Fragarach in Final Fantasy XIII-2.
A weapon imbued with a vengeance powerful enough to shatter steel. Increases chain bonuses.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 description
Fragarach (フラガラッハ, Furagarahhais?), also known as Answerer, a recurring weapon in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy XI[]
Fragarach is a sword that provides 44 damage, 240 delay, MP +20, Accuracy +4, and Magic Accuracy +2. It deals 11 damage per second and accumulates 64 TP per hit. It can be equipped by level 74 Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Blue Mage, and Rune Fencer. It is dropped by Lambton Worm.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
Fragarach is a set of dual swords for Noel. They have 76 Strength and 54 Magic. They have Chain Bonus Lv. 4 and Siphon Damage (Synth) traits. Fragarach can be bought for 5200 gil, Spined Horn x3, Superconductor x2 from Episode 5 onwards.
Final Fantasy Legend II[]

Answerer (アンサラー, Ansarā?) is an animated sword that appears as a monster. It can be encountered in Nasty World and Valhalla World, and is a potential transformation for monster units.
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Fragarach, known as "The Answerer" or "The Retaliator", was the sword of Manannán mac Lir and later, Lugh Lamfada. The sword was said to bypass any armor.
In Irish mythology,