Barbut in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
A sturdy helm, though some complain the narrow visor ruins their view of the carnage.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift description
Barbut (バルビュータ, Barubyūta?), also known as Barbuta, is a recurring helmet in the Final Fantasy series, usually being a low-ranked helmet that provides no special abilities and only mediocre defenses.
Final Fantasy IX[]
The Barbut is used by Steiner and Freya. It provides 9 Defense and gives a +2 bonus to Spirit on level up, as well as teaching Alert and Dragon Killer. It can be bought from Burmecia, Summit Station, Treno (when Dagger is party leader), Alexandria for 600 gil.
Final Fantasy XII[]
In the original PlayStation 2 version, Barbut is a low-ranked helmet that requires 30 LP and the Heavy Armor 3 license to use. It can be bought for 1,900 gil in Rabanastre, and provides 11 Magick Resist and 4 Strength.
In the Zodiac versions, Barbut still provides 11 Magick Resist and 4 Strength, and now requires the Heavy Armor 3 license for 35 LP. It can be bought at Rabanastre, Bhujerba, Dalmasca Westersand, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Tomb of Raithwall, and Balfonheim Port for 1,800 gil, found as a treasure in Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (East Junction) and Trial Mode Stage 35 (with Diamond Armlet), and stolen from Yensa (3% chance), Bull Yensa (3% chance). It can be equipped by the Uhlan, Knight, Time Battlemage, and Foebreaker.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
This helm covers the entire head, save for a T-shaped cutout for the wearer's face.
Barbut (Barbuta in the PlayStation version) is a low-ranked helmet that provides +40 HP and can be bought for 1,500 gil.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Barbut is a low-ranked helmet that provides 7 Defense and 3 Resistance. It can be bought for 450 gil in the shop after creating it in the Bazaar by using an Adamant Alloy, Crooked Fang, and Green Liquid.
Vagrant Story[]
Barbut is a mid-ranked helmet that provides 6 Strength, 7 Intelligence, and -1 Agility.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)[]
Barbut is a level 15 helmet that provides +1 Defense, +57 Bravery, and Chase Brave Defense +20%. It can be obtained by trading 2,120 gil, a Bronze Helm, a Guts Shard, and Transmogridust x4.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
Barbut is a level 1 helmet that provides +70 Bravery, +2 Defense, and +3% Chase Bravery Defense. It can be obtained by trading 60 KP at a Moogle Shop.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
A helmet made from a single sheet of metal which has a special opening that begins from the eyes and ends at the mouth. This gap actually grants the wearer a greater field of vision than other helmets, and makes breathing easier as well. Some may fear that the wide opening in the middle of the barbut could be penetrated by a weapon, but as long as its edges are rimmed with thicker metal, it should be enough to prevent this. Some craftsmen use this particular part of the helmet to make it shine more like a work of art.
Barbut is a Helm obtained by buying it for 1,200 gil at Felicitas Town, crafting it using 240 gil and x3 Silver Ores, and finding it in Lost Village of Marlo. It provides 3 ATK and 8 DEF.
barbute is a visorless war helmet of 15th-century Italian design, often with distinctive T-shaped or Y-shaped opening for the eyes and mouth.