Artwork from Final Fantasy IV.
The adamantite that reinforces this armor gives it a beautiful greenish luster.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift description
Adamant Armor (アダマンアーマー, Adaman Āmā?), also known as Adaman Mail, is a recurring heavy armor in the Final Fantasy series. It is often an extremely powerful armor piece, providing incredible defenses and stat bonuses, but due to this is often very rare.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Armor of adamantite.
Adamant Armor is the strongest armor piece, only obtained if the player brings a Pink Tail to the Tail Collector at Adamant Isle Grotto. It provides 100 Defense, 20 Magic Defense, 12 Magic Evasion, resistance to Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Blind, Silence, Pig, Mini, Toad, Petrify, Death, Gradual Petrify, Confuse, Sleep, Paralyze, Float, and Curse. It also gives +15 to Strength, Stamina, Agility, Intelligence, and Spirit. It can be equipped by everyone except Dark Knight Cecil.
In the 3D remakes, Adamant Armor is still the best armor, providing 100 Defense and Magic Defense, 30 Evasion and Magic Evasion, +15 Strength/Stamina/Agility/Intelligence/Spirit, resistance towards all elements, and resistance to all statuses except Berserk, Sap, Slow, Doom, and Critical. Once again, only Dark Knight Cecil cannot equip it.
The Adamant Armor apparently plays around with some extended flags in the SNES version, and removing the Adamant Armor after having it equipped on a character once will make that character very weak (4x damage taken) to Fire, Ice, and Lightning elements. If the player manages to get this armor, they should equip it to a character and never remove it.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
Adamant Armor is a high-ranked armor, providing 50 Defense, 20 Magic Defense, -10% Evasion, 12% Magic Evasion, resistance towards Fire-elemental attacks, Petrify, Pig, and Poison, and +5 to all stats. It can be obtained only by trading Adamantite x3, and can be equipped by everyone except Calca and Brina.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
Armor of beautifully tempered green adamantite.
Adaman Armor is a high-ranked heavy armor, providing 58 Defense and 3 Magic Resistance.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Adamant Armor is a high-ranked heavy armor that provides 54 Defense and 3 Resistance. It can be obtained from the Bazaar from the "Unyielding Strength A" set.

Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]
Armor made from some robust material. For all tribes.
Adaman Mail is a mid-ranked armor that provides 36 Defense, +10 to Dark, and has one available slot for jewels. It can be equipped by all races.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring[]
Increases MAX HP by 10 percent.
The Adamantite Armor is an armor within the Forsaken Dungeon. It provides 32 Armor Def, 15 Durability, +10% MAX HP, -3 Speed, and -3 Consumption Rate.
Bravely Default[]
The ultimate in full-body armor made by an elite craftsman who spent three years on this masterpiece, made of a special piece of carapace from an adamantite shell only found on the female of the species. The shell is further hardened by curing it in empress honey for half a year. The only drawback is the sweet smell, which attracts bees and bears.
Adamant Armor is a high-ranked heavy armor that provides 36 P.DEF and 9 M.DEF. It can be bought for 15,000 pg at Eternia.
Adamantite and similar words including Adamant and Adamantine are used to refer to any especially hard substance, whether composed of diamond, some other gemstone, or some type of metal.