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The Nairobi Peace Conference is an event of the Cosmic Era, that officially ended the First Alliance-PLANT War.


Following the end of the First Alliance-PLANT War, Patrick Zala's radical faction had been removed from power over PLANT. Eileen Canaver, a member of Siegel Clyne's moderate faction had taken the position of acting Chairman of the PLANT Supreme Council, and had formally issued a request for negotiations with the Earth Alliance.

The Conference[]

The peace negotiations were conducted at the city of Nairobi in Eastern Africa. In addition to the two sides terms of peace, it was decided that all territory and nations that the Earth Alliance and ZAFT had forcibly acquired were to returned to their pre-war controllers, with the exception of Carpentaria Base and Gibraltar Base.

Foreign Minister Lindemann of the neutral Kingdom of Scandinavia advocated that strict limits be placed on the number of ships, mobile suits, and mobile armors that each side could maintain. The armament limits imposed on each nation were to be proportional to national resources such as population and economic output, thus placing the PLANTs at a substantial military disadvantage.

After the two sides finalized terms for peace and accepted the limits placed on them, the final treaty was signed at the remains of Junius Seven, and the treaty itself becomes known as the Junius Treaty. A black marble monument was placed upon the ruins of Junius Seven to both honor those who perished in the Bloody Valentine Incident and as a pledge by the signatories of the treaty to protect peace.



Notes & Trivia[]


Television Series
OVAs and ONAs

