The Destroy Crisis is a series of conflicts during the Second Alliance-PLANT War, featured in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny.
Following the "Break The World" Incident, Logos leader Lord Djibril, through Atlantic Federation President Joseph Copeland, demanded ZAFT to stand down and be disarmed or be destroyed when evidence showed up that Coordinators were behind the dropping of Junius Seven. Despite PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal begging for calm, OMNI Enforcer forces attacked Aprilius One for the first time since the First Alliance-PLANT War, the Battle of Aprilius One, a battle that proved to be a humiliating loss towards the Earth Alliance.[1]
In response, the Earth Alliance began to subjugate and strong arm the various nations of the Earth into joining them, including the usually-staunchly neutral Orb Union.[2] In response, ZAFT began a campaign of liberation, seeking to free those imprisoned by the Earth Alliance. This lead to ZAFT's popularity on Earth and by Naturals to start growing.[3]
At the same time, a third party began to enter the fray: the Archangel Corps. Following the failed Assassination Attempt of Lacus Clyne,[4] the former Earth Alliance turn Three Ships Alliance members decided to intervene in the growing war to prevent casualties and stop the war from escalating.[5][6][7]
With ZAFT's growing popularity and the actions of the Archangel Corps, Lord Djibril decided that the world needed to see what would happen when they sided with ZAFT. To this end, the Hannibal-class land battleship Bonaparte delivered the GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam to Neo Roanoke's Phantom Pain team. A ZAFT attempt to stop the battleship ended in failure and the gigantic Mobile Suit was delivered and given to Extended Stella Loussier with the express purpose of going on a rampage throughout the Eurasian Federation.[8]
The Crisis[]
Attack on three Eurasian Cities[]
The Destroy, flanked by a GAT-04+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Windam piloted by Neo and the ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam, piloted by Sting Oakley, were confronted by a fleet of ZAFT suits, lead by a Compton-class and flanked by numerous AMA-953 BABI, AMRF-101C AWACS DINN, TFA-4DE GAZuOOT and TMF/A-802 BuCUE, who attacked it en masse. However, the Destroy's Positron Reflector was able to deflect the shots before she returned fire with its "Aufprall Dreizehn" High-energy Beam Cannon, ravaging the first city in its wake.[8]
Two more cities were ravaged soon after. Despite ZAFT's superior numbers, the Destroy's incredible weaponry and superior defenses made it impossible to even threaten, allowing the massive Mobile Suit to slaughter soldier and civilian indiscriminately. By the third attack on cities, both the Archangel and the LHM-BB01 Minerva had been contacted by Terminal and ZAFT respectively to warn them of this and confront the Mobile Suit.[8]
Battle of Berlin[]
The Crisis proved to be an unmitigated disaster for the Earth Alliance. What was supposed to be a campaign of fear to rein Naturals back from supporting ZAFT instead infuriated them further. Durandal further stoked those flames by revealing the existence of Logos, revealing them to be the ones behind this war and the last.[9] These revelations would soon turn people against Logos and ultimately hunt them down.[10]
Notes & Trivia[]
- Television Series
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
- PHASE-31, The Endless Night
- First Appearance
- PHASE-32, Stella
- Conclusion
- PHASE-31, The Endless Night
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-09, Bared Fangs
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-15, Return to the Battlefield
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-18, Attack the Lohengrin!
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-13, Resurrected Wings
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-14, Flight to Tomorrow
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-23, The Shadows of War
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-28, Survivors and Sacrifices
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-31, The Endless Night
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-33, The World Revealed
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny PHASE-35, Eve of Chaos
Cosmic Era Conflicts and Events | |
Pre C.E. - C.E. 9 | |
Reconstruction War | |
C.E. 15 | |
Coordinator Revelation | Jupiter Exploration Mission | |
C.E. 30’s - C.E. 50 | |
Coordinator Boom | |
C.E. 50’s - C.E. 60’s | |
Assassination of George Glenn | Flaga Estate Burning | Blue Cosmos Attack on Mendel | |
C.E. 60’s - C.E. 69 | |
Mandelbrot Incident | Attack on the Junius Colonies | Mendel Accident | |
C.E. 70 | |
First Alliance-PLANT War Tragedy of Copernicus | Bloody Valentine Incident | Invasion of South America | Battle of Yggdrasil | First Battle of Victoria | Operation Uroboros | Battle of Carpentaria | Battle of Coral Sea | First Battle of Jachin Due | Grimaldi Front (Battle of Endymion Crater) | First Battle of Casablanca | Battle of El Alamein | Battle of Nova | First Nova Recapture Operation | October Talks | |
Unrelated Conflicts First Attack on the Graveyard | |
C.E. 71 | |
First Alliance-PLANT War Battle of Kaohsiung | Battle of Heliopolis | Skirmish near Artemis | Battle of Artemis | Second Nova Recapture Operation | Clash at Junius Seven | Skirmish in the Debris Belt | Battle near Junius Seven | Skirmish in the North African Desert | Skirmish towards Earth | Battle of Orbit | Second Battle of Victoria | Blue Cosmos Attack on PLANT | Desert Dawn Campaign (Attack on the Archangel | Attack on Tassil | Retaliation of the Desert Dawn | Blue Cosmos Attack in Banadiya | Battle of Talbadiya) | First Equatorial Skirmish | Second Equatorial Skirmish | Skirmish on an Uninhabited Island | Strait of Malacca Breakthrough | First Battle near Orb | Orb Infiltration Mission | Second Battle near Orb | Battle of the Marshall Islands | Theft of the Freedom Gundam | Operation Spitbreak | Shoot Out at White Symphony | Mission to Recapture the Freedom Gundam | Battle of Porta Panama | Battle of Orb | Assassination of Siegel Clyne | Third Battle of Victoria | Attack on a ZAFT Fleet | Theft of the Eternal | Battle of Mendel | Second Battle of Casablanca | Operation 8.8 (Ayers Rock Landing Operation) | Operation Elvis (Battle of Boaz | Second Battle of Jachin Due) | |
South American War for Independence Attack on South American Forces Base 12 | Duel at the South American Shore | Battle in the USSA Neutral Zone | Ambush in Low Orbit | |
Unrelated Conflicts Campaign on the ZAFT Supply Route (Attack on a ZAFT Supply Station | Battle at ZAFT Supply Station 4) | Skirmish at Heliopolis | Pirate Attack on the H.O.M.E. | Recapture of Artemis | Skirmish at Artemis | Second Attack on the Graveyard | Actaeon Hostage Incident | Skirmish at Liteiria | Barnacle Incident | First Attack by the Gundam Astray Gold Frame | First Attack on the Lesseps | Second Attack on the Lesseps | Confrontation in the Deep Sea | Infiltration of the Lesseps | First Battle of the Giga-Float | Second Battle of the Giga-Float | Battle of Ame-No-Mihashira | Battle of the Gundam Astrays | Third Attack on the Graveyard | Find Kira Yamato Operation | Skirmish at Mendel | Raid on the Dreadnaught Gundam’s Transport | Attack on the Serpent Tail Transport | First Attack on the Re.H.O.M.E. | Attack on Supply Station 15B | Escape from Artemis | Assault on Ptolemaeus Port Seven | Attack on the Ortygia | Attack on Ame-No-Mihashira | Battle at the Abandon Colony Zone | Battle at the Mobile Suit Auction | Clash at Mendel | Second Attack on the Re.H.O.M.E. | Assault on the Sahaku Force | Erudou Breakthrough | Third Attack on the Re.H.O.M.E. | First Battle of GENESIS Alpha | First Attack on GENESIS Alpha | |
C.E. 72 | |
First Alliance-PLANT War Nairobi Peace Conference (Attack on the Junius Treaty Ceremony) | |
South American War for Independence Battle for South America | |
Unrelated Conflicts Battle of the Blue Cosmos Asteroid Factory | |
C.E. 73 | |
Second Alliance-PLANT War Attack on Armory One | Battle of the Debris Belt | "Break The World" Incident | Battle of Aprilius One | Operation Spear of Twilight | Ambush of the Minerva | Assassination Attempt of Lacus Clyne | Kidnapping of Orb's Chief Representative | Battle of the Indian Ocean | Attack on Lohengrin Gate | Battle of Gulnahan | Battle in Lunar Orbit | Battle of Dardanelles | Skirmish at Lodonia Lab | Lacus Clyne Shuttle Hijacking | Battle of Crete | |
Unrelated Conflicts Second Attack on GENESIS Alpha | Third Attack on GENESIS Alpha | Second Battle of Genesis Alpha | Attack on Ed the Ripper’s Shuttle |Attack in Fortaleza | Attack on Kirgitz | Declaration of the Sky | Attack on The Clan Space Station | Assault on the Coordinator Refugee Camp | |
C.E. 74 | |
Second Alliance-PLANT War Minerva Breakout | Attack on the Bonaparte | Destroy Crisis (First Attack on Eurasia | Second Attack on Eurasia | Third Attack on Eurasia | Battle of Berlin) | Campaign Against Logos | Operation Angel Down | Desertion of Athrun Zala and Meyrin Hawke | Operation Ragnarök | Eternal Chase | Operation Fury | Battle of Requiem Station Gounod | Battle of Daedalus | Assassination Attempt in Copernicus City | Proclamation of the Destiny Plan | Attack on Requiem Station One | Battle of Messiah | |
Unrelated Conflicts Attack on Toroya Station | Foundation Shock | Freedom Hijacking Incident | |
C.E. 75 | |
Blue Cosmos Campaign Battle of Aldrin City | |
Foundation Conflict Eldore Incident | Moscow Tragedy | PLANT Coup d'état | Millennium Hijacking | Lacus Clyne Rescue Operation | Battle of Requiem |