Hero Killer Wiki

Electrokinesis is the Gift used by Jade. It allowed him to generate electricity that could increase his speed.


The Gift granted the ability to generate and control electricity, enhancing the user's speed and strength in the process.


Jade primarily used his Gift to amplify the speed and power of his punches, allowing him to overwhelm opponents with sheer force.[1]

In Hero Killer's case, she initially used the Gift to boost her speed. However, as she became more proficient, she was able to combine it with her Weapon Creation ability, delivering devastating damage to both her enemies and the environment.


The Gift was highly taxing on EST, making its use costly draining.


Image Name Description
Jade and Grayman's Combination - Thunder Blossom Hero Killer combines the swiftness of the Gift with Grayman's Weapon Creation to create a "flower" inside an opponent to unleashes a torrent of electrified blades with hues of color. She first used this technique in her fight with the Punisher.[2]


  • When first used by Jade and later Hero Killer the electricity generated was blue in appearance but when it Hero Killer went through her first Breakthrough the Gift's color changed to red.


  1. Hero Killer Episode 1
  2. Hero Killer Episode 116


Physicality Acid TongueAppearance ChangeAvatar of PlunderingBestial CuffsCookie CrunchGambler’s RiskForget Me NotInvisibilityIntangibilityMercury BodyPilgrimage of PerseverancePoint Blank FireReaper of the SensesWeapon Creation
Materialization Ancient PowerA Beautiful DreamBattle ModeBarrier ManifestationBlade of Ire - Avaarian WrathBlood ManipulationBridle of SilenceClay DollsCorrosionCzerkenar, King of SteedsCurse of the MummyDeafening VoiceThe Fiend of the RuinedFull RepairIllusionsElectrokinesisEnergy SpiralGaniuuk by the God of BattleGolden Time ExplosionGolden EnforcerGlass BaptismHall of Astral PainHealingHellKiller's TimeKiwi DollLightning EmperorMad WarmongerMetallicaMidday BlastPortal CreationPyrokinesisRain DanceRegretful ConfessionRune HammerSnakeheart SwordSmokeThreadsVerdancyWraps
Unnamed Gifts