This article or section may contain obsolete information, but exists here for historical purposes.
Spirit Stone was an epic item in League of Legends.
Builds Into
Similar items
Patch History
- Removed.
- Item Removed from Howling Abyss.
- Combined cost reduced to 15g from 40g.
- Total cost unchanged.
- No longer builds into .
- Health restored reduced to 6% of damage dealt to monsters, from 8%.
- Mana restored reduced to 3% of damage dealt to monsters, from 4%.
- Health and mana restored no longer halved for area of effect spells.
- Health regen removed.
- Mana regen removed.
- Maim (passive) removed.
- Revised Passive - Butcher: You deal 20% bonus damage to monsters. Additionally, you restore 8% of your damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (halved for area of effect abilities).
- V3.14 - November 26th Hotfix
- Maim: On-hit healing increased to 5 from 3.
- Revised Passive - Maim: Basic attacks against monsters deal 10 bonus magic damage and restore 3 health.
- New Unique Passive - Maim: Basic attacks against monsters deal 10 bonus magic damage.
- Removed Unique Passive - Rend: Basic attacks against monsters deal 10 bonus true damage.
- Enabled on Twisted Treeline
- Enabled on Howling Abyss
- Item cost reduced to 700g from 800g.
- Combine cost reduced to 40g from 140g.
V1.0.0.152: Added
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Arena Prismatic items
- Arena Anvil items
- Arena exclusive items
- Removed items