bola (DP035DP185, BW119, SM043–present)
Gira Bola (DP108, BW042XY122, JN039)
Bola de Giro (DP050)
Spain Giro Bola
Thai ไจโรบอล
Turkish Gyro Ball
Vietnamese Quả Cầu Quay

Variations of the move Gyro Ball
Gyro Ball
Electro Ball

Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs
Generation VII TMs
Generation VIII TMs
Generation VIII TRs (SwSh)
Generation IX TMs
Added in SV 2.0.1
Added in SV 3.0.0

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.