Final Fantasy Wiki

Below is listed the armor in Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-.


FF4PSP Item Icon Gloves

Armlets can be equipped by many different characters, but not all characters can equip them all.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Cursed Ring 0 0 -10 0 Drop: Soul, Belphegor Everybody
Ring that increases armor attributes.
-15 Strength, Stamina, Agility, Intelligence, & Spirit. Changes elemental resistance into absorption.
Ruby Ring 0 3 0 2 Initial: Rydia?
Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle
Find: Developer's Office
1000 Everybody
Ring that prevents Pig.
Resistance: Pig
Silver Armlet 4 4 0 4 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle
Drop: Tiny Mage
650 Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Palom, Porom, Edge
Armlet resistant against ghoul attacks.
Resistance: Ghouls
Rune Armlet 5 8 0 8 Initial: Rosa, Porom, Palom
Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle
Drop: Marionetteer
2000 Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Palom, Porom, Edge
Armlet that prevents Silence.
+3 Intelligence & Spirit. Resistance: Silence, Mages
Power Armlet 2 2 0 2 Initial: Yang, Monks
Find: Sealed Cave
Drop: Ogre
Cecil, Yang, Cid, Rydia, Rydia?, Edge
Wristband that increases a martial artist's power.
+5 Strength.
Diamond Armlet 6 8 0 6 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon 4000 Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Palom, Porom, Edge
Armlet resistant against lightning.
Resistance: Lightning.
Twin Stars 15 20 10 12 Find: Cave of Eblan Palom, Porom
When used by two people, the ultimate magic can be used.
Enables the spell Twin Meteor when Twincast is used.

Body armor[]

FF4PSP Item Icon Armour

Body armor can only be equipped by Cecil and Cid.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Mythril Armor 13 4 -10 2 Drop: Mythril Golem Cecil, Cid
Armor of mythril, resistant against ghoul attacks.
Resistance: Ghoul
Flame Mail 15 4 -10 2 Initial: Cecil
Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon
Drop: Flame Knight
30000 Cecil, Cid
Armor immersed in the power of fire, resistant against ice.
Resistance: Ice. Weakness: Fire.
Ice Armor 17 4 -10 2 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon 35000 Cecil, Cid
Armor immersed in the power of ice, resistant against fire.
Resistance: Fire. Weakness: Ice.
Diamond Armor 19 4 -10 2 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon 40000 Cecil, Cid
Armor resistant against lightning.
Resistance: Lightning.


FF4PSP Item Icon Armour

The majority of Clothes can be equipped by every character.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Leather Clothing 2 1 0 1 Drop: Gigas Gator Everybody
Clothes of leather.
Black Belt Gi 10 3 20 2 Initial: Yang, Monks, Edge Everybody
Light and comfortable clothes from a faraway land.
+5 Strength, +5 Stamina.
Power Sash 15 0 0 0 Initial: Cid Everybody
Sash made from special threads.
+15 Strength
Minerva Bustier 20 5 30 5 Initial: Rydia? Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Porom
Clothes of the goddess of the heavens.
Can only be equipped by females. +15 Strength, Stamina, & Agility. -15 Intelligence & Spirit. Resistance: Paralysis.


FF4PSP Item Icon Gloves

Gloves can be equipped by Cecil, Cid, and Edge.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Mythril Gloves 6 2 -10 2 Initial: Cecil, Cid Cecil, Cid, Edge
Gloves of mythril, resistant against ghoul attacks.
Resistance: Ghoul.
Giant's Gloves 10 0 -10 0 Initial: Edge
Find: Tower of Babil
Drop: Ogre, Steel Golem
Cecil, Cid, Edge
Gloves that prevent Mini.
+10 Strength & Stamina. Resistance: Mini and Giants.
Diamond Gloves 7 3 -10 3 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon 5000 Cecil, Cid, Edge
Gloves resistant against lightning.
Resistance: Lightning.


FF4PSP Item Icon Helmet

Hats can be equipped by every character except for Cid.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Leather Cap 1 1 -5 1 Drop: Gigas Gator Everybody
Leather cap.
Headband 1 1 0 1 Initial: Yang, Monks
Find: Mt. Hobs
Drop: Ogre
Bandana that prevents Confuse.
+5 Strength. Resistance: Confuse.
Feathered Cap 2 3 -4 3 Drop: Roc Everybody
Light cap made from silk thread.
Green Beret 3 1 2 1 Initial: Edge
Find: Tower of Babil
Cap full of magic power.
+5 Strength & Stamina.
Wizard's Hat 3 5 -3 5 Initial: Palom Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Rydia?, Palom, Porom
Cap made from special thread.
+3 Spirit & Intelligence.
Sage's Miter 5 7 -2 7 Initial: Rosa, Porom Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Rydia?, Palom, Porom
Cap made from sacred threads.
+5 Spirit.
Gold Hairpin 7 10 0 9 Initial: Rydia?
Buy: Dwarf shop on the Falcon
20000 Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Porom
Hairpin resistant against lightning.
Can only be equipped by females. +10 Intelligence. Resistance: Lightning, Dragons.
Ribbon 9 12 2 12 Find: Tower of Babil Everybody
Ribbon that prevents various status ailments.
Resistance: All statuses except Doom, Sap, Berserk, Slow, Paralyze, and HP Critical.


FF4PSP Item Icon Helmet

Helmets can be only be equipped by Cecil and Cid.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Mythril Helm 8 2 -10 2 Initial: Cecil Cecil, Cid
Helmet of mythril, resistant against ghoul attacks.
Resistance: Ghoul.
Diamond Helm 9 2 -10 2 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon 10000 Cecil, Cid
Helmet resistant against lightning.
Resistance: Lightning.
Grand Helm 14 10 -10 7 Initial: Cid Cid
Helm resistant against lightning.
+5 Agility & Spirit. Resistance: Lightning.


FF4PSP Item Icon Shield

Shields can only be equipped by Cecil. Cid can also equip shield, but only when he's equipped with a one-handed weapon such as the Dwarven Axe.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Mythril Shield 3 2 26 2 Initial: Cecil
Drop: Armadillo, Magma Tortoise, Mythril Golem
Cecil, Cid
Shield of mythril, resistant against ghoul attacks.
Resistance: Ghoul.
Flame Shield 3 2 28 2 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon
Drop: Fiery Knight
1250 Cecil, Cid
Shield immersed in the power of fire, resistant against cold.
Resistance: Ice. Weakness: Fire.
Ice Shield 3 2 30 2 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon 10000 Cecil, Cid
Shield immersed in the power of ice, resistant against fire.
Resistance: Fire and Beasts. Weakness: Ice.
Diamond Shield 4 2 32 3 Buy: Dwarf shop on the Falcon 15000 Cecil, Cid
Shield resistant against lightning.
Resistance: Lightning.
Aegis Shield 4 5 34 4 Find: Tower of Babil Cecil, Cid
Shield that prevents petrification.
+3 Intelligence. Resistance: Petrify, Gradual Petrify, Mages.


FF4PSP Item Icon Armour

Robes can be equipped by numerous mages.

Name Def Mag Def Eva Mag Eva Acquisition Cost Character(s)
Sage's Surplice 5 5 0 5 Initial: Rosa, Porom Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Rydia?, Palom, Porom
Robe made from sacred threads.
+5 Spirit.
Black Robe 8 7 0 7 Initial: Palom Rydia, Rydia?, Palom
Robe made for those who use black magic.
Can only be equipped by Black Magic users. +5 Intelligence.
Luminous Robe 12 9 0 9 Buy: Dwarf shop on the Falcon 30000 Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Rydia?, Palom, Porom
Robe resistant against lightning.
+5 Intelligence & Spirit. Resistance: Lightning, Undead.