A certain man, also known as the Sorcerer, is a minor character in the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. He is a Myrish magic practitioner who made Varys into a eunuch. His name was not given.
In the television series, he was portrayed by Harold James McMullan.
What Makes Him Hated?[]
- He mutilated Varys as a child for the purposes of a spell and according to Varys gave him a potion to drink that prevented him from moving but did not harm his senses, so he witnessed this horror.
- He threw Varys's organs into a furnace to hear a voice answer him.
- He then threw Varys to his fate.
- Although Varys managed to capture him and lock him in a box, he has no tragedy due to his cruelty towards him.
External links[]
- Sorcerer on the Villains Wiki.
- Sorcerer on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki
- Sorcerer on the Game of Thrones Wiki.
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Animated Features Live-Action Features Animated Television Live-Action Television Video Games Fanon See Also |
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Both Continuities: Novels Only: Television Series Only: Telltale Game: Fanon: