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Viserys Targaryen was the son of the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen. He was exiled from the Seven Kingdoms along with his sister, Daenerys Targaryen. He is a major antagonist in A Song of Ice and Fire and its television adaptation, Game of Thrones.

What makes him Hated?[]

  • He is overall a horrible brother to his sister Daenerys, as he constantly abuses and isn’t at all above inflicting physical harm on her.
  • He gave Doreah for Daenerys only to spy against her. When Doreah didn't understood his intention however, he threatened her and made it clear to his sister that he was supposed to send her head.
  • He told Daenerys that he would make her a prostitute to the Dothraki, if it could help him reclaim the Iron Throne.
  • He was egotistical and arrogant and felt that everyone should listen to what he said because he was going to claim the Iron Throne.
  • He tried to steal his sister's dragon eggs gifted to her from Magister Illyrio, in order to sell them far away.
  • He explicitly teased Jorah for relationship with Daenerys and later pulled a weapon on him so he wouldn't stop his actions.
  • He provoked Daenerys by threatening the life of her unborn child leading her to throw aside any restraint against him and let her husband Drogo execute him. Before having molten crown poured on his head, Viserys plead for life in a cowardly attempt to take back what he really meant in order to live.
  • He lacked empathy and did not care about his sister or anyone but himself (although he once did, when he was a child).
  • While his behavior is sometimes a bit comedic, it just serves to show how much of a man child he is.

External Links[]


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Both Continuities:
Amory Lorch | Craster | Gregor Clegane | Janos Slynt | Kraznys mo Nakloz | Mero | Polliver | Pycelle | Ramsay Bolton | Rorge | Sorcerer | The Tickler | Viserys Targaryen | Walder Frey

Novels Only:
Alliser Thorne | Arnolf Karstark | Axell Florent | Boros Blount | Brave Companions | Chett | Clayton Suggs | Dalton Greyjoy | Ellyn Reyne | Edwyn Frey | Little Walder Frey | Mago | Marillion | Mountain's Men | Rossart | Rafford | Ryman Frey | Shagwell | Vargo Hoat | Maegor I Targaryen

Television Series Only:
Aerys II Targaryen | Balon Greyjoy | Biter | Black Walder Rivers | Brant | Derek | Euron Greyjoy | Belicho Paenymion | Craghas Drahar | Dagmer Cleftjaw | Greizhen mo Ullhor | Joffrey Baratheon | Karl Tanner | Lem Lemoncloak | Locke | Lothar Frey | Lowell | Master Torturer | Meryn Trant | Myranda | Rast | Septa Unella | Smalljon Umber | Razdal mo Eraz | The Waif | Tom | Weasel | Xaro Xhoan Daxos

Telltale Game:
Britt Warrick | Gryff Whitehill | Ludd Whitehill

Ramsay Snow (Our Blades Are Sharp) | Ser Willem Bootle (Robb Returns) | Edwyn Dickon (Robb Returns) | Aegon Targaryen (The Saddest Love Story In Westeros)

Gregor Clegane (Patroni In Winterfell)
