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Saji Crossroad (沙慈・クロスロード Saji Kurosurōdo?) is a character that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Saji is the next door neighbor to Setsuna F. Seiei in Japan, boyfriend to exchange student Louise Halevy, and younger brother to JNN reporter Kinue Crossroad. Saji's life is forever changed since the appearance of Celestial Being and Gundams. In Season 2 he is taken in by Celestial Being and became the pilot of GNR-010 0 Raiser. After the defeat of A-Laws and Innovators, Saji returned to civilian life and worked at the HRL Orbital Elevator in Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A wakening of the Trailblazer.

Personality & Character[]

Saji is overall innocent, naive, a pushover, and a kind-hearted person. Normally, he finds it easy to reach out to people and he is easily liked for his kindness and consideration. Saji could symphatize with people in need, especially those occupied with sadness and grief, and would try in his power to help them whenever he can. However, when in dire situations himself, Saji is mostly laid back and usually just goes with the flow, to the dismay of his sister, Kinue Crossroad. Saji is also diligent student and a hard-worker.

In Season 1, Saji was young student living a normal life and content with his own reality until the arrival of Celestial Being. Celestial Being was of intrigue and curiosity for Saji as its armed operations were always at the center of topic in his studies and everyday conversations. Kinue was a reporter for JNN and was curious about Aeolia Schenberg's motive for creating Celestial Being. His girlfriend Louise Halevy was an exchange student from Spain, whose mother was constantly worried for her safety due to the terror acts brought about by Celestial Being's operations. While Celestial Being's true motives were not clear, Saji learned of the conflicts around the world and saw how tragedies affected those who were caught in the crossfires.

Unfortunately, tragedies would also befall him in part-connection to Celestial Being. During vacation, Louise was caught in an unprovoked attack by GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei which resulted in her injuries and the death of her entire clan. It was at that time he was pushed away by Louise due to the pain and guilt she was suffering as a lone survivor. It was not long after that Saji then learned of Kinue's death while she was doing a covert investigation on Aeolia Schenberg. Because of these tragic losses that anger and hatred began residing within Saji when it came to Celestial Being. He blamed them not only for his tragedy but also for the twistedness and conflicts they brought around the world.

After Celestial Being's demise, Saji tried to bring back his past normal life, away from the world's unrest and troubles. He pursued a life as a space engineer to fulfill a promise to Louise of seeing each other again in space. In Season 2, four years later, his blissful life suddenly fell apart when the A-Laws falsely identified him as a member of terrorist Katharon. He barely escaped execution by the help of Gundam Meister Setsuna F. Seiei, but he still chose to hide from reality and accused Celestial Being of attempting to put his world back into chaos once again. His escapism eventually culminated to the tragic events of the Katharon massacre. His statement to the ESF Forces, in an attempt to return to his normal life, led to the death of many people by the A-Laws' automatons. The consequence of his actions deeply affected Saji and woke him up to the horrors of current world.

While under Celestial Being's protection, Saji reluctantly gave limited help aboard the CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2. He sympathized with their goal of stopping the A-Laws, but he could not sit well with the idea of fighting, with killing people as a consequence. During the Battle in Lagrange 3, he was reunited with Louise Halevy, who became the pilot of A-Laws GNX-704T/SP Ahead Smultron. Saji was shocked by the revelation and at first blamed Setsuna and Celestial Being for what happened to Louise. However, it was after witnessing the pain of loss and understanding Louise's grief that Saji eventually decided to set his hatred aside and set his sights on the future. Taking on the responsibility of co-piloting 00 Raiser with Setsuna, Saji joined the battlefield to reach out to Louise and save her from the chains of revenge and tragedy.

In A wakening of the Trailblazer, Saji returned to normal life with Louise. During the ELS invasion, Saji decided to help out by lending his skill as a space engineer while the battle was going on. While he maintained a pacifist stance, Saji is no longer blind to the truths of the world and is more than willing to do what he can to protect those who he cared about.

Skills & Abilities[]

During AD 2307, Saji was a regular high school student, learning the ways of aerospace engineering in between making a living as a pizza boy; Saji is capable of making pizza and basic level engineering. By AD 2312, Saji becomes a C-class aerospace engineer; it can be assumed that his skills have increased vastly since working in space-engineering. When he joined CB, Saji may have increased his skills as he assisted Ian Vashti in system repairs to the Gundams and Ptolemy II; it's unclear whether he learned to troubleshoot a GN Drive. After multiple missions with Setsuna, Saji became a competent fighter pilot with CB's support craft 0 Raiser. When piloting the 0 Raiser, Saji served as an extra pair of eyes with sensors and technician to calibrate systems for the Raiser System. After leaving CB, Saji becomes a B-class space engineer, taking a job at the Orbital Elevator to tend to Louise and later joining Earth's defense forces at the elevator.


Early Days[]

He and his big sister, Kinue, had been orphaned prior to the start of the series. Saji and his big sister somehow survived together without being separated and found a place to live together in Japan.

At the start of the series, Saji studies at an aerospace engineering high school. While attending school, he continued to make ends meet with a delivery job at a pizza parlor. In between school, Saji randomly met Louise at the cafeteria and the two eventually developed a romantic relationship as a high school couple.

Celestial Being Armed Interventions[]

While in school in beginning of October A.D. 2307, Saji learned of the existence of Celestial Being after their military intervention against the terrorists attacking HRL's Heaven's Pillar. Through a widespread telecast by JNN, Celestial Being announced their message of ending conflicts through armed force.

Early Interventions[]

During Celestial Being's declaration, Saji wondered if Celestial Being really exist and if they act purely without gaining something in return. Saji did not actually mind Celestial Being until the IRA's sudden announcement of ceasefire following Celestial Being's recent actions. Saji was assigned to write a term paper about the long conflict in Ireland, and the sudden news struck Saji about the strong influence Celestial Being had on the current state of the world. At that same time, Saji met Setsuna F. Seiei who was living beside his and Kinue's apartment.

Saji later followed the conflict in Taribia and Celestial Being's intervention. While watching the aftermath, Saji was confused how an organization advocating for the elimination of conflict could start an attack on the Taribian forces who had not done anything prior to it. Kinue consoled Saji that the world is not as simple as it seems.

Rescue at True Pillar[]

Saji and Louise went for an educational trip to HRL Low Obital Station, True Pillar. While doing their tour on the orbital rings, Saji and Louise saw the Earth from space for the first time and was amazed by its beauty. They stayed in True Pillar for two days.

On the second day, an accident occurred while Saji and Louise were touring the Gravity Block 7. The block was shot by a rogue MSJ-06II-SP Tieren Taozi and was detached from its place in the True Pillar. Saji and Louise were among 232 people stranded in space and were in danger of getting killed by the Earth's harsh gravity. Rescue teams were sent out, but it was feared that they would be too late in rescuing the stranded. Inside the block, Saji and Louise were terrified of what was happening. Fortunately, Celestial Being's GN-003 Gundam Kyrios arrived to push the Gravity Block 7 away from the Earth's gravity field. Saji and Louise was later picked up by the rescue team and made it home together with the rest of the stranded people in the block.

La Edenra & Keeping Louise[]

After Celestial Being's successful campaign against PMC Trust and the AEU, a series of terrorist bombings began. Saji and Louise were on their way home when their local bus station was blown (La Edenra bombing). Because Saji and Louise weren't close to the blast, they only had minor injuries. The ordeal was enough to scare Louise's mom to come and take her daughter home. Louise didn't want to go and created elaborate means to convince Mrs. Halevy to let Louise to stay. Saji was a pushover to begin with and was easily swayed either by Louise or Mrs. Halevy to do their bidding.

Saji was dragged into unwelcome situations as Louise tried to change her mother's opinion about Saji. After many attempts, Louise's mom eventually warmed up to Saji. Ultimately her plans actually did work, but Louise ambivalently became saddened that her mom left. Saji bumped into Setsuna as he walked home and asked a favor to watch Louise with him. Apparently, Louise's temper was reflective on the amount of people present around her. Saji hoped Setsuna's presence would lessen her temper, but with little effect. Setsuna had to leave the couple to tend themselves after he received news from Celestial Being.

One day while window shopping, Louise saw a pair of rings that she wanted to have Saji buy. Saji was shocked at the price and told Louise he couldn't afford such an expensive thing. Louise threw another tantrum and demanded the rings to cheer her up.


Louise's Incident[]

While on a school break, Saji worked extra hours to save up money for the rings Louise wanted. Saji and Louise (who is now in Spain) contacted each other on her cousin's wedding day to catch up. While talking, they were suddenly cut off and Saji thought nothing of it than a bad signal. Saji didn't know it was caused by GN Particles from the Gundam Thrones. Later, Saji thought it was odd that Louise hadn't returned and inquired about her status at school, that's when he found out she got hurt and then rush over to Spain to see her, buying the rings she wanted. But she wasn't able to wear them, for she lost her left hand and it couldn't be regenerated due to the negative effects of the GN Drive Tau's GN Particles. She told him to go back and complete his dream of going into space, where she will eventually meet him.

Losing Kinue[]

While still dealing with personal feelings about Louise, there was little time to resume a normalcy. Not long when he got home, Kinue was in aggressive pursuit of Celestial Being. While Saji was waiting for her to come home, she was assaulted by Ali al-Saachez and left for dead in an alleyway. Police later found her body and called in Saji to identify her body. Saji was distraught by second tragedy as he identified his dead sister at the morgue.

Supporting Operation Fallen Angels[]

Kinue's boss at JNN talked to Saji. He revealed to Saji that her death was related to her investigation into Aeolia Schenberg, making Saji believe that Kinue got too close to the truth and paid for it with her life. With all the sadness and pain in his life related to Celestial Being and the Gundams, he wished them to all to disappear. In the final days of Operation Fallen Angels, Saji continued to watch news about Celestial Being and their destruction.

Four Years Later[]

After Celestial Being was defeated, Saji resumed life to the best he could. He graduated from aerospace engineering and by 2312, Saji made it into space and was busy working on a solar space colony. While working, he spots a trail of green GN particles, a particle that's related to a Gundam.

Space Colony Proud Incident[]

Unexpected Reunion[]

Saji had been working in construction of the new space colony Proud. While in the locker room, security forces came to arrest his co-worker Eddie Miyasaka and Saji was arrested as well on suspicion that he was a co-conspirator. The pair were sent to the lower parts of Proud to do hard manual labor within the mineral refinery. Saji soon learned that everyone here were captured members of the anti-Federation organization Katharon. While pushing a cart, one of the men told Saji it was his "lucky" day as their comrades were coming to rescue them. Shortly after, members of Katharon attacked the colony, but they were confronted by the autonomous peace-keeping force, the A-Laws.

During the battle, A-Laws unleashed a new version of automatons (autonomous drones) into Proud to wipe out all Katharon rebels as part of the drones' performance test. While cornered, a man in black space suit suddenly appeared and destroyed one of the automatons. To Saji's surprise, the man was Setsuna F. Seiei. There was little time for explanations as another automaton showed up. As both of them ran for their lives, they encountered more automatons. Setsuna directed Saji into an airlock hanger and to Saji's shock, the GN-001RE Gundam Exia Repair appeared before him. Saji finally realized that Setsuna was part of Celestial Being and a Gundam Meister.

Confronting Setsuna[]

After the A-Laws was forced to retreat due to intervention by the GN-008 Seravee Gundam, Setsuna and Tieria Erde (Seravee's pilot) returned to the airlock. Saji angrily asked if Setsuna had always been a Gundam pilot. Setsuna confirmed his affiliation with Celestial Being. Saji continued to ask if he had participated in the armed interventions of 2307-08, and Setsuna confirmed it. Saji angrily said that Setsuna was responsible for the deaths of many people. When Setsuna said nothing, Saji with anger and sadness continued,

"Because of you guys...the person I love...she was injured...and her families and relatives were killed! The only family I had left was my sister, but she...she crossed paths with Celestial Being...and she was killed, too! I lost Louise...and my sister! They're both gone now! Say something!"

Saji then charged at Setsuna and grabbed his gun. Saji pointed the gun at Setsuna and wanted him to say something, but Setsuna remained silent.

Stay in the Brig[]

Saji was eventually brought on board the CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2 by Setsuna, and placed in the brig for protective custody. Tieria visited Saji and asked why he didn't shoot Setsuna, and Saji said that he did not want to be like them. Tieria told Saji that he should be thankful that Setsuna took him with them, because if he hadn't, then he would have been killed by the A-Laws. Saji angrily asked if Tieria was serious, but Tieria shot back by telling Saji that he was blind to the reality and to take a close look at the world. Tieria left him alone to mull things over.

As Saji continued to be held in the brig, he was visited by Mileina Vashti and Lasse Aeon. Mileina gave Saji some food and left Red Haro with him so that he could communicate with them if he needed anything. Saji asked how long he would stay locked up, but Lasse told him that A-Laws was looking for him. Saji then asked if they intended to perform armed interventions. Lasse told him that they were just fighting A-Laws. Saji questioned if they were confronting the Earth Sphere Federation Forces. Lasse explained that they were only targeting the autonomous A-Laws, who had committed 14 acts of mass murders under the guise of "suppression", with the evidence erased from public knowledge.

Saji reflected on the brutality he experienced in Proud and retorted that this was the result of CB's armed interventions. Lasse told Saji that they intend to correct the matter, and added that people will die whether they intervened or not. Saji could only react with frustration as he couldn't argue. Lasse and Mileina were about to leave when Saji asked about Setsuna. Mileina told him that Setsuna went to Earth to get some comrades (Lyle Dylandy, who later took on the pseudonym of Lockon Stratos like his deceased brother, and Sumeragi Lee Noriega).

After eating his meal, Saji accessed Celestial Being's database through Red Haro to learn more about the organization. While browsing the history of their armed interventions, he encountered information on Louise's incident. Saji read the report on the attack in Spain and learned the perpetrators were the Gundam Thrones and not Setsuna's group. While holding onto his ring and thinking about Louise, Saji was alerted by Red Haro that enemy forces were approaching. Saji couldn't believe they were going into combat, and held Louise's ring tightly as CB prepared to fight. Red Haro provided live video feed of the battle, and Saji witnessed the debut of GN-0000 00 Gundam in combat. After the battle was over, Saji could only react in ambivalence over what happened.

Sometime later, Setsuna went to the brig and Saji confirmed with him the data regarding Louise's incident. A part of Saji's anger against Setsuna subsided as he realized the truth, but looking at Louise's ring reminded him of her tragedy. Saji commented, "Even so, you kill people with your Gundams, too... putting people in the same situation as mine! It's only natural for people to hate you for what you did!" Setsuna acknowledged his feelings, and Saji added that the peace he had was destroyed by CB. Setsuna asked if everything is all right as long as Saji had his peace. Saji quickly tried to correct himself, saying that no one wanted to be unhappy. Later, the Ptolemy II crew raided an anti-ESF detention facility on Earth to rescue their captured comrade, Allelujah Haptism. Upon learning of this from Red Haro, Saji seemed uneasy about the crew fighting again.

Katharon Base Incident[]

Escape & Capture[]

As the Ptolemy II crew was short-handed, Saji, who had obtained a class two space engineer's license, was let out of the brig to help Ian Vashti in maintaining the ship's system. After receiving some help from Katharon during a battle with A-Laws at sea, several Ptolemy II crew headed to the rebels' regional base to talk with them. The crew then dropped Saji off in the Katharon's care, but Saji did not want to remain with groups that promote fighting. He was spotted by a guard as he left the base, but things calmed down when the guard recognized him as being with Celestial Being. Saji said he was going into town, so the guard lent him a jeep.

As Saji makes his way across the desert, he was spotted by a Federation Forces carrier led by Sergei Smirnov and was brought in for questioning. While interrogating Saji, Sergei's men became rough with him when their record showed that he was with Katharon. Fortunately, Sergei soon arrived at the scene to stop his men and had them leave the room as he wanted to hear what Saji has to say. Being in the military for a long time, Sergei could tell Saji was with Katharon as he lacked the eyes of a fighter. Sergei wondered what happened to Saji, and correctly reasoned that he had been travelling with Celestial Being as Saji had shown up at two places (Proud and the current desert region) where there were records of Celestial Being activities. Saji continued to deny any affiliation with Celestial Being or Katharon. Sergei said that he just wants to listen to Saji's story, and promised that he will try his best to exonerate him.


Outside the interrogating room, one of Sergei's men eavesdropped on their conversation and learned of the location of Katharon's base. He then reported the information to A-Laws. When Sergei became aware of what had happened, he punched his subordinate for not consulting him. Sergei then quickly warned Saji of the impending danger, and let him off the carrier as he lacked the power to protect him from the A-Laws. Saji hurried back to the Katharon base, but was too late, the base was in ruins. Inside the damaged base, Saji was distraught at the sight of a dead Katharon member, he wanted to leave, but was stopped by Tieria.

In a quiet hallway, Saji was confronted by Tieria, who had realized he was the one who had caused the base to be attacked. Saji explained what happened, and was slapped by Tieria as his foolish actions had gotten others killed. Realizing what he had done, Saji broke down and fell to his knees, crying. Setsuna then walked into the pair, and learned from Tieria that the base was attacked by A-Laws because of Saji's actions. Despite his actions, Saji was still taken back to the Ptolemy II as Tieria was worried that he could cause more problems if they left him with the Katharon.

Redemption through Celestial Being[]

Ptolemy II crew decided to reveal their ship to the A-Laws so that they could draw attention away from the Katharon evacuees. During the battle, Saji wanted to help so he manned a gun turret but couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger at an incoming GNX-609T GN-XIII. What Saji didn't know was that the GN-XIII was piloted by Louise. The battle soon ended with Allelujah being declared MIA. Saji then assisted Ian in repairing the damaged 00, and he explained to a surprised Setsuna that he would do anything to help until the Katharon evacuees get away safely. When Allelujah was found, Saji saw Setsuna smile for the first time. Allelujah also brought back with him a friend, Marie Parfacy.

News of Louise[]

When Setsuna and Tieria returned from a recon mission where they infiltrated a party between the A-Laws' leadership and business leaders, the former informed Saji that he met Louise there coincidentally. Saji asked Setsuna if Louise is ok, and the latter confirmed it. Setsuna then said that when Louise asked about Saji, he informed her that he was working in space. Soon after, the Ptolemy II returned to space for repairs and to pick up new support machines.

Pre-emptive A-Laws Strike[]

Arriving at Lagrange 3 Base[]

Saji accompanied the Ptolemy II crew to their secret L3 resource satellite base, where they met Ian's wife, Linda Vashti. Saji noted that Linda was quite young, prompting Allelujah to joked that there ought to be a law about this. However, Ian did not find it funny, and Sumeragi changed the topic to how quickly resupply and repairs could be completed as they just had a brief battle with A-Laws in this space sector. The group was also introduced to new CB recruit Anew Returner.

Later, Marie happened to be in the same room as Saji. She asked him if something was wrong. Saji said that he still felt guilty over the Katharon massacre and wanted to make up for it, but he could never take another human life. Marie noted it was only natural that he couldn't do those things. Saji believed that there must be something he could do. He asked if Marie intended to stay with CB, and she replied that she would as long as Allelujah stayed with CB. Saji wondered if she would stay even if that meant she would be involved in battles, and she responded that she was once a soldier and was ready for combat. Regardless, she would never leave Allelujah's side. Saji said that he was envious of Marie, and that he would never let go of a certain someone if they meet again.

When CB detected the presence of the Earth Sphere Federation's satellite weapon, the Memento Mori, and discovered it was used to destroy the Kingdom of Suille, the Ptolemy II crew decided to take out the weapon as soon as the ship's repairs are completed. While preparing to depart, Setsuna learnt that Saji was staying with the Ptolemy II. Saji added that there's something he could still do to help even though he could not fight. Just then, the base was rocked by an explosion. A-Laws had found the base and proceeded to launch a pre-emptive attack.

Piloting 0 Raiser[]

During the battle, Ptolemy II's GN Field was penetrated by a powerful beam shot fired from Revive Revival's GNZ-003 Gadessa, and the attack hit hangar three where Ian and the new support machine, the GNR-010 0 Raiser, were in. Sumeragi sent Saji to check on Ian. Saji went with Red Haro and finds the hangar badly damaged, along with an injured Ian who told him that the adjustments to 0 Raiser were completed and he had to deliver it to Setsuna. Though Saji was more concerned about Ian's health, the injured mechanic told Saji everyone would die if he did not deliver the 0 Raiser. Ian then told Saji to protect everyone before fainting.

Marie soon arrived and Saji asked her to take Ian to the sickbay before heading to the 0 Raiser. Saji told the bridge crew that he was launching in the 0 Raiser, surprising both Sumeragi and Lasse. Saji told them that Ian asked him to do it and that he would be assisted by Red Haro. Anticipating further waves of enemy forces, Sumeragi ordered Lockon and Tieria to provide cover fire for the 0 Raiser. On the battlefield, Setsuna's 00 was fighting against Louise's GNX-704T/SP Ahead Smultron, Barack Zinin's GNX-704T Ahead, and Andrei Smirnov's GN-XIII. Andrei then detected the 0 Raiser and fired at it, but the support machine evaded the attacks. Seeing 0 Raiser, Setsuna thought Ian was piloting the unit, but Saji told him over the intercom that Ian asked him to deliver the 0 Raiser. Tossing a GN Beam Saber at the Ahead Smultron, Setsuna bought enough time for the 00 and the 0 Raiser to combine into the GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser. Using the 00 Raiser, Setsuna evaded Louise's and Andrei's beam fire before slicing apart Barack's Ahead.

Hearing Louise's voice[]

Leaving Louise and Andrei's machines behind, Setsuna activated the 00 Raiser's Trans-Am System to rush back to the Ptolemy II. Unexpectedly, this generated a quantum space around the 00 Raiser, causing the consciousness of people nearby to be linked together. As a result, Saji and Setsuna could hear the voices of everyone around them, and Saji noticed Louise's voice among them. As Saji cried out for Louise, she too heard his voice and was puzzled. Saji then suspected Louise is an A-Laws mobile suit pilot, and she wondered if he is in the 00 Raiser and a member of CB. However, before they could speak further, the 00 Raiser sped away, causing the quantum space to collapse. Using the powerful abilities of the 00 Raiser, Setsuna defeated both Bring Stabity's GNZ-005 Garazzo and Revive's Gadessa. As 00 Raiser's Trans-Am reached its time limit, Saji detached 0 Raiser from 00 as he wanted to look for Louise. However, 0 Raiser did not move any further after separating as its controls seemed to be locked, causing Saji to cry out in agony.

The battle soon ended with A-Laws' retreat, and once back in the Ptolemy II, Saji tells Setsuna he heard Louise's voice. He also speculated that she joined A-Laws due to her hatred for the Gundams that killed her parents during the incident in Spain four years ago. He wondered why things had to happen in such a manner. Setsuna encouraged him to fight to get Louise back from the A-Laws. However, this angered Saji as he was against killing others. Setsuna clarified that he just wanted Saji to fight to bring her back. Saji regarded that as playing with words, and stated that people would get hurt once they fight. When Setsuna told Saji to fight for his own sake, Saji could no longer contain his anger and punched Setsuna. He then walked away after stating that he is different from the crew of the Ptolemy II. Back in his room, Saji sits on the floor after looking sadly at the last message from Louise in his phone.

Battle of Memento Mori[]

Upon hearing Sumeragi's announcement that the assault on the Memento Mori was imminent, Saji noted he would be leaving Louise behind if the Ptolemy II leaves the current space sector. Wearing his space suit and carrying Red Haro in his left arm, Saji headed for the 0 Raiser. Entering the 0 Raiser's cockpit, Saji reasoned that the current fighting had nothing to do with him or Louise. He wanted to return to the good old times that he spent with Louise, but he suddenly recalled the Katharon massacre and his role in causing it. Saji then realized he was about to repeat his mistake and became confused as to what to do. He eventually left the 0 Raiser.

As Ptolemy II approached Memento Mori, Saji learnt that Marie know Louise while she was with the A-Laws. Marie confirmed that Louise is a mobile suit pilot, but their conversation was interrupted when Sumeragi asked them to come to the bridge. The two then sat at the back of the bridge and watched as the Ptolemy II crew successfully destroyed the satellite weapon.

Crashed & Hunted on Earth[]

Crash Landing[]

Just as the Ptolemy II crew enjoyed their victory, they were ambushed by the Innovators. With their GN Particles exhausted by the earlier battle, the Ptolemy II crew was unable to fight against Bring's Garazzo, Revive's Gadessa, and the GNMA-Y0001 Empruss piloted by Divine Nova. However, thanks to Sumeragi's quick thinking, the Ptolemy II managed to escape and crash landed on Earth, but lost contact with Setsuna and 00 Raiser. Soon after, the crew started to repair the ship and Saji helped out as well. While helping out, Saji spotted Lockon talking to Anew some distance away. He then took out his ring and held onto it tightly.


Unbeknownst to the Ptolemy II crew and Anew herself, Anew was actually a sleeper agent for the Innovators. As such, the Innovators quickly tracked down the Ptolemy II and attacked with Bring's Garazzo and Revive's Gadessa. The attack was repelled, with Tieria destroying Garazzo and killing Bring in the process. After the battle, Saji helped in repairing the damaged Seravee and when the repairs were completed, he rested at the side of the hangar together with Mileina. The two were later woken up by an alarm - a large group of A-Laws' mobile suits was approaching the ship. The Innovators were also members of A-Laws and had informed them of Ptolemy II's location.

A battle ensued between the Ptolemy II and the A-Laws. Once again, Saji and Marie were at the back of the bridge, and through the ship's camera, Saji spotted Louise's Ahead Smultron among the A-Laws forces. Saji then looked on in horror as Louise's machine shot at Ptolemy II together with the other enemy mobile suits. Despite gaining the advantage, the A-Laws forces suddenly retreated and Saji watched as Louise left with her teammates. The Ptolemy II crew was later informed by Katharon of a coup d'état at the Orbital Elevator in Africa, and realized that was why the A-Laws retreated.

Break Pillar Incident[]

Return of the Satellite Weapon[]

Saji and Marie were present on the bridge as the Ptolemy II crew discussed their next step. Eventually, the crew decided to head to the Orbital Elevator to learn more about the situation and because they believed Setsuna would also be headed there once he learnt of the coup. As expected, they reunited with Setsuna and his 00 Raiser on the way to the Orbital Elevator.

While analyzing the positioning of the Earth Sphere Federation Forces' mobile suits around the Orbital Elevator, Sumeragi sensed something amiss. After considering the wind speed data around the structure, the Ptolemy II crew realized the Federation Forces were preparing for failing debris, suggesting an attack by a second Memento Mori. The crew's suspicion was confirmed when the Ptolemy II's visual cameras detected the satellite weapon. Both Ian and Saji expressed shock at the A-Laws' intention to fire the satellite weapon at the Orbital Elevator so as to end the coup.

Piloting 0 Raiser Again[]

The Seravee Gundam, GN-006 Cherudim Gundam, and GN-007 Arios Gundam were engaged in a fierce battle around the Orbital Elevator, while 00 Raiser remained in the Ptolemy II as Setsuna was being treated for a recent injury. Sumeragi sought Ian's view on sending the Ptolemy II into space and Ian responded that it was impossible with the ship's current condition. Setsuna interrupted their conversation and said he would be heading out in the 00 Raiser as it was the only machine capable of stopping the second Memento Mori. Although worried for his body condition, Sumeragi admitted that Setsuna was right. Ian noted that the 0 Raiser needed a pilot, and Setsuna asked Saji to take on the role. Saji was initially uneasy, but was persuaded when Setsuna stated that he would be fighting to protect the sixty thousand people living around the Orbital Elevator.

As Ptolemy II ascended higher into the atmosphere to launch 0 Raiser and 00, Saji noted that he would be fighting a machine and not other people. After being launched, the 0 Raiser and 00 combined into the 00 Raiser. Upon reaching a suitable altitude, Setsuna declared he would be releasing all of 00 Raiser's compressed GN Particles and asked Saji to activate the Raiser System. Saji did as told, and Devine's Empruss soon arrived to stop the 00 Raiser. Despite this, the charging of the Raiser System was completed and Setsuna launched the Raiser Sword attack as the 00 Raiser entered Trans-Am Mode. The Raiser Sword destroyed the Empruss and sliced into the second Memento Mori. Saji thought the attack was a success, but Setsuna realized the Raiser Sword had failed to damage the satellite weapon sufficiently to stop its firing.

The laser fired from the second Memento Mori hit the Orbital Elevator, causing the structure's exterior walls to auto-purge. The falling fragments above the stratosphere would burn up due to atmospheric heating, but those below would hit the Earth, threatening the lives of people living near the foot of the Orbital Elevator. To protect these people, the various forces around the Orbital Elevator stopped fighting and even cooperated to destroy the fragments. After several hours, the combined forces of Celestial Being, coup d'état faction, ESF Forces, and even A-Laws successfully averted a tragedy.

His Own Battle[]


The Ptolemy II crew resumed their activity after four months of silence since the Break Pillar incident. Their target is the second Memento Mori. With Seravee, Cherudim, Arios, and GNR-101A GN Archer keeping the defending A-Laws forces occupied, the 00 Raiser headed straight for the satellite weapon. In the 0 Raiser's cockpit, Saji adjusts the generator controls and thinks to himself that he is only doing this to destroy Memento Mori. Once Saji completed the adjustments, Setsuna activated 00 Raiser's Trans-Am and successfully destroyed the second Memento Mori using the Raiser Sword.

Back in the Ptolemy II, Saji witnessed that Allelujah's relationship with Marie had soured as her other personality, Soma Peries, was focused on avenging her father-like figure, Sergei Smirnov, who was killed in the immediate aftermath of the Break Pillar incident by a member of A-Laws and also his son, Andrei Smirnov. Saji then wondered if like Soma, Louise had turned the grief of losing her family into hatred, and pondered what he could say to her. Saji later recalled Setsuna telling him to fight to get Louise back and decided that would be his battle.

In the Ptolemy II's bridge, several crew discussed the recent news of A-Laws taking control of the Earth Sphere Federation Forces and how the A-Laws had attacked them over 20 times in the past four months, unaware that this was due to Anew's presence. Tieria suggested to Sumeragi it is about time to put the plan they discussed into action - taking back the quantum processing system Veda from the Innovators. It was eventually decided they would capture an Innovator to learn of Veda's location. Not long after, the Ptolemy II came under attack from the A-Laws and the Innovators.


As the Ptolemy II crew prepare for battle, Saji met with Setsuna who was heading to the 00's hangar. Saji said that he noticed Louise's machine among the A-Laws forces, and questioned if Setsuna would be shooting her down. Setsuna replied it is up to Saji himself. Saji was shocked, and Setsuna explained that battles can caused destruction as well as create new things. Saji told Setsuna that he couldn’t pull a trigger and could only keep crying out to Louise, and Setsuna stoically said that he understood. Setsuna then encouraged Saji to join him to see Louise. The two launched in their respective machines which then docked to form 00 Raiser. In the 0 Raiser's cockpit, Saji's thoughts were on Louise.

Harden Resolve[]

During the battle, Saji was concentrated on finding Louise's Ahead Smultron through the multiple information charts and camera views displayed in the 0 Raiser's cockpit. He suddenly spotted two suspicious meteoroids heading for Ptolemy II and informed Setsuna just as Hiling Care's Garazzo attacked the 00 Raiser. Setsuna quickly defeated the Garazzo using 00 Raiser's Trans-Am, and rushed back to Ptolemy II. The two meteoroids were Andrei's Ahead and Louise's Ahead Smultron in disguise, and as Lasse was about to intercept them using Ptolemy II's GN Missiles, the quantum space generated by 00 Raiser's Trans-Am enabled Saji and Setsuna to telepathically tell the Ptolemy II crew to hold fire. Their voices also reached Andrei and Louise. After knocking away Andrei's Ahead, the 00 Raiser flew off with Ahead Smultron so that Saji could talk to Louise.

In the quantum space, Saji and Louise saw themselves looking at the Earth from within an Orbital Elevator's viewing deck. Saji recalled they had looked at the Earth in a similar manner five years ago, and revealed that was when he decided to work in space. He then said that he was always waiting to meet Louise in space and tried to convince her to leave A-Laws for a peaceful life, like in the past. Louise refused, causing Saji to immediately clarify that he was simply caught up in the events and not part of CB. In response, Louise pulled out a gun and said she had dedicated herself to creating a peaceful and united world by defeating CB, which would also avenge her parents' deaths. Wanting to stop Louise, a worried Saji asked what had happened to the woman he once knew. Louise replied that she had chosen to change herself, but Saji wouldn't believe her and walked towards her. Putting his hand over the gun, he got Louise to lower the weapon and then hugged her. Louise suddenly recalled her parents' death and the loss of her left hand. These traumatic memories caused her to suffer a mental breakdown and the quantum space to collapse.

Andrei's Ahead attacked the 00 Raiser, separating it from Louise's Ahead Smultron. The 00 Raiser was then kept away from the Ahead Smultron by continuous beam fire from Andrei's Ahead. With the 00 Raiser's Trans-Am reaching its time limit, Setsuna retreated while Saji screams out Louise's name. After this, Soma's GN Archer appeared to fight Andrei to avenge Sergei. Aware that he is in a disadvantageous situation, Andrei immediately retreated with Louise. Soma wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Allelujah's Arios. As Soma insisted on avenging Sergei, the Cherudim and 00 Raiser flew towards them and Saji pleaded,

"Just stop it already! Nothing's gonna change... Even if you avenge his death, it won't bring anyone back. It'll just add to the sorrows. Everything that you're doing... is just making you all crazier. None of this is going anywhere. None of you are making progress..."

By then the battle was over and Tieria had captured Revive to ask him for the location of Veda. Back on board Ptolemy II, Setsuna went to check on Saji. Saji was still feeling down from the battle and Setsuna was leaving the room to give him some alone time when Saji declared with a determined look that he would fight his own battle so as to bring Louise back.

Innovator Deception[]

As it turned out, Revive had allowed himself to be captured so as to board the Ptolemy II. He awakened Anew to her Innovator identity using his quantum brainwaves, and they worked together to steal the 00. Infecting the ship's system with a virus to shut down it down, Anew also took Mileina hostage and forced her to move the 00 out of the hangar, but the plan was thwarted by the joint efforts of Soma, Lockon and Setsuna. As Anew fled in a shuttle, Revived headed for the 0 Raiser and pushed Ian to the ground as he entered the machine's cockpit. Saji was present at the scene and as he tried to get Ian to stand back up, he saw the hijacked 0 Raiser leaving the hangar. The 00 and Cherudim were launched to stop the hijacked 0 Raiser, and with help from a hidden Red haro, Setsuna and Lockon recovered the machine without attacking it. However, Revive had destroyed the 0 Raiser's cockpit system before escaping in Anew's shuttle.

With 00 Raiser unusable due to 0 Raiser's damaged cockpit and the Ptolemy II's systems undergoing recovery, the Innovators took the opportunity to attacked the ship. Fortunately, Ian repaired the 0 Raiser in time, and Setsuna forced the Innovators back using the 00 Raiser, killing Anew as he shot down her GNZ-007 Gaddess to save Lockon. After the battle, Lockon confronted and punched Setsuna several times for killing Anew. Saji and none of the other mobile suit pilots intervened. Saji then wondered what the future holds for him and Louise. Later, Saji asked Setsuna if killing Anew was the only way to save Lockon, and Setsuna said she was not herself at that time. Saji questioned how could he be so certain about it, and Setsuna replied he could not explain it, but he was confident if he did not act then Lockon would be dead. To Saji's surprise, Setsuna added he could also sense something had taken a hold of Louise. Saji remarked he find Setsuna a bit odd lately as if something had changed. Ptolemy II's power system was then shut down as part of a system check, and as the room darkened, Saji noticed Setsuna's eyes were glowing.

Trip to Lagrange 5[]

Once the Ptolemy II's systems were restored, it was discovered they had received an urgent encoded message while the system was down. The message only contained coordinates to the unfinished space colony of Eclipse in Lagrange 5. While the others have doubts about the message, Setsuna insisted on going to Eclipse, and Ian was also in favor of heading to Lagrange 5 as they could pick up new equipment from a base there. As a result, Sumeragi decided to have the ship take a detour to draw A-Laws' attention while Setsuna and Saji go to Lagrange 5 in the 00 Raiser. Saji agreed to the plan as it was to help others. After a few days, Setsuna and Saji reached Eclipse. As the coordinates pointed to a location within the space colony, Setsuna left the 00 Raiser to reach the destination on foot, passing control of the mobile suit to Saji.

In the space colony, Setsuna discovered the message was sent by CB agent Wang Liu Mei and he received from her the coordinates of Veda. As Setsuna left the colony and return to 00 Raiser, Saji cried out to him and when he looked up, he saw 00 Raiser held at sword point by Graham Aker's GNX-Y901TW Susanowo. Setsuna then accepted Graham's challenge to a duel and asked Saji to return the 00 Raiser's controls. While 00 Raiser battled Susanowo, not too far away, Wang was killed by Nena Trinity's GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei, and the Throne Drei was then in turn destroyed by Louise's GNMA-0001V Regnant to avenge her parents' deaths. Somehow, Setsuna could tell Louise is the pilot of the Regnant, surprising Saji. However, neither Setsuna nor Saji could break away from the fight with Graham. Setsuna eventually emerged the victor, but Louise was gone by then.

Getting Louise Back[]

Battle at Lagrange 2[]

Based on the coordinates provided by Wang, the Ptolemy II crew discovered that Veda was on the dark side of the moon in Lagrange 2. Further analysis of the location indicated a large object 15km in diameter that is optically camouflaged. Saji and Soma later arrived on the bridge and the crew detected that A-Laws is gathering its fleet at the same location as Veda's, strengthening their suspicion that Veda is located in the Innovators' headquarters. Tieria noted this would be a fierce battle and Setsuna turned towards Saji, who said that he would join them as he wanted to fight his own battle. Sumeragi was surprised and Saji declared that he had made up his mind. The other mobile suit pilots then voiced out their reasons for participating in the fight.

As they prepare to launch from the Ptolemy II, Setsuna asked if Saji is fine with joining the battle, and Saji assured Setsuna he is. The 00 and 0 Raiser later combined into the 00 Raiser and headed for the battlefield with the other Gundams. During the battle, Setsuna noticed three A-Laws Baikal-class cruisers heading for the Ptolemy II. Realizing the ships were trying to ram into the Ptolemy II, Sumeragi ordered Setsuna to take them out using the Raiser Sword. Saji then activated the Raiser System, and Setsuna had 00 Raiser in Trans-Am Mode to destroy the three ships using the Raiser Sword. However, this turned out to be a trap, as special particles were released into the battlefield from the ships' wreckage, creating an anti-field that diminished the effectiveness of particle beams.

Immediately, A-Laws mobile suits began to swarm the Gundams, attacking them with physical weaponry and missiles. The A-Law forces eventually broke through the Gundams' defense line and attacked the Ptolemy II. Fortunately, reinforcements from Katharon came, and remnants of the coup d'état faction also joined in the battle. The Ptolemy II and the Gundams soon escaped the anti-field, and they worked with Katharon and the coup faction to decimate the A-Laws fleet. With A-Laws on the brink of defeat, the Innovators finally took action. A massive particle beam was fired from the dark side of the moon, destroying everything in its path. The Ptolemy II and Gundams escaped with little to no damage, but the Katharon, coup faction, and even A-Laws suffered some losses. In the 0 Raiser's cockpit, Saji was left speechless by the indiscriminate destruction. The reminder of the A-Laws fleet retreated after the attack, and the Innovators disengaged the optical camouflage of their headquarters, revealing the enormous spaceship Celestial Being.

The Ptolemy II and the Gundams charged towards the spaceship to recover Veda. With their spaceship's gun turrets unable to halt the advances of the Ptolemy II and the Gundams, the Innovators sent out a large number of suicide units, the GNZ-004 Gagas. The Gagas immediately activated their Trans-Am and charged at Ptolemy II. The Gundams did their best to shoot down the Gagas, but there were simply too many of them. Some of the Gagas then penetrated the Ptolemy II's GN Field and damage the ship. The Katharon and coup faction eventually came from behind to provide cover fire for the Ptolemy II. Soon after, the Ptolemy II crew found an entrance into Celestial Being and the ship immediately dashed into it. The Gundams then spread out, breaking into the enemy ship separately.

Saving Louise[]

As 00 Raiser was about to break into the enemy mothership, it was intercepted by Louise's Regnant and Andrei's Ahead. While Andrei's head was easily forced back by a well-placed beam shot, Louise's Regnant engaged 00 Raiser in close combat. Louise declared her intention of eradicating CB, describing the group as an evil that corrupts the world. Saji then asked if that would make her happy and added that a future won through fighting is no future at all. He explained that they need to understand each other to build the future. Louise countered that her future was stolen by CB and transforms Regnant into its MS Form. Blaming CB for starting the fighting and twisting the world, Louise launched a volley of GN Micro Missiles at 00 Raiser. Setsuna easily shot down the missiles, but was attacked from above by Andrei's Ahead. Setsuna pushed back the Ahead, but this left the 00 Raiser open and Louise took the opportunity to capture the mobile suit using the Egner Whips, electrocuting both Setsuna and Saji.

As three Gagas flew towards them, Louise had Regnant grabbed 00 Raiser in a bear hug, intend on preventing the mobile suit from escaping at the cost of her own life. Saji tried to stop Louise, but she refused to listen. Saji then fired 0 Raiser's GN Micro Missiles and destroyed two of the three Gagas. The last Gaga crashed into the Regnant, but Louise survived the attack, though she fell unconscious. The 00 Raiser was relatively unharmed and Setsuna extracted Louise from her damaged machine. He then told Saji to bring Louise to somewhere safe. After Saji left with Louise, Setsuna heads off in the 00 Raiser to engage Hiling's Garazzo and Revive's Gadessa.

Saji took Louise inside Celestial Being and stayed by her side till she regained consciousness. However, the first thing she did was to strangle him. With her eyes glowing yellow, she called Saji a member of CB and wanted him dead as revenge for her parents. Despite her words, Saji see that Louise was crying. She then spotted the ring in his necklace, recalled Saji showing this ring to her along with her own ring five years ago, and began suffering from painful headaches. Saji tried to calm her down but she pushed him away. At that moment, Saji noticed the ring he had bought for her on the ring finger of her prosthetic left hand. Louise then suddenly collapse and Saji loudly cried out her name.

Outside, Setsuna activated 00 Raiser's Trans-Am to battle the Garazzo and Gadessa. The quantum space caused by 00 Raiser's Trans-Am Mode enabled Setsuna to know what is happening to all his comrades, including Saji. Worried for their lives, Setsuna activated the Trans-Am Burst System using his quantum brainwaves, covering the entire Celestial Being in a massive amount of purified GN Particles. This not only pushed back Garazzo and Gadessa, but also created a huge quantum space around the spaceship. The purified GN Particles also returned Louise to her normal self. Saji and Louise then hugged each other, and when Louise asked about the heart warming light around them, Saji called it the light of Setsuna's heart, a light that illuminates the future.


With A-Laws and Innovators defeated, peace returned to the Earth Sphere. In a hospital, Saji is by Louise's side. He wondered if the light released by Setsuna during the battle is linked to the complete halt in cellular abnormalities that were previously spreading throughout Louise's body. Whatever the cause, he is just glad that Louise is with him. The two watched the policy speech of the new Earth Sphere Federation President, and Saji saw members of Katharon among the invited audience. With a new Earth Sphere Federation government in place, the world is beginning to change. Saji and Louise talked about how the world will be like. Saji is unsure how things will develop, but knows they could not afford to be ignorant about the rest of the world if they wanted true peace. He later added that although they could not change the past, they could change the future. Louise wondered what if they make a mistake, and Saji replied that if new fighting breaks out due to misunderstanding, CB will return to stop it.

ELS Conflict[]

AD 2314. In the past 2 years, Saji had taken care of Louise, but it wasn't an easy life. Louise had long term medical care due to both the physical changes made by the Innovators and her suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To receive medical treatment and to be close to one another, Saji had taken an engineering job at the HRL Orbital Elevator and placed Louise in a nearby hospital to be close in case of emergencies. Because Louise suffered constant seizures and panic attacks, Saji often had to leave in the middle of work (much to his boss's dismay) to help calm her down.

CB Movie & Visiting Louise[]

While on his day off, Saji joined a friend to catch Celestial Being: The Movie (stylized after Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann). After the movie, his friend mentioned how great the movie was, but Saji felt it was embellished and mentioned the horrors of actual combat isn't the same. When his friend wondered what he meant, Saji dropped the subject to avoid mentioning his history with CB. After his friend left, he went see Louise Halevy. As Saji picked out a bouquet of pink roses and drove to the Hospital to visit Louise, he reflected over CB's influence:

Two years just flew by. Private armed organization Celestial Being. Their armed interventions changed the world. Slowly but surely, we're heading toward 'a world without war'. But Celestial Being's armed interventions were nothing compared to the atrocities committed by the Autonomous Peace-Keeping Force, A-LAWS. Their actions planted a fear of military strength in the minds of the people. The peace we have now is a temporary peace born from that fear. That's why we can't forget. If we ever want to see where the world is headed. To obtain real peace.

Saji walked into Louise's room and delivered her some flowers. Louise informed him that her seizures stopped and that she is ready to be discharged at any time. Saji told Louise that they had all the time in the world and wondered what Setsuna was up to.

Escape from Hospital & Setsuna's Rescue[]

Some time later, Earth began experiencing a series of strange phenomenon in the aftermath of the destruction of the Jupiter exploration ship Europa. While Saji was visiting Louise, she started feeling head pains, as her eyes glowed yellow and the power in the hospital went out. The source was a man in a space suit, resembling Ribbons Almark. Saji picked up his chair and threw it at Ribbons, knocking him down. Saji then tried to help Louise out of the hospital, making their way past all the unconscious people Ribbons knocked out. But once he stopped to rest outside, Ribbons came out of nowhere and tossed Saji to the side. Luckily, before Ribbons could touch Louise, Setsuna makes a timely arrival, firing a shot that attracts Ribbons' attention. Setsuna was shocked at the reappearance of his nemesis and fired repeatedly at Ribbons, only for his foe to simply absorb the shots as if he weren't human. Therefore, he has to resort to plastique; Saji used his body to shield Louise from the blast. When the smoke cleared, both men were shocked to see Ribbons' legs still moving before falling down and shatter into metallic fragments. Saji then demanded to Setsuna as to what was going on, to which he had no answer. For safety, Setsuna dropped off the couple at the nearest ESF QBW-shelter.

Stay at ESF Shelter & Resolution[]

After Setsuna dropped off Saji & Louise, the couple were taken by the ESF and sent to the top of one their orbital elevators, the QBW-shelter. Special large quarters were accommodated to protect citizens and families looking after people with high QBW-potential. The being that took the form of Ribbons was later explained to be an alien life-form dubbed Extraterrestrial Living-metal Shape-shifter by the news.

Sometime later, Louise, as well as other potential Innovators, suffered headaches as the ELS's QBWs overwhelmed their senses. Saji then looks to a monitor, depicting an entire ELS armada emerging from Jupiter's red spot and on course for Earth. Saji decided to volunteer to help resist the invading ELS by working with the elevator engineering crew to maintain the elevator's systems during major combat. Ultimately, hostilities were resolved when Setsuna was able to communicate with the ELS.


Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations[]

Main article: Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations

Kinue Crossroad
Although often busy with work at the office, Kinue tries her best to keep in touch with Saji and provide simple comforts like home cooking whenever available. She worries about Saji and his relationship with Louise as she questions about her strong-willed personality dominating over Saji's soft nature. During her final moments while dying, her thoughts was with Saji. Saji was devastated to identify her body at the morgue, but he doesn't know who was his sister's killer (Ali al-Saachez).
Louise Halevy
She often controls and manipulates Saji by whining and complaining to him. Saji often bends to her will and easily embarrassed to do romantic things in public such as a "goodbye kiss." After the Throne Gundams took away her left hand, he continued to tend to her until she convinced him to head home. Saji was deeply saddened to find out that the GN particles affected her body and her hand couldn't be regenerated. She made a promise with Saji to see each other in space in the near future.

Celestial Being[]

Main article: Celestial Being Due to everything bad that has happened to him is related to Celestial Being and Gundams, his heart is filled with anger and hatred towards them. He like nothing better than to see Celestial Being disappear. But when he was taken aboard Ptolemaios 2 to avoid be persecuted by the A-LAWS as a Katharon spy, he eventually grew to understand the organization.

Setsuna F. Seiei
Saji doesn't know that Setsuna is a Gundam Meister and often tries to engage Setsuna in a conversation whenever possible. They often share awkward conversations due to Setsuna's introverted personality. In Season 2 when they reunite in Proud Colony Saji seems to be surprised and happy to see Setsuna once again, but he soon changes his attitude when he finds out that Setsuna had always been a Gundam Meister.
During Saji's stay at Ptolemy he acts bitterly towards Setsuna blaming him of all the bad things that had happened. Saji even hit Setsuna to the ground when Setsuna told him that he had to fight to get Louise back from A-LAWS. Nevertheless, as time goes by, Saji starts understanding more and more about Celestial Being and he finally manages to establish a good relationship with Setsuna to the point of taking the determination to fight alongside him. At the Aftermath Saji ends up being thankful towards Setsuna and he does not doubt that the purified GN Particles that saved Louise were the light of Setsuna's heart, the light that would enlighten the future.
Ian Vashti
Celestial Being's mechanic, who has Saji work around the ship if he wants food. He teaches Saji about how every person in Celestial Being is affected by war. Saji comes to respect and appreciate Ian as a human being.
Allelujah Haptism
In Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Festival 10 "Re:vision", Saji worked with engineers to repair the damaged orbital elevator in the aftermath of the battle with ELS. Allelujah visited Saji because he needed information on the human race supremacists organization named "Humarest", which was planning to attack the ELS clinic setup by the ESF to help people who have assimilated with the ELS. Celestial Being believed that some of the engineers repairing the orbital elevator are members of the Humarest. Saji readily agreed to help.




Season 1 (A.D. 2307-08)[]

Season 2 (A.D. 2312)[]

Movie (A.D. 2314)[]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Saji Crossroad's JP voice actor also played nominant character roles in the anime industry, such as Nuts from Yes! Precure 5 and its sequel, and Astral, Yuma Tsukumo's partner and a deuteragonist, from Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal.