Metagross floating and carrying passengers on its back
Metagross is a massive, robotic Pokémon with a turquoise, disc-shaped body, and four legs. The main body appears to serve as both head and body, and this Pokémon's overall construction gives it the appearance of a mechanized arachnid. It uses its heavy body to pin down its prey before consuming them with its large mouth. A large, metallic cross is situated in the center of its face. On either side of the cross, a red eye peers out from a space in Metagross's metallic armor. Its four legs are joined to the main body by ball-and-socket joints. While the upper portion of the legs is relatively thin, they are considerably thicker below the knee. Each leg has three short claws on the end and a flat, blunt protrusion extending over the knee. The legs can be tucked in, allowing Metagross to float in the air.
Metagross is the result of two Metang fusing together. This gives Metagross four brains in total, all connected by a complex network of neurons. Because of these complex connections and the number of brains, this Pokémon is capable of performing complex calculations and is more intelligent than a supercomputer. It is imbued with psychic powers and uses its intelligence to analyze its opponents during battle. Metagross uses its fantastic strength to pin down a victim using its four claws and body. This allows Metagross to use its large mouth and teeth to chew its victim to pieces. This Pokémon can be found on rough terrains. Metagross can also be found living in snowy mountains as their magnetic powers become stronger in freezing temperatures.
As Mega Metagross, it constantly floats, and its legs become arms. It also gains four legs on the back of its head. The cross on its face turns pale gold, and it gains two small holes and a spike immediately below the cross, giving the impression of a goatee.
Mega Metagross achieves its form by linking up a Metagross, a Metang, and two Beldum together. Its multiple brains process information simultaneously, enabling it to calmly assess the tide of a battle and defeat its opponent with accuracy. Mega Metagross also uses the psychic power inside its body to launch powerful attacks. Its claws are hard as steel and can easily smash even large chunks of rocks. Because Mega Evolution stimulates its multiple brains and increases its intelligence, Mega Metagross becomes a ruthless combatant that will clutch at victory by absolutely any means, no matter how horrifyingly cruel. If victory is deemed impossible, Metagross will attempt to dig its claws into its opponent and prepare to explode.
Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs.
Metagross is the result of two Metang achieving fusion. When hunting, this Pokémon pins the prey to the ground under its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using the large mouth on its stomach.
Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs.
Metagross is the result of two Metang achieving fusion. When hunting, this Pokémon pins the prey to the ground under its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using the large mouth on its stomach.
In Regaining the Home Advantage!, a wild Metagross battled nonstop with a Magnezone. These two Pokémon normally battled with each other on a regular basis until their "battle arena", a deep crater, became filled with water. Since their crater was no longer usable, they took their battle to the streets of a nearby town, causing a lot of collateral damage.
Steven owns a Metagross, who first appeared in Blowing Past Nosepass II. It carries him from place to place with its levitation abilities. He also owns a Metang and many Beldum, which, along with his Metagross, help dig out and find rare stones in caves. In the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc, it was revealed to have gained the ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Metagross with Steven's Mega Stickpin.
Upon its release from its Poké Ball, it will stay in one place and repeatedly use Earthquake. Anyone caught underneath the Pokémon will be buried into the ground and thus unable to move for a few moments, until Metagross uses its attack and all the hit characters are blasted upwards.
Metagross was featured as one of the Pokémon released from a Poké Ball in the demo of Super Smash Bros. Brawl at Jumpfesta; however, it hovered above the stage before attacking, unlike in the actual game.
Trophy information
"An Iron Leg Pokémon. When two Beldum combine, they evolve into Metang. In the same way, Metagross is the result of two Metang combining. It's said to have the intelligence to match a supercomputer. Though it weighs 1,212.5 pounds, it is somehow able to fold up its legs and float."
Metagross reappears as a Poké Ball summon in these games, working the same as in Brawl.
Metagross trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Metagross also appears as a trophy in both versions of the game.
Trophy information
NA: A hulking Steel/Psychic Pokémon, Metagross weighs in at around 1,212.5 lb. Even Snorlax isn't that heavy! It uses Earthquake by stomping its powerful legs on the ground, sending nearby fighters flying and burying those who come too close. You'll be safe in the air, so use careful timing to stay that way.
PAL: A Steel- and Psychic-type Pokémon known as the Iron Leg Pokémon. At 550kg in weight, it's heavier than your average Snorlax. When its Earthquake hits, you'd better hope you're far away (or at least in mid-air), because the tremors can launch anybody on the ground. And watch out for its legs! They can stomp you right into the ground!
Metagross is playable through obtaining a Unite License. It is a melee all-rounder that starts as Beldum and evolves into Metang at level 5, which evolves into Metagross at level 9.
Metagross and its pre-evolved forms all share both their standard and Hidden Abilities with Registeel.
Mega Metagross is the heaviest Mega Evolved Pokémon.
At the time of its introduction, Metagross was the only fully evolved pseudo-Legendary Pokémon to not possess a 4 times weakness to any type.
Metagross is also the only pseudo-Legendary Pokémon that, in its debut generation, had no members of its evolutionary line able to be encountered in the wild.
Metagross appears to be based on a robot. It also appears to be based on a supercomputer, given its mechanical structure and sheer intelligence, and a spider. Additionally, it is reminiscent of a UFO and a lander. Metagross's face may draw inspiration from the largest gear of the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient analog computer.
Name origin
Metagross may be a combination of metal and cross (referring to its facial feature), gross (referring to its weight of 1212 lbs., as a gross is 12×12), or groß (German for large).
In other languages
メタグロス Metagross
From metal and cross, gross (referring to its weight of 1212 lbs.), or groß
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.