Hero Killer Wiki

Midday Blast is the Gift used by Highnoon. It allows her to inflict any kind of damage reflected by shooting herself with her pistol produced through her Gift.


Highnoon’s Gift allows her to create and summon a yellowish-golden blaster-like gun using her EST. She can then fire bullets that are entirely under her control, enabling her to manipulate their trajectory with precision.[1]

The most defining trait of the Gift is its ability to reflect any damage inflicted upon Highnoon back to her opponents. This effect is triggered when a bullet from Midday Blast strikes a target, establishing a "link" between Highnoon and the opponent. Once linked, any harm she sustains is instantly redirected to the connected target, forcing them to experience the damage in her place.[2]

Midday Blast also appears to possess a secondary ability of immense regeneration, allowing Highnoon to rapidly repair any damage inflicted on her while the Gift is active.


Highnoon is a cunning and unpredictable fighter, and her Gift perfectly reflects her deceptive nature. While she lacks proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, she compensates by using her abilities strategically, allowing her to hold her own against physically stronger opponents.

By skillfully linking her bullets to her targets, she forces enemies to hesitate, knowing that any harm inflicted upon her will be reflected back at them. Her Gift also serves as an effective deterrent against opponents with a clear advantage over her.[3] This psychological edge makes her an exceptionally dangerous combatant despite her lack of direct combat strength.[4]


The Gift is primarily effective against one-on-one opponents, limiting its versatility in battle situations against multiple opponents. It is suggested that it can only target one person as a time.

The Gift was also shown to be render inactive when facing its ability as Hero Killer was able to take advantage of Midday Blast during her punishment against Highnoon.[5]


  • A close up of the Gift's bullet was shown to be decorative with a sun emblem.[6]


  1. Hero Killer Episode 78
  2. Hero Killer Episode 82
  3. Hero Killer Episode 78
  4. Hero Killer Episode 165
  5. Hero Killer Episode 86
  6. Hero Killer Episode 164


Physicality Acid TongueAppearance ChangeAvatar of PlunderingBestial CuffsCookie CrunchGambler’s RiskForget Me NotInvisibilityIntangibilityMercury BodyPilgrimage of PerseverancePoint Blank FireReaper of the SensesWeapon Creation
Materialization Ancient PowerA Beautiful DreamBattle ModeBarrier ManifestationBlade of Ire - Avaarian WrathBlood ManipulationBridle of SilenceClay DollsCorrosionCzerkenar, King of SteedsCurse of the MummyDeafening VoiceThe Fiend of the RuinedFull RepairIllusionsElectrokinesisEnergy SpiralGaniuuk by the God of BattleGolden Time ExplosionGolden EnforcerGlass BaptismHall of Astral PainHealingHellKiller's TimeKiwi DollLightning EmperorMad WarmongerMetallicaMidday BlastPortal CreationPyrokinesisRain DanceRegretful ConfessionRune HammerSnakeheart SwordSmokeThreadsVerdancyWraps
Unnamed Gifts