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The Flametongue in Final Fantasy XII.

True to its flame, this sword wavers and dances like the voracious flames of a fire.

The Flametongue (フレイムタン, Fureimutan?), also known as Flameblade (炎の剣, Honoo no Ken?, lit. Sword of Flame) or Fire Sword, is a recurring weapon in the Final Fantasy series. It is usually found mid-game and is almost always Fire-elemental. Its stats are often close to, if not the same as, those of the Icebrand, Flametongue's Ice-elemental "counterpart", and both swords are usually found around the same point. Thunder Blade or Coral Sword sometimes appear as the Lightning-elemental equivalent to Flametongue and Icebrand.


Final Fantasy V[]

Sword infused with the power of fire. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.


Flametongue is a sword found in the Great Forest of Moore, equippable by Freelancers and Knights. It can also be bought in the Phantom Village for 10,000 gil and stolen from Achelon, and provides 60 Attack and 63 Hit Rate and is Fire-elemental.

Final Fantasy VI[]

Sword that may cast Fire upon striking an enemy.


The Flametongue (originally translated as Flame Saber) is a semi-powerful sword first found in the Magitek Research Facility as well as the Imperial Observation Post, and later can be bought in Albrook, Nikeah, and Tzen in the World of Ruin for 7,000 gil as well as stolen from Flame Eater and won from Number 024.

It randomly casts Fire when attacking with it and is Fire Fire-elemental itself. It has an Attack power of 108, +2 Magic, and enables the Bushido and Runic commands, although Cyan cannot naturally equip it. Only Terra, Edgar, Locke, and Celes can wield it.

Final Fantasy VII G-Bike[]

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Final Fantasy VIII[]

The Flame Saber got its name from its red blade. This gunblade is very similar to the Cutting Trigger, but instead features the handle and gun mechanism from the Shear Trigger.

Weapons Monthly magazine description

Squall's fourth gunblade is called the Flame Saber, though due to the Junction system it has no affinity for Fire and instead earns its name due to its bright red, flame-shaped blade.

It can be crafted using a Betrayal Sword, Turtle Shell, and Screw x4, and costs 600 gil. Flame Saber is the first model of gunblade that can use the Blasting Zone finishing move with Renzokuken.

Final Fantasy IX[]

The Flame Saber is a sword for Steiner that teaches him the Magic Break Swd Art. It provides 46 Attack, is Fire-elemental, and can inflict Heat if Steiner is equipped with the Add Status support ability with a 10% flat chance. It can be bought for 5,190 gil at Esto Gaza after completing the Desert Palace, but Esto Gaza becomes inaccessible after entering the Shimmering Island portal.

Final Fantasy X[]

The Flametongue is a customized sword for Tidus, which has Firestrike as its dominant ability. Firestrike can be customized onto a weapon with Bomb Fragment x4.

Final Fantasy XII[]

Flametongue is a fire-elemental, one-handed sword. In the original PlayStation 2 version, it can be used by those who have unlocked the Swords 3 License for 40 LP. It has an Attack power of 53, and is first available at Jahara for 5,200 gil. Swords are among the slower weapons to use.

In the Zodiac versions, it provides 45 Attack, 5 Evade, 32 CT, 5% combo rate, and requires the Swords 4 license for 50 LP. it can be bought in Jahara and Mt Bur-Omisace for 4,000 gil, found as a treasure in Giza Plains - The Rains (Tracks of the Beast), Zertinan Caverns (Halls of Ardent Darkness), Ozmone Plain (The Shred), Tchita Uplands (Uazcuff Hills), poached from Jelly (5% chance), bought from the bazaar for 2,025 gil after selling Lumber x2, Malboro Vine x2, and Fire Stone x6. it can be equipped by the Knight class.

An airship is also mentioned to be named Flametongue during a cutscene.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]

Inferno-forged blade that cuts swaths of flame.


Flametongue is the fourth weapon available to Vaan, and provides +40 Attack, +20 Magick Attack, and +60 Speed. It can be crafted with the Primary Principles recipe, or bought in Tomaj's Sky Saloon shop for 2400 gil in Chapter 4. It uses a generic sword sprite during battle.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

The Flametongue is a Gladiator's Arm Gladiator's Arm for Paladin Paladins. It can be found in sunken temple of qarn as a treasure, a drop from the boss Adjudicator, or a reward for completion of the duty.



Gladiator's Arm
GLA PLD Lv. 35
Item Level 37
Physical Damage: 24 Auto-attack: 16.64 Delay: 2.08
Strength +6
Vitality +7
Tenacity +9
Determination +4
Blacksmith Blacksmith
Dyeable: No Unique

Final Fantasy XV[]

Flame Tongue
Swords1173Max MP: +7
Fire Resistance: 28%
Inflicts Fire-based damage
Buy: 800
Sell: 400
Shop: Taelpar Rest Area, Lestallum
A one-handed blade with flames at its core. Foes vulnerable to fire best beware.

Final Fantasy XVI[]

Flametongue from Final Fantasy XVI icon

With a tongue of flame spake he the words of destruction.
-Eikonomachy - Book of Brin 17:10

The Flametongue has attack power of 180. It is craftable at Blackthorne's after completing the "The Meaning of Life" main story mission.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]

Blade said to lick the air like a fiery tongue.


The Flametongue is a blade with an Attack power of 38. It teaches Backdraft to Fighters, Fire Sword to Gladiators, and Mog Attack to Mog Knights. It can be bought from Sprohm for 3,750 gil and from other towns for 4,250 gil.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

True to its name, this sword wavers and dances like the voracious flames of a fire.


The Flametongue is a Fire-elemental blade that teaches Back Draft ability to Fighters for 400 AP, Fire Soul to Gladiators for 300 AP, and Moogle Attack to Moogle Knights for 100 AP.

It provides +42 Attack and can be bought for 2,400 gil in the shop after creating it in the Bazaar after using a Fire Stone, Cruzle Brass, and Zingu Pearl.

Final Fantasy Type-0[]

Flametongues are weapons for Machina. They provide 46 Attack Power and boost his Fire Magic by 30. In the PSP version, they can be bought from the SPP Post after bringing Machina in multiplayer 300 times for 10000 SPP and sell for 5000 gil.

In the HD version, they can be bought after defeating 700 enemies with Machina for 2500 gil and sell for 1250 gil.

Final Fantasy Agito[]

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

Flametongue is an artifact found early on that increases the character's Strength by 2.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

A sword enveloped in perpetual fire. Won't extinguish, even when swung vigorously.


The Flametongue is a weapon used by Clavats. It adds 45 to Attack and can be made by using the Fiery Weapon scroll.

Another sword, called the Fire Edge, is more powerful, adding 135 to Attack. It can be made using the Fire God's Weapon scroll.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]

A sword enveloped in fire. The flames never go out, no matter how violently it is swung.


Flametongue is a low-ranked sword that can be used by all races. It provides 37 Attack at level 1 and 129 attack at level 30, +5 to Fire-elemental attack, has one empty slot, and can be bought for 765 gil. It can also be created for 200 gil by using Silver x2 and a Red Stone. When turned into a jewel, a level 3-9 Flametongue will make a Fire Stone 1, level 10-19 makes an Anti-Burn Stone 3, and level 20-30 makes a Small Citrine.

The Final Fantasy Legend[]

Flame has a sword icon before its name. It can be bought in Southwest Town for 24,000 GP. It has 50 uses and an attack power of 10, the damage formula for Flame is base on Strength. This sword is Fire-elemental.

Final Fantasy Legend II[]

Flame has a sword icon before its name. It can be bought for 17000 GP in Venus' City, Race Circuit and Hana's Town, but can also be found in Volcano. It has 40 uses, it also increases a Robot's HP by 81 and increases their Str by 18. The damage formula for Flame is the user's Str x12 and deals Fire-elemental damage.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

The Flameblade can be found in a chest in Mount Gulg. The sword has an attack of 10 and is Fire-elemental.

Dissidia Final Fantasy[]

The Flametongue is a level 15 sword that increases Attack by 13 and increases base Bravery by 20% at the start of a battle. It can be traded for in the shop for 3,700 gil, a Broadsword, a Bless Shard, and Transmogridust x4, or acquired as a stage bonus in Destiny Odyssey VIII by finishing a stage with five Destiny Points.

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]

The Flametongue is a level 1 to sword. It is purchased at various Moogle Shops for 60 KP.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]

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Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

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Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]

Some like it hot and some like when fire itself is bound within their sword.


Flametongue grants +2 to Attack. It can be equipped by Knight, Mystic Knight, Cecil, Bartz, Cloud, Squall, Seifer, Steiner, and Vaan.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Flametongue (VI)
Rarity 3
Additional stats: Accuracy +89
Bonus effects when equipped: Adds small boost to fire damage.
Flametongue (V)
Rarity 5
Additional stats: Accuracy +95
Bonus effects when equipped: Adds small boost to fire damage.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

A blazing sword whose undying, searing flame leaves foes to burn.

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

A sword tempered with fire from the spirits of the deceased. The curved edged of this blade is said to be forever burning, thought its heat cannot be felt by whoever grasps it, and thus presents no actual danger to the wielder. However, it does burn any foe it strikes, immediately incinerating said target. Legend tells of a young warrior from the Military Nation of Zoldaad who used the flametongue to defeat countless beasts.


Flametongue is a Sword obtained by crafting it using 600 gil, x5 Fire Crysts, and x9 Mythril Ores, and by finding it at Zadehl Westersand. It provides 33 ATK and is Fire-elemental.

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War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Bravely series[]

A sword imbued with the power of fire by the extended tempering of its mythril steel blade in Eisenberg's magma. Its beautiful blade seems to ripple like fire, but as soon as it is swung, it bursts into flame, allowing its wielder to deal a fire effect with each slash.

Description in Bravely Default

In Bravely Default, Flametongue is a sword that provides 36 Attack, 90 Aim, and deals Fire-elemental damage. It can be bought for 15000 pg in Eternia or found in the Temple of Fire.

In Bravely Second: End Layer, Flametongue is a sword that provides 36 P.ATK, 90 Aim, deals Fire-elemental damage, and deals 50% more damage to demonkind. It can be found in the Sagitta Forest.


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