I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!

The Ragnarok in Final Fantasy VII.
Common blades are drawn to begin battles. Ragnarok is drawn to end them.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift description
The Ragnarok (ラグナロク, Ragunaroku?), also known as Crystal Sword, is a weapon in various games in the Final Fantasy series. It is usually one of the most powerful swords.
Ragnarok's incarnation as a knight sword or holy sword stands in juxtaposition of other swords of Norse and Germanic origin, such as the Balmung or the Valhalla, which are portrayed as dark swords.
Final Fantasy[]
A sword etched with words of the gods.
The Ragnarok appears in the Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary ports. It is the strongest weapon next to the Barbarian's Sword, and is obtained after defeating the superboss Shinryu in the Lifespring Grotto. It casts Flare when used as an item in battle.
Final Fantasy II[]
A sword of epic might, wielded in the war of the gods.
The Ragnarok is obtainable in the Arcane Sanctuary, found only in the PSP and iOS Anniversary Edition versions. It is the strongest sword, providing 150 Attack, 99% Accuracy, 2% Evasion, +50 Strength, +30 Spirit, and +99 Agility. It can only be equipped by Firion.
Final Fantasy III[]
The Ragnarok is one of the most powerful weapons found in Eureka, protected by Guardian. It has an Attack of 140 and adds +5 points to all stats. It can be equipped by Warriors, Knights, Dark Knights, Onion Knights, and, in the NES version, Ninjas.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Sealed holy sword feared by monsters.
The Ragnarok (Crystal Sword on the SNES and Sword of the Gods in the Easy Type version) is Cecil's ultimate weapon in most releases, including the original. It is obtained in the Lunar Subterrane by defeating Dark Bahamut. It is metallic.
In the Advance and Complete Collection versions, Cecil gets weapons that surpass the Ragnarok, one being the Lightbringer. In the 3D remake, Ragnarok is weaker than its original counterpart by 50 Attack points, making it less useful in the final dungeon, which features enemies with a resistance to Holy damage.
There is an unused two-handed Ragnarok in the item list within the game's data. It does not have a sword icon, but is named None (Spare in Japanese). If force-equipped to a character with a cheating device, its weapon graphic, attack and sound effects are the same as the Ragnarok's. It also has the same Holy attribute with an attack power of 200, the same attack power as the single-handed Ragnarok. The only difference is that it cannot be equipped by anyone. This sword is not obtainable in any version, but is found in all versions.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
The Ragnarok provides 150 Attack, 50% Accuracy, +10 Strength, +10 Stamina, +10 Spirit, and is Holy-elemental. It can be found in a chest in the Depths of the True Moon, guarded by Nova Dragon (Lord Dragon in the WiiWare version) or Lunar Odin (in 3D versions). The two-handed Ragnarok can also be found within the game's data, and it is still unobtainable without the use of a cheating device. It can be equipped by Cecil, Ceodore, and Kain.
Final Fantasy V[]
Sword with runes of the gods carved in its surface. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
The Ragnarok is the ultimate sword in the original release, obtained by defeating Shinryu in the Interdimensional Rift. It can also be stolen from the back section of the final boss. If the player does this in versions that let the player still continue playing from a cleared game save, the player returns to a state where the final boss has yet to be beaten and thus the second Ragnarok sword is removed from their inventory. This can lead to glitches if the player steals the sword in the final battle and equips it mid-battle, then continues playing from a "game cleared" save, Ragnarok appearing as "-1" in the inventory and will disappear if the player de-equips it. The player may be able to sell the -1 sword to a shop, however, to remove the contradiction.
Final Fantasy VI[]
The Ragnarok is one of the most powerful swords obtained by going to the weapon shop in Narshe in the World of Ruin, and having Locke pick the lock to enter. The shop owner hiding in the back room shows the party a magicite, which is the esper Ragnarok. He offers to turn the magicite into a sword, or leave it as it is. While turning it into a sword makes it more difficult to learn Ultima, the sword can be traded for the Lightbringer in the Dragon's Neck Coliseum, the most powerful weapon.
The sword has 255 Battle Power, and enables the Bushido and Runic commands. It will consume 20 MP each turn to perform an automatic critical hit. It will randomly cast the Flare spell in addition to attacking. It can be equipped by Terra, Locke, Edgar, and Celes. In the Advance and 2014 versions, it is possible to get multiple Ragnaroks by stealing from Lady.
Ragnarok is affected by the Capture glitch.
Final Fantasy VII[]
The Ragnarok is a sword for Cloud obtained by defeating the Proud Clod boss, and is Cloud's second strongest weapon, bested only by the Ultima Weapon. It has six linked Materia slots and also gives a boost to Spirit. Like all of Cloud's weapons, it is of the Cut attribute.
Final Fantasy IX[]
Ragnarok is a knight sword for Steiner found in the Outer Island Chocograph that can be dug from Chocobo's Air Garden. It teaches Thunder Slash and Shock. Aside from Excalibur II, Ragnarok is Steiner's most powerful sword. With Add Status, Ragnarok can inflict Slow with 30% flat chance.
Final Fantasy X[]
The Ragnarok is a sword that can be created by adding Triple AP, Triple Overdrive and Overdrive → AP to one of Tidus's swords. The sword will be called Ragnarok, unless Break Damage Limit is added as well, at which point it will turn into the Excalibur.
Final Fantasy XI[]
The Ragnarok is a Relic Weapon available to the Warrior, Paladin, and Dark Knight job classes. To obtain and wield the great sword, a player must have one of these jobs leveled up to 75 and have completed a series of quests, often taking months of time, tens of millions of gil, and some patience to get other Dynamis drops.
With the expansion of the Magian weapon questlines and reforging with Oboro, the Ragnarok can be upgraded to its current maximum Item Level 119 Afterglow III state, reaching damage levels in-line with its power in the rest of the series. From 2012 onward, creation of the sword has become particularly popular after a long existence of obscurity due to its measly base damage at level 75. This is due to the sword's unique method of augmenting critical hits, a trait which can be exploited to devastating effect once the weapon is in its level 119 form.
Final Fantasy XII[]
The Ragnarok is a greatsword, acquired by completing the Fishy Dreams hunt (Ixion). It can only be equipped by characters with the Greatsword 3 license. It has an Attack power of 109 and may cause Immobilize upon strike. All greatswords have 2.47s charge, and 1.2s action time, making them average when it comes to attacking speed.
In the Zodiac versions, it provides 117 Attack, 20 Evade, 35 CT, 8% combo rate, has a 25% chance of inflicting Immobilize on a target, and requires the Greatswords 4 license for 100 LP. It is a reward for the Ixion hunt. It can only be equipped by the Red Battlemage and Knight.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
Ragnarok is the Zodiac Weapon for Warriors. It is acquired via the quest
His Dark Materia, by combining reagents acquired from assorted other side quests with a materia created from Bravura Nexus, the final stage of the warrior's Relic Weapon. Ragnarok can then be upgraded to Ragnarok Zeta, the most powerful warrior weapon in A Realm Reborn.
Ragnarok's secondary stats are determined by what the player chose to imbue in their Bravura Novus, and can be redone by acquiring and imbuing a new Sphere Scroll: Bravura from Hubairtin in Central Thanalan and presenting it to Jalzahn Daemir in the North Shroud.
Ragnarok | Marauder's Arm WAR Lv. 50 Item Level 125 |
Physical Damage: 56 | Auto-attack: 64.21 | Delay: 3.44 |
One of the weapons wielded by the legendary Zodiac Braves. Strength +51
Vitality +60 Secondary stats are customizable. | ||||
Repair/Melding/Desynthesis:![]() |
Dyeable: Yes | Unique Untradeable |
Final Fantasy XV[]

Noctis wields the Ragnarok.
Ragnarok is a one-handed sword included in the 1.05 patch for Season Pass holders. The weapon has a red glow and makes Noctis glow red when warping with it, as opposed to the usually blue effects. It is intended to be used for warpstriking and is stronger than other weapons for it, but its warp animation is slower.
Name | Category | Attack | Critical | Modifiers/Notes | Value | Obtain |
Ragnarok (Boost Sword) ![]() | Swords | 153 | 3 | Max MP: +8 Boosted damage with warp-strike but the warp animation is slower | Buy: — Sell: — | Download: FFXV Booster Pack + for Season Pass holders |
A brilliant glaive that the amplifies the power of kings, allowing the wielder to deliver devastating warpstrikes. |
Final Fantasy XVI[]
Ancient Ashen legend purports that one day, the "Age of Dominants" will draw to a close in an epic clash of Eikons that sets the land ablaze, cleansing it of foulness and allowing for its rebirth-a clash they call Ragnarok.
Described as "the sword to end all swords", the Ragnarok is a rare sword given to Clive by Blackthorne after completing all four parts of the Blacksmith Blues side quest chain. It does 325 Attack and 325 Stagger Damage on its own and cannot be reinforced. It is also a critical crafting component of the Gotterdammerung.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
This knight's sword is mentioned in tales about the end of the world.
The Ragnarok is one of the most powerful knight swords with a base power of 24 and gives the wielder the Auto-Shell status. It is found with Treasure Hunter in the The Switchback stage of the Midlight's Deep and is obtained after fighting Hashmal. It can also be found by using the catch skill to catch items thrown by level 97 Ninjas. It can also be obtained via Rendezvous.
A sword with a similar name, the Nagrarok (ナグラロク, Naguraroku?) (Nagrarock in the PlayStation version), can also be found. Although it only has a attack power of 1, it may cause Toad on striking and gives the second highest weapon defending rate of 50%. It can be considered as the Ragnarok version of spoof of Excalibur, Excalipoor, while the latter is a mere Artefact and cannot be used in battle.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
Sword made to end battles.
Ragnarok description
Knightsword made like Ragnarok, but better.
Nagrarok description
The Ragnarok is a knightsword equipped by the Paladin, Defender, and Templar job classes. Despite its fabled name, the Ragnarok is one of the weaker knightswords and its counterpart, the Nagrarok, is one of the most powerful weapons.
The Ragnarok teaches the Drop Weapon ability to the Paladin and the Defender, and teaches the Silence magic to the Templar. The Ragnarok can be purchased in Sprohm and Cyril for 4,900 gil and in any other town for 5,600 gil. The Nagrarok can be obtained by completing the mission Valuable Fake, which requires a Bent Sword and Rainbowite. It uniquely grants its user +1 to movement.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Though modeled on its predecessor, this sword's power far surpasses that of Ragnarok.
Nagrarok description
The Ragnarok can be bought for 2,400 gil in the shop after creating it in the Bazaar after using a Body Ceffyl, Platinum, and Zingu Pearl.
The Nagrarok makes an appearance as one of Adelle's special Heritor weapons. Nagrarok must be obtained during the Heritor sidequest, after learning Lennart, Viola, Wermut, and Ljda, then complete the mission at Aisenfield. Ragnarok provides +42 Attack and +5 Magick, while Nagrarok provides +68 Attack, +6 Speed, and +4 Evasion, and teaches Nessiam.
Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]
The Ragnarok is a weapon that a Clavat can wield. It can be forged for 5,000 gil with the Dark Weapon Scroll along with the materials Cursed Hook, Orichalcum, and Ancient Sword. Its Focus attack the Shadow Blade, which deals massive damage in exchange for half a heart point of the user's. It is the strongest weapon a Clavat can wield, tied in stats with the Ultima Weapon, but having a stronger Focus Attack.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]
The fantastical sword said to lead toward the world's end, and then to another world reborn.
The Ragnarok is the best weapon for Clavats. It gives the player 180 ATK. The scroll used to make it is called the Götterdämmerung, which description reads "Pattern for the weapon used by the king of gods in the final battle. For Clavats only."
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]
The Ragnarok is a level 95 sword-type weapon. It has 99 attack power and costs 19,823 gil. A sword called the Ragnarok Prime can be obtained after defeating the Wyrm boss in the optional DLC dungeon, Infinity Spire. The Ragnarok Prime is by far the most powerful weapon in the game with 180 attack power and a +52 bonus to all stats.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]
The fantastical sword said to herald the world's end. For Clavats only.
The Ragnarok is a high-end sword only equippable by Clavats, and is the second strongest sword, next to Excalibur. It provides 50 attack at level 1 and 162 attack at level 30, and has three empty slots. It can be dropped by the Mimic at River Belle (Hard or Very Hard), and then created for 1,880 gil by using a Homunculus Core, Old Hellish Iron, and Old Sword. When turned into a jewel, a level 3-9 Ragnarok makes a Berserk Eye, level 10-19 makes a Cat Eye, and level 20-30 makes a Ryoko.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]
Ragnarok is a holy swords equipped by Jobless and Paladin. It provides 118 Attack Power and 20 Hit Rate, is Holy-elemental, and gives Strength +5 and Wisdom +3. The superboss Ω Weapon is guardian to eight weapons and a shield, the best the player can obtain. Ragnarok is one of the weapons the player can choose after defeating Omega. After selecting a prize the player will not be able to choose another one like it again. Each time the player defeats Ω Weapon, they can choose one piece of equipment.
Dissidia Final Fantasy[]
The Ragnarok is the strongest greatsword and it increases Attack by 68 and physical damage dealt by 25%. Ragnarok is only succeeded by several high-class exclusive weapons. It can be traded at the shop for 32,750 gil with an Apocalypse and Hero's Bone x5, which are items obtained from the Duel Colosseum's Lunar Whale course.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
The Ragnarok is the strongest greatsword. It increases the player's Attack by 68 and boosts physical damage by +10%. It can be traded for Apocalypse, Ogrenix, and Shinryu's Claw.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]
Multiple versions of the blade were available to longsword and greatsword wielders, as seen in the gallery below.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]
A blade so powerful as to bring an end to a war amongst the gods themselves.
Ragnarok grants +10 to Attack. It can be equipped by Knight, Mystic Knight, Cecil, Bartz, Cloud, Squall, Seifer, Steiner, and Vaan. The Mime job wields the Final Fantasy V Ragnarok when attacking in battle.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Weapon | Category | Level | Attack | Magic | Mind |
Ragnarok (I)![]() | Swords | 1 | 124 | 0 | 0 |
25 | 167 | 0 | 0 | ||
0 | 0 | ||||
188 | 0 | 0 | |||
Additional stats: Accuracy +95 Soul Break: Shield of Light (Warrior of Light), ATK +10 when mastered | |||||
Ragnarok (V)![]() | Swords | 1 | 90 | 0 | 0 |
20 | 125 | 0 | 0 | ||
30 | 142 | 0 | 0 | ||
35 | 151 | 0 | 0 | ||
Additional stats: Accuracy +95 Burst Soul Break: Light of the Four (Bartz), ATK +10 when mastered | |||||
Ragnarok (VII)![]() | Swords | 1 | 118 | 0 | 0 |
25 | 164 | 0 | 0 | ||
35 | 182 | 0 | 0 | ||
40 | 192 | 0 | 0 | ||
Additional stats: Accuracy +95 Bonus effects with Synergy: Adds small boost to wind damage. Overstrike Soul Break: Finishing Touch (Cloud), ATK +10 when mastered | |||||
Ragnarok (IX)![]() | Swords | 1 | 90 | 0 | 45 |
20 | 125 | 0 | 68 | ||
30 | 142 | 0 | 80 | ||
35 | 151 | 0 | 87 | ||
Additional stats: Accuracy +95 Super Soul Break: Seiken Shock (Beatrix), ATK +10 when mastered |
Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
One of the Twelve Radiant Arms. Legends state that the sword is a destroyer of gods, but none have ever seen the sword before. Legends also state that the age of gods were ended by the hands of a traitor who held this sword. Only those who have shown their might to the Guardian of Shadow and Despair, Alpherg, can wield this sword.
Description, FFBE
Ragnarok is a Sword obtained by defeating Alpherg in the Chamber of Arms. It provides 145 ATK, +20% Magic Evasion, and +50% Ice resistance.
Ragnarok (FFIX) is a Great Sword that provides 213 ATK, 196 DEF, has a damage range of 125-175%, +50% Accuracy, requires both hands to wield, increases physical and magic damage against avians and stones by 75%, and when equipped by Knights of Pluto Captain Steiner, further increases ATK and DEF by 500. It is obtained as the STMR of Knights of Pluto Captain Steiner.
Ragnarok (FFT) is a Sword that provides 236 ATK, +50% Accuracy, requires both hands to wield, has a damage range of 125-175%, increases physical and magic damage against humans by 75%, increases ATK by 50% and physical evasion by 25% when single wielding any weapon, and when equipped by Steadfast Knight Agrias, further increases ATK by 1000. It is obtained as the STMR of Steadfast Knight Agrias.

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]
The Ragnarok is considered the strongest "Zanbatou" greatsword within the base-game. This weapon provides 108.15% Physical Attack, 101.85% Magic Attack and possesses unique item effects that increases Lightbringer duration and damage dealt, in addition to increased damage dealt when Near Death.
Ragnarok is obtained as a main item drop within the Lvl. 123 "Ebon Memories: The Soul Seeker" side mission of Terra Tortura and enables the Dragon Tail and Skybreaker weapon abilities, which being scaled by both Strength and Stamina, makes this weapon favorable to the Knight, Paladin, Breaker, and especially the Dark Knight for its innate Near Death passives.
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring[]
A really cool sword.
The Ragnarok appears as a 2-handed sword within the Forsaken Dungeon. It provides 95 Weapon Atk, 10 Durability, +5 Magic Atk, +2 Magic Def, -3 Speed, and -2 Consumption Rate. Only Masuda Koji can equip this weapon.
Trials of Mana[]
The Ragnarok appears as the ultimate sword weapon for Duran should he take the Dark Light path of the Gladiator class, the Edelfrei. Its appearance is that of a simple curved katana like sword, with a crystalline green blade and a gold handle adorned with vajra-like prongs at its mouth and pommel. It is a weapon destined for being wielded by those who lead the destruction of order and need for revolution. Its wielders keep it sharp as their fighting spirit is infused into the blade itself with every battle they face.
Blood of Bahamut[]
Ragnarok is a gun that can be equipped by Ryuma.

Ragnarök is a prophesied event triggered by the death of the god Balder. It sees a great battle between all the major entities of Norse mythology, during which the spirits in Valhalla are called upon to join the fray. The encounter ends with the destruction of the universe, and Balder along with a handful of others are reborn as mortals, with few memories of the world before Ragnarök.
In Norse mythology,