Final Fantasy Wiki

Dadaluma attacks with ShockWave and uses Potions. If the battle drags on, he'll call allies, so focus your attacks on him first.

PlayStation Bestiary entry

Dadaluma is a boss in Final Fantasy VI. He appears in Zozo, guarding the door to the room leading to Terra and the esper Ramuh. He says the opposite of what he truly means, attacking the party when he promised to let them pass.



Dadaluma uses normal attacks, his special attack Sweepkick, and the weak Shockwave attack. When hit with the Fight command four times, he will counter by throwing either a Mythril Knife or a Dagger at a random party member, twice. If he is hit with magic twice, he will counter by throwing either a Mythril Knife or a Dagger before using Jump, which will make him temporarily invulnerable. These counters are powerful and easily kill a party member.

FFVI iOS Protect

Protect (iOS).

Every 30 seconds, Dadaluma will whistle for two Iron Fists to join him if he is alone, but they should not pose a problem. Once his HP reaches 1,920 or lower, he will either use a Potion or a Hi-Potion three times and cast Protect on himself. If Locke is in the party, he can steal a Thief's Bracer, a rare relic this early in the game.


Dadaluma's powerful counters can be avoided by using Blitz, Bushido, Tools, and Rage, which do not increase the variable that determines when Dadaluma uses his counters.

If Celes readies her Runic ability at the correct time, she can absorb Dadaluma's attempt at casting Protect, and thus hasten his defeat. When Dadaluma uses Jump, it is the perfect opportunity to charge up for Cyan's stronger Bushido, since Dadaluma cannot be attacked during that time anyway. If timed correctly, it is possible to deal extra damage without wasting any time at all; Flurry in particular is good.

Dadaluma is vulnerable to the Imp spell. Celes learns Imp natively at level 13.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
438 Dadaluma, Iron Fist x2 Y N N N Sides, individual The Decisive Battle 0
Hide start messages. Will not appear on the Veldt.

AI script[]

If Dadaluma does NOT have silence status:[note 2]

If Timer >= 30:
Set Timer = 0
If Dadaluma is by itself:
Summon Iron Fist x2

If HP <= 1920 (only once per battle):

Target: Self
Use: Hi-Potion or Potion
Use: Hi-Potion or Potion
Use: Hi-Potion or Potion
Protect (100%)

If Var3 >= 4:

Target: Random Player
Throw: Dagger or Mythril Knife
Target: Random Player
Throw: Dagger or Mythril Knife
Set Var3 = 0

If Var2 >= 2:

If Dadaluma does NOT have Slow status:
1st Turn: Target: Random Player
Throw: Dagger or Mythril Knife
2nd Turn: Target: Random Player
Jump (100%)
Set Var2 = 0

Attack Turns:

1st Turn: Attack (66%) or Shockwave (33%)
2nd Turn: Attack (66%) or Sweepkick (33%)

If attacked by "Attack":

Increase Var3 by 1
Attack (33%)

If attacked by "Magic":

Increase Var2 by 1

If attacked by "Steal": Steal (100%)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Dadaluma
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Dadaluma appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Earth-elemental Forward cards.



Dada is a cultural movement that is characterized by deliberate irrationality and a rejection of traditional society. As a street thug living in Zozo, where most of the citizens always lie, Dadaluma embodies both of these concepts perfectly.


  1. Dadaluma uses the same sprite as Vargas, just with a different palette.
  2. In normal gameplay, this will always be true as there is no way to inflict silence before this fight.