The Mythril Sword in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy.
Mythril equipment (ミスリル, Misuriru?) is a common type of equipment in the Final Fantasy series forged from mythril ore into various weapons, armor, and accessories.
The most common mythril equipment pieces are: claws, daggers, swords, spears, axes, hammers, maces, staves, rods, bows, shields, heavy armor, and light armor. The equipment of this type are usually of weak or mediocre power, as are usually obtained either after the first boss, or in the second quarter of the game. This is somewhat odd, as in many fantasy settings Mythril is a very high grade metal.
In some early localizations, mythril equipment has been localized as silver equipment.
Final Fantasy[]
Mythril equipment is a mediocre set used to its fullest by the Warrior and Ninja classes. It is one of the first upgrade series and is worth buying. White and Black Mages' attacks can save magic for harder opponents with more HP, or deal damage to enemies with a few HP remaining to keep them from using their move sets.
List of mythril equipment:
- Mythril Knife
- Mythril Sword
- Mythril Hammer
- Mythril Axe
- Mythril Mail
- Mythril Helm
- Mythril Gloves
- Mythril Shield
Final Fantasy II[]
Mythril plays a more important role in the story, the number of mythril equipment has increased. All of these weapons can be obtained after obtaining said item in the Semitt Falls.
List of mythril weapons:
List of mythril armor:
Final Fantasy III[]
Mythril equipment becomes available after defeating the Djinn in the Sealed Cave.
List of mythril equipment:
- Mythril Knife
- Mythril Sword
- Mythril Rod
- Mythril Armor
- Mythril Gloves
- Mythril Bracers
- Mythril Helm
- Mythril Shield
The Mythril Ring is an item used to banish Djinn and remove the curse.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Named as Silver in the original SNES translation, mythril equipment can be found and purchased at the eponymous town of Mythril. Curiously, the Adamantite Grotto is found nearby.
List of mythril equipment:
- Mythril Knife 2D & 3D
- Mythril Staff 2D & 3D
- Mythril Hammer 2D & 3D
- Mythril Sword 2D & 3D
- Mythril Armor 2D & 3D
- Mythril Gloves 2D & 3D
- Mythril Helm 2D & 3D
- Mythril Shield 2D & 3D
Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]
Mythril equipment cannot be purchased at shops, but certain monster can drop some of them.
List of mythril equipment:
- Mythril Knife
- Mythril Staff
- Mythril Hammer
- Mythril Sword
- Mythril Armor
- Mythril Gloves
- Mythril Helm
- Mythril Shield
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
List of mythril equipment:
- Mythril Knife
- Mythril Staff
- Mythril Hammer
- Mythril Sword
- Mythril Armor
- Mythril Gloves
- Mythril Helm
- Mythril Shield
Final Fantasy V[]
The mythril set, also known as mithril, is a set of equipment obtained in the earlier stages of the game. The complete mythril set can be bought in Karnak.
List of mythril equipment:
- Mythril Knife
- Mythril Sword
- Mythril Hammer
- Mythril Staff (Dummied)
- Mythril Shield
- Mythril Spear
- Mythril Helm
- Mythril Armor
- Mythril Glove
Final Fantasy VI[]
The metal was originally translated as Mithril in the SNES version. There are various weapons, armors, and relics of this type.
List of mythril weapons:
- Mythril Knife
- Mythril Sword
- Mythril Claw
- Mythril Rod
- Mythril Spear
List of mythril armor and accessories:
- Mythril Vest
- Mythril Mail
- Mythril Helm
- Mythril Shield
- Mythril Glove
Mythril Dagger is also one of the weapons thrown by the Blade Dancer, which deals moderate non-elemental damage to one target.
Final Fantasy VII[]
There are few pieces of mythril equipment: a Mythril Armlet, which can be purchased at the Wall Market, a Mythril Saber for Cloud, a Mythril Rod for Aeris, a Mythril Claw for Tifa, and a Mythril Clip for Red XIII.
To get Aeris's ultimate Limit Break, Great Gospel, a piece of Mythril is required to give to the weapon seller near Gongaga. This is obtained from the sleeping man in a cave near Under Junon (reached by taking the buggy across on the cargo ship by driving it into Costa del Sol) when the player talks to him after fighting a number of battles where the last two digits are the same, such as 455 or 311, though both numbers must be odd. The Mythril can be traded for a choice of two boxes, one of which contains a Gold Armlet, while the other contains the Limit Break.
Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-[]
The Mythril Armlet is an accessory that boosts Max MP by 100% and prevents Silence. The Mythril Gloves boosts Attack and Magic by +5.
Zack can obtain the Mythril Tools in Aerith's flower wagon building sidequest, which is used in the construction of the best flower wagon.
Final Fantasy VII Remake[]
Four pieces of mythril equipment appear: Cloud's Mythril Saber, Tifa's Mythril Claws, Aerith's Mythril Rod, and the Mythril Armlet. Mythril equipment primarily boost magic-related stats, with mythril weapons providing the highest magic attack boosts, and the Mythril Armlet's defensive bonuses being slanted heavily in favor of magic defense.
According to the World Intel, mythril was the highest grade of metal for equipment and weapons, until synthetic alternatives by Shinra Electric Power Company managed to outdate it.
Final Fantasy IX[]
Mythril equipment is relatively abundant: all characters but Vivi have access to at least one mythril weapon. Mythril armor is also available to everyone. Every mythril weapon can be purchased in Esto Gaza before traveling to the Desert Palace, although most of them can be found or purchased earlier.
List of mythril weapons:
- Mythril Dagger (Zidane)
- Mythril Sword (Steiner)
- Mythril Rod (Dagger)
- Mythril Spear (Freya)
- Mythril Fork (Quina)
- Mythril Claws (Amarant)
- Mythril Racket (Dagger and Eiko)
List of mythril armor:
Tetra Master[]
Tetra Master |
![]() #080 Location: Treno, Card Stadium |
Final Fantasy X[]
Any character's armor can gain the "Mythril" moniker by having both a "Magic Defense +%" and a "Defense +%" abilities on the same armor.
- Mythril Shield
- Mythril Bracer
- Mythril Targe
- Mythril Armguard
- Mythril Bangle
- Mythril Ring
- Mythril Armlet
Final Fantasy X-2[]
There are no weapons and armor, but there are two kinds of mythril accessories. The Mythril Gloves raise Defense by 20, while the Mythril Bangle raises HP by 60%.
Final Fantasy XI[]
Mythril is a basic goldsmithing material, used in the creation of many types of equipment and currencies. It is typically ranked between Silver and Gold in value.
List of Mythril equipment:
- Mythril Axe
- Mythril Pick
- Mythril Mace
- Mythril Rod
- Mythril Baselard
- Mythril Dagger
- Mythril Knife
- Mythril Kukri
- Mythril Knuckles
- Mythril Claws
- Mythril Sword
- Mythril Degen
- Mythril Lance
- Mythril Zanghal
- Mythril Scythe
- Mythril Sallet
- Mythril Breastplate
- Mythril Gauntlets
- Mythril Cuisses
- Mythril Legging
Final Fantasy XII[]
Only two mythril weapons appear: a Mythril Sword, initially equipped by Vaan, and a Mythril Blade by Basch. Both are smallswords and are only used during the events in the Nalbina Dungeons, thereafter they will be quickly turned in for much better equipment when the party returns to Rabanastre. Both can be sold for a small amount, but only the Mythril Sword can be reacquired later as a very rare drop from the Omega Mark XII.
Basch's Mythril Blade plays a small storyline role. Dalan gives the blade to Vaan as a quest item, then called the Sword of the Order, signifying it the traditional weapon of the Knights of Dalmasca. Vaan delivers the blade to a man named "Azelas" in town, who turns out to be Vossler. Vossler passes the sword to Basch, who joins the main party after the cutscene accompanying the delivery, and has the blade equipped. Unique to Basch, cutscenes where he is armed show him wielding the Mythril Blade regardless of what actual weapon he has equipped, while other characters wield their equipped weapons.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]
The Mythril Gloves is an accessory for Llyud that grants the team resistance to Confuse.
Final Fantasy XIII[]
Returning to its original name, the Mythril Bangle is an accessory that grants +300 to 450 HP depending on its level. It is acquired through upgrading the Gold Bangle and can be upgraded to the Platinum Bangle by using the Mnar Stone. The Mythril Bangle can also be bought from B&W Outfitters in the Retail Network for 15,000 gil.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

Final Fantasy XIV[]
Mythril gear encompasses a variety of mid-range equipment, generally between steel and cobalt.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
There are a few pieces of mythril gear, which are distributed to heavier jobs.
List of mythril equipment:
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
By competing with other clans, the player can win many types of mythril weapons. By giving them to one of the clanners, they can learn a combo move that is related to their job. Combo moves are mastered after gaining 100 AP.
List of Mythril weapons:
Final Fantasy Type-0[]
List of Mythril weapons: | List of Mythril accessories: |
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]
Mythril equipment appears only in the form of armor.
List of Mythril armor:
- Mythril Plate
- Mythril Shield
- Mythril Belt
- Mythril Gauntlets
- Mythril Helm
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]
Mythril Helm, Mythril Casque, Mythril Armor, and Mythril Plate represent the Mythril equipment.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]
The Mythril Sword and Mythril Dagger represents the Mythril equipment, both being low-ranked weapons.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]
Mythril Sword, Mythril Ladle, Mythril Bow, Mythril Rod, Mythril Club, Mythril Pike, Mythril Helm, and Mythril Armor are the representatives of this set of equipment.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord[]

Final Fantasy Adventure[]
Originally localized as Silver equipment, Watts the dwarf makes several pieces of mythril gear after retrieving the metal from the Forbidden Mines. The sentient cave known as Gaia Pass has a taste for it, so Sumo needs to equip the sword, body armor, and shield sold by Watts to go through the grotto. He will gain access to the matching helm by visiting the western shack near the lake where Glaive's airship is parked.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]
Mythril was localized as Steel, Benjamin's first weapon and his initial equipped weapon is the Steel Sword. The Steel Helm, Steel Shield and Steel Armor appear as the weakest armor set in their respective categories.
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]
The Mythril Hammer and Mythril Rod are the only mythril equipment pieces. The Mythril Hammer is one of the two ways to try and hatch the dragon egg in Invidia. The player obtains the weapon by giving a piece of Mythril to the Weapon Shop owner in Invidia. The Mythril Rod is obtained from the Arbor multiplayer shop.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)[]
The mythril set consists of a shield, bangle, helm, hairpin, vest and armor for armor, and a Mythril Sword, Spear, Rod, Axe and Claw for weapons. Mythril items are level 22, except for the spear and armor at level 23 and the rod at level 24. The items have a variation with the "+" suffix, which provides the same stats but have a level requirement 14 levels lower. When any three of the Mythril items are equipped, the "Mystic Mythril" combination is activated, increasing EX Mode duration by 30%.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
The Mythril Sword in its Final Fantasy XII appearance is wielded by Vaan as his basic Short Sword. Various other Mythril equipment appear, including the Mythril Sword, Mythril Spear, Mythril Axe, Mythril Rod, Mythril Claws, Mythril Shield, Mythril Bangle, Mythril Helm, Mythril Hairpin, Mythril Vest, and Mythril Armor. All Mythril equipment grants 1/3 Mystic Mythril and are all level 1 equipment.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
The Mythril Sword, Mythril Dagger, and Mythril Spear are weapons. The Mythril Sword with rarity listed as Normal has a base Attack of 280 and a base Defense of 260, has a maximum level of 20, a cost of 4, and a fast leveling rate. The Mythril Sword with rarity listed as Normal Plus has a base attack of 550 and a base defense of 580. It has a maximum level of 40, a cost of 8, and a normal leveling rate.

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]
There are numerous mythril equipment: Mythril Knife, Mythril Sword, Mythril Rod, and Mythril Claws.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Mythril Shield from Final Fantasy IV is a Rarity 2 shield.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon[]

Chocobo's Dungeon 2[]

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon[]

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring[]
The Mythril equipment appears within the Forsaken Dungeon, they are low-ranked weapons and armor. The set consist of the following; Mythril Sword, Mythril Rod, Mythril Axe, Mythril Spear, Mythril Knuckle, Mythril Shield, Mythril Helm, and Mythril Armor.
- Part 1

- Part 2

mithril" is a metal found in many fantasy worlds. It was originally introduced by the fantasy writings of J. R. R. Tolkien, being present in his Middle-earth. It resembles silver but is stronger than steel, and much lighter in weight than either. The author first wrote of it in The Lord of the Rings, and it is retrospectively mentioned in the third, revised edition of The Hobbit in 1966. In the first 1937 edition, the mail shirt given to Bilbo is described as being made of "silvered steel". The name mithril comes from two words in Sindarin—mith, meaning "grey" or "mist", and ril meaning "glitter".
The word "mythril" or "Some early games localized "mythril" as "silver." Silver is a chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag and atomic number 47. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it possesses the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal.
Silver often carries connotations of "second-best", especially when contrasted with gold.