Final Fantasy Wiki

Attacks with Ice 2, N. Cross, and L? Pearl, but is weak vs. fire attacks.

Final Fantasy VI PlayStation Bestiary entry

Dullahan is a boss in Final Fantasy VI fought at the bottom of Darill's Tomb that guards the door leading to the Falcon. Despite what its appearance might suggest, the Dullahan is not an undead enemy.



FFVI Northen Cross

Northern Cross (GBA).

Dullahan casts Blizzara, Blizzaga, and Holy spells. When attacked eight times, it changes to a new attack pattern where it uses Absolute Zero, Northern Cross, and its special attack, Morning Star. It is weak to Fire Fire, and its attacks are varied but not overly powerful.

In the SNES and PS versions, the Dullahan, who is fought early in the World of Ruin, has the valuable Genji Glove, but it is impossible to steal because the player cannot recruit Locke or Gogo yet, and nobody in the current team can equip the Thief's Knife. There is no way to obtain a Merit Award either at this point, because none of the items that lead to it at the Coliseum can be obtained yet. However, Dullahan appears in the Soul Shrine in the GBA and 2014 Matrix Software versions, which makes it possible to steal from him.

In the original SNES version, the player may make use Relm's sketch glitch to have a Tortoise Shell inserted into their inventory. It can be wagered for a Saucer that can in turn be bet for the Cat-ear Hood, from which a player finally can obtain the Merit Award. The player may equip it to wield the Thief's Knife on Celes or Edgar and steal the glove. The Thief's Glove should be equipped while performing the sketch glitch, so as not to risk overwriting its inventory bit.

Dullahan absorbs Ice Ice attacks.


There is an easy way to nullify much of the Dullahan's damage: in the tomb the player can find a Regal Gown. Betting it at Dragon's Neck Coliseum will pit the player against a Death Machine. Using a Reflect Ring will bounce the Death Machine's Death spell back at it, killing it, and rewarding the player with a Minerva Bustier, a very powerful armor. When equipped on Celes, the armor negates the Dullahan's ice attacks and halves the damage of his Holy spell, so only its Morning Star physical will do any significant damage to her.

Dullahan will fall relatively quickly with all four characters using Fira every turn.

Another way to defeat Dullahan is to deplete its MP, as it will die when its MP reaches 0.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
252 Dullahan Y Y Y Y Side, individual Battle 6
455 Dullahan Y N N N Sides, individual The Decisive Battle 5
Hide start messages.

AI script[]

At beginning of battle (only once per battle): Lv.? Holy

Attack Turns: 1st Turn: Blizzaga (33%) or Blizzara (33%) or Nothing (33%)
2nd Turn: Blizzaga (33%) or Holy (33%) or Nothing (33%)
3rd Turn: Holy (33%) or Blizzara (33%) or Nothing (33%)
4th Turn: Blizzara (33%) or Holy (33%) or Nothing (33%)

Turn Bit1 of Var36 on
Turn Bit2 of Var36 on

If attacked by anything:

Attack (33%)
Increase Var1 by 1

If Var1 >= 8:

1st Turn: Northern Cross (33%) or Morning Star (33%) or Nothing (33%)
2nd Turn: Blizzara (33%) or Morning Star (33%) or Nothing (33%)
3rd Turn: Lv.? Holy (33%) or Absolute Zero (33%) or Nothing (33%)
4th Turn: Blizzara (33%) or Absolute Zero (33%) or Nothing (33%)
Set Var1 = 0

If any party member has Reflect status:

If Bit1 of Var36 is on:
Reflect ??? (100%)
Turn Bit1 of Var36 off

If HP <= 10240:

If Bit2 of Var36 is on:
Target: Self
Cura (100%)
Turn Bit2 of Var36 off

Other appearances[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

A 3D-rendered Dullahan makes its debut as a boss in Act 3, Ch. 2, Pt. 2 of the main story, itself based on events in Final Fantasy VI. It was also a boss during the accompanying multiplayer raid, "Carol of the Osseous Chariot".

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Dullahan FFVI

Dullahan from Final Fantasy VI appears as an enemy in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Dullahan FFVI from FFBE enemy sprite
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The dullahan is a mythical horseman in Irish mythology, and is described as a headless knight who rides a black horse, or sometimes in a cart pulled by several horses, which moves so quickly the friction of the wheels can set roadside hedges on fire. The dullahan will ride through the night, eventually stopping at the location of a person who is set to die and calling out their name, drawing out their soul and killing them. If seen it will violently retaliate against the watcher, dousing them with blood and using a whip made from a human spine to lash out one of their eyes. The dullahan cannot be barred from travel by locks or gates and cannot be outrun, but it is repelled by golden objects and will turn and flee if one is in its path.

Related enemies[]
