Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Charting a Path
Forging Bonds Charting a Path
Event Characters Kent Crimson Shield Face FC Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC Sain Green Lance Face FC
Bonus Accessories Accessory Astral Dragonette EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Archbishops Tiara EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Old Branch EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Mystic Hairpin EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Caelin HelmFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Plains HeadbandFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Nomad HatFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Courtly RoseFrame 1Pane 1
Start time
End time
Beyond Control
Heart and Soul

Availability[ | ]

This Forging Bonds event was made available:

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Rewards[ | ]

Red FriendshipOrange FriendshipGreen FriendshipBlue Friendship
10Kent Crimson Shield Face FC Kent's C Conversation10Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC Guy's C Conversation10Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC Florina's C Conversation10Sain Green Lance Face FC Sain's C Conversation
25Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 50
50Hero Feather 30050Hero Feather 30050Hero Feather 30050Hero Feather 300
75Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 50
100Accessory Caelin HelmFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Plains HeadbandFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Nomad HatFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Courtly RoseFrame 1Pane 1
150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
200Divine Code Ephemera 6 10200Divine Code Ephemera 6 10200Divine Code Ephemera 6 10200Divine Code Ephemera 6 10
250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
300Kent Crimson Shield Face FC Kent's B Conversation300Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC Guy's B Conversation300Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC Florina's B Conversation300Sain Green Lance Face FC Sain's B Conversation
350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
400First Summon Ticket I 1400First Summon Ticket I 1400First Summon Ticket I 1400First Summon Ticket I 1
450Hero Feather 300450Hero Feather 300450Hero Feather 300450Hero Feather 300
500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
550Hero Feather 300550Hero Feather 300550Hero Feather 300550Hero Feather 300
600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
800Kent Crimson Shield Face FC Kent's A Conversation800Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC Guy's A Conversation800Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC Florina's A Conversation800Sain Green Lance Face FC Sain's A Conversation
900Hero Feather 300900Hero Feather 300900Hero Feather 300900Hero Feather 300
1,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 101,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 101,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 101,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 10
1,100Hero Feather 3001,100Hero Feather 3001,100Hero Feather 3001,100Hero Feather 300
1,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,5001,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,5001,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,5001,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,500
1,300Hero Feather 3001,300Hero Feather 3001,300Hero Feather 3001,300Hero Feather 300
1,400Hero Feather 3001,400Hero Feather 3001,400Hero Feather 3001,400Hero Feather 300
1,500Kent Crimson Shield Face FC Kent's S Conversation1,500Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC Guy's S Conversation1,500Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC Florina's S Conversation1,500Sain Green Lance Face FC Sain's S Conversation
1,600Trait Fruit 21,600Trait Fruit 21,600Trait Fruit 21,600Trait Fruit 2
1,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 300
1,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 300
2,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 300
2,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 300
2,500Accessory Caelin Helm EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,5002,500Accessory Plains Headband EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,5002,500Accessory Nomad Hat EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,5002,500Accessory Courtly Rose EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,500
2,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 300
3,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 103,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 103,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 103,000Divine Code Ephemera 6 10
3,250Hero Feather 5003,250Hero Feather 5003,250Hero Feather 5003,250Hero Feather 500
3,500Heroic Grail 103,500Heroic Grail 103,500Heroic Grail 103,500Heroic Grail 10

Special conversations[ | ]

Charting a Path[ | ]

Charting a Path - Opening

Background image: 005_Castle
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Hmm... You would request our aid
in drawing up a revised map of Askr?


That's right. There's a remote region
in the southwest that we're lacking
recent intelligence on.

On the surface, it may not seem like
the kind of flashy work we usually
ask you Heroes to do, but...

Well, I suspect that you'll find no end
of unsavory elements lurking among
the trees and rocks.




Anna Commander Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Gotcha. So we're really there to
stamp out the bandits...while also
updating the map, of course.


Exactly! Oh, and just a heads-up: this
is the most recent one we have...from
fifty years ago.

There's been an earthquake since
then, so be careful.


Anna Commander Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Five decades is a lot of time for the
landscape to change. This map may
not be of much use.


Perhaps not. But that is all the more
reason for us to accept this mission
to update it.

Both the merchants and military of
Askr will surely be served by access
to more modern maps.



Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Most men would scoff at the mere
thought of being made to do such
menial labor, but not I!

You see, ladies? The gallant Sain will
never shirk his duty to you or the
Order of Heroes!



I'm in. I can't be the most skilled
swordsman in Sacae if I let some
bandits get the best of me, right?

I've been itching for a battlefield to
test my blade, and this looks like my
chance. Leave it to me, Commander!



Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Um... I'll join too... If that's all right.

I've got a bird's-eye view from my
pegasus, so I can make sure the map
looks accurate from above.



Such a high vantage point will prove
invaluable in our map-making efforts.
Thank you.


Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Oh! Um... You're welcome...


I'm coming too! You've got the sky
covered, but what about the ground?

My Gullinbursti can traverse rocky
terrain like it's nothing. Just point me
where to go, and I'll be there!



Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

The more ladies, the merrier!
Welcome aboard, Princess Reginn!


Sain, need I remind you that we are
embarking on a mission, not a picnic?

This will be our first official duty after
being summoned to Askr. We must
not take it lightly.

Princess Reginn, if Sain happens to
bother you, simply say the word and
I will deal with him myself.




Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC

Oh, uh... If you say so. But I'd really
prefer it if we all just got along!


Alas, it seems that the ladies of Askr
have about as much trust in me as
those of Elibe...


Sain Green Lance Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

It may not be a picnic, but we should
still prepare plenty of provisions in
case we're gone for a while.

よっし! んじゃ、さっそく支度しようぜ。

Good idea. I, um... I'll try not to slow
us down too much.


Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Charting a Path - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Hiyah! Get out! And don’t come back!

I drove off the bandits skulking in the
other cave. You wouldn’t believe how
many were hiding in there!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

This place is crawling with them. We
were hopelessly outnumbered from
the moment we arrived.

A lot of them have thrown down their
weapons and fled, though! I doubt
we’ll see any of them again.

Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Armed or not, they still pose a threat,
so remain vigilant. Is anyone injured?

No, I don’t think so...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

It’s all thanks to that impeccable aim
of yours, Florina. You didn’t miss a
single shot!

And to think that you used to cower
in fear at the sight of a bow. Now
you’re the terror of the battlefield!

It’s the truth. I was almost done for
a few times back there, but your
arrows saved the day!

Reginn Bearing Hope Face Smile
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

I’ve seen warriors with bows like
that on the plains. You’ve got to be
pretty skilled to used them effectively.

Oh... It’s nothing, really. I haven’t
done anything special...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

As I recall, you were still finding your
wings as a pegasus knight when
we first met.

It’s clear that you have come far,
both as a Hero and as a person,
since those days.

Even then, you were willing to risk
your life to find the troops we
needed to retake Castle Caelin.

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Indeed. Without such decisive action,
Lords Eliwood and Hector may never
have joined forces with Lady Lyndis.

That’s when I knew you had some
real guts! It’s only natural that you’ve
grown so much in the time since.

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Well, when you put it like that, I...
To be honest, I don’t really feel any
different than before...

I think that about wraps things up
here. Nice work, everyone!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Now that we’ve cleared the bandits
out, we can get an even better grasp
of the terrain tomorrow.

Let’s hope that was the last trouble
we have to face...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Hey, I was wondering...since you’ve
grown so much, you must have been
summoned from a future world, right?

Um... Since you all seem to think I’ve
changed somehow, I guess that must
be true, but... W-well...

S-sorry, it’s just... I-I haven’t gotten
any better at talking to
you can probably tell...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

So you managed to master the art
of the bow, but the art of
conversation yet eludes you...

The future’s pretty exciting, huh? In
your world, I bet I became the best
swordsman in Sacae, right?

No, scratch that—the best in all of
Elibe! Hah! I can see it now!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

If we’re talking about future selves,
I must be the knight whom every fair
maiden in the land swoons over!

Is that really all you look forward to?

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Reginn Bearing Hope Face Smile

I’m going to make Niðavellir the best
kingdom it can be...and that starts
with me!

When I become queen, I want my
subjects to use me as a pillar to lean
on, even in the toughest of times.

That is a commendable goal. I have
no doubt that your people will draw
strength from your conviction.

For my part, I wish to continue
serving the people of Caelin as their
loyal protector and vassal.

And what of you, Florina? What
path do you see yourself following
as a Hero?

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Who, me? Oh, erm...


Charting a Path - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC


What the—Florina, watch out!

Reginn Bearing Hope Face Anger
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Eep! Where did—no, no time! I’ll
shoot you down right here!

Geez... For bandits, they sure are
good at hiding. I guess we’ll have to
be more thorough next time.

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC

Phew! That was a close one!

Hm? Is something on your mind?
Getting distracted on the battlefield
never ends well.

I’m sorry, Princess Reginn. It seems
it was your turn to save me...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Forgive the impertinence, but I can’t
help but notice that your condition
has deteriorated since last night.

Oh, it’s nothing that serious... I’ve
just...found it a bit more difficult to
concentrate, is all...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

If you can’t focus on the fight, then
you must have a pretty heavy load
on your shoulders.

This will not do at all—I cannot stand
to watch a lady suffer. Please, let us
bear that burden together!

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

I... I guess I could... It’s just, I can’t
stop thinking about what we
discussed last night.

You mean all that talk about what
we hoped to do in the future?

Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

The very same...

Everyone had a clear goal...or a least
a definite direction that they wanted
to follow as a Hero.

Our plans are sorely lacking in
specifics, but I suppose we do have
a general inkling, at least.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

That’s the thing. I... I have no idea
what to aim for...

But didn’t you get to where you are
now by following some sort of goal?

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

I find it hard to believe that you
became this strong simply by
allowing life to ferry you along.

What was it that got you out of bed
every morning? That drove you
forward each day?

If I had to name something... I’d say
it was wanting to be stronger for
Lyn’s sake.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

For Lady Lyndis... I see.

I don’t understand the politics of war.
People fighting and killing each
other... It doesn’t make sense.

I only began to fight because my
friends were already fighting...and
I wanted to help them.

But I don’t—I never had some grand
plan to follow. Some road map to live
my life by...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC



Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC


And what’s wrong with that?

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

I... Pardon?

Being a Hero means different things
to different people. There’s no one
single, widely accepted definition.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

No kidding! There are plenty of
people who think it’s pretty heroic
to just be someone’s strength!

As for me, I’m training my rear off for
the simple honor of being granted a
single match with Master Karel.

Lady Lyndis works to ensure an age
of peace for not just Caelin, but the
entirety of Elibe.

In that sense, it can be said that
anything that helps Lady Lyndis also
helps the people of Elibe.

In other words, your actions have
already contributed to the peace of
our world, and will continue to do so.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

My actions...will help the people
of Elibe?

Charting a Path - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

I’m back! I saw a cliff just beyond that
outcropping, but no path forward
from there.

Understood. That takes care of the
last unmarked areas of the map.
It’s as complete as it will ever be.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Reginn Bearing Hope Face Smile

This mission had its ups and down,
but we managed to pull through!

Phew. Things sure looked grim in the
beginning, though.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

We filled out the map and drove away
the bandits! That’s two birds with
one stone in my book.

Great work, everyone!

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

We couldn’t have done it without
you, Florina—both on and off the

Oh, I... I only did what little I could...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

You were way more focused than
yesterday. That made it easier for
all of us to do our jobs.

When I saw you putting your heart
and soul into it, I knew I had to work
even harder myself!

Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

I see... Well, I’m glad I was able to
help motivate you both.

There will come a time when we all
return to our own world once the
battles in Askr have come to an end.

What we have made here today,
however, will continue to support
this kingdom even beyond that.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Reginn Bearing Hope Face Smile

Yeah, It’s great to think we’ll have
left behind something useful after
we’re gone!

Who knows how many people this
map will end up helping? Makes all
that work worth it.

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

I daresay Florina has come up with
a map of her own, no?

Yes. It isn’t a physical map, of course,
but...I think it’s what I needed.

Thanks to this expedition, I’ve
decided that my way forward is to
keep fighting for Lyn’s sake.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

With a strong resolve like that, I am
certain that you will help many more
along your journey.

Yeah, so there’s no need to keep
doubting yourself! Just take aim and
let the arrows fly. You’ve got this!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Reginn Bearing Hope Face FC

There’s still plenty of room for you
to grow, Florina. And that’s great!

I think it’s really cool that you’re
striving to become stronger for
someone else’s sake.

Thank you, everyone. Your kind
words mean the world to me.

And now that I have a map to guide
me, I can focus on the path ahead.

I’ll carry it, along with your words,
in my heart as I push past my doubts
and into a brighter future!

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Kent: Crimson Shield[ | ]

Kent: Crimson Shield - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

It’s reassuring to have you here, Kent.
I’m glad you’ve arrived in Askr.

I will do my utmost to meet your
expectations. As a knight of Caelin
here in Askr, Lady Lyndis, I swear it.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

Ha ha. You’re making me think about
the past... All the familiar faces of
Lyndis’s Legion are here.

Though perhaps it would be better if
Sain had been left behind...

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

Mm, I don’t think so. When you two
join forces, you show us your best.

I’m sure that was the plan all along,
with both of you being called here
by 【Summoner】.

Though I do not deserve such praise,
it gladdens my heart.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

We may be in Askr now, but I’m sure
you’ll be as reliable as ever! We’ll get
to plans later, but goodbye for now!

Lady Lyndis shows a deep concern
for the plight of the Askran people...

Though the battlefield is not my
familiar thing has not

I must wield my sword as a proud
and loyal knight of Caelin.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Lyn Brave Lady Face FC

Kent! So you’ve made your way to
Askr, have you?

Lady Lyndis?

Did you not depart but a moment
ago? And you’ve changed your

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Lyn Brave Lady Face FC

That must have been another
one of me. From another world.

Another Lady Lyndis? Another

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Lyn Brave Lady Face FC

Oh, hadn’t you heard? There are
many versions of me, summoned
from other realms...

There’s more than one Elibe, you
know. That’s what I’ve heard from

It’s because there are countless
realms, and many of them have
their own Elibe.

Please, my lady. Pause for a moment.
This is all too much...

Permit me to restate your words...
There are other versions of you
from other realms, here in Askr.

Other Lady Lyndises... Here. In

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Lyn Winds Embrace Face FC

Kent! So you’ve made your way to
Askr, have you?

Oh, yes, that’s Kent all right! I’ve
been waiting for you to show up.

Lyn Lady of the Wind Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC


I had faith that you would answer the
call of the summoner, Kent!

Lyn Bride of the Plains Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Lady Lyndis... Lady Lyndis...
Lady Lyndis... There are so
many Lady Lydises!

Kent: Crimson Shield - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Lady Lyndises as far as the eye can
see... This truly is the world of my


Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

I’ve already paid my respects to
each and every one of them.

All were lovely, of course... Especially
the one in the bridal gown! The gods
are good.

You don’t have a care in the world,
do you?

We’ve been called to this land to
help save its people.

And it is our sworn duty to protect
Lady Lyndis, the heir of Caelin.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

I surely haven’t forgotten that!

So you say. But answer me this.
Suppose there are two Lady
Lyndises on the battlefield...

If they were in harm’s way at the
same precise instant, how would
you save them both?

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Well, that’s easy. I’d save one, and
you’d save the other.

It seems to me you aren’t grappling
with the issue.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

You ought to take it easy, Kent. We’ve
only just arrived in a new world!

Thinking too hard about hypotheticals
is just going to strip years off our


Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Huh! Hyah!

No, it’s no use. I can’t focus on
my training.

To think that the notion of so many
Lady Lyndises in the same world
would be so distracting!

Whom do I pledge my loyalty to?

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Seth Silver Knight Face FC

I hope you will pardon the intrusion
in your training. I am Seth, a cavalier
of Renais.

Sir Seth. It is an honor.

I am Kent, a knight of Caelin, of
the Lycian League. Do you have
business with me?

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Seth Silver Knight Face FC

This may be presumptuous, but
I have perceived you are struggling
with something.

If you’d allow it, I believe I may be
of aid in this matter. Would you
speak with me?

...Very well.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Kent: Crimson Shield - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Finn Lance of Legend Face FC

I am Finn, a knight of Leonster. It is a
pleasure, Sir Kent.

Frederick, likewise a knight of the
Halidom of Ylisse. I am the deputy
of Prince Chrom’s Shepherds.

Frederick Polite Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Well met, both of you.

And you.

Finn Lance of Legend Face FC
Frederick Polite Knight Face FC


Passing strange, isn’t it? We haven’t
met before, but you are familiar
to me.

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Frederick Polite Knight Face FC

I don’t mean to offend, but... I think
we’re cut from the same cloth, so
to speak.

I understand what you mean. I think
you could say we honor the same

Finn Lance of Legend Face FC
Seth Silver Knight Face FC

I brought us together, Sir Kent,
because we’ve all journeyed
down the same path.

How do you mean?

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Finn Lance of Legend Face FC

In this world, milord Quan, and his
son, Prince Leif, make quite a crowd.

They were summoned, as you know,
from differing realms.


Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Frederick Polite Knight Face FC

Between all of the versions of Chrom
and Lissa, I’m keeping tabs of nearly
10 people.


Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Finn Lance of Legend Face FC

I myself was troubled at first. Whom
do I protect with this lance?

There are many of them, but few of
us. Yet we must protect them. If they
all join the fighting, how can we?

Frederick Polite Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

That is precisely what is troubling me.

I cannot fathom how to demonstrate
my loyalty in these circumstances.

Lords and ladies summoned to Askr
from so many different realms...

They are different, yet their souls
are one.

Frederick Polite Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

I...hadn’t considered it.

Consider it. We pledge our loyalty to
the person. What makes the person
who they are?

Finn Lance of Legend Face FC
Frederick Polite Knight Face FC

All of them wish peace for Askr.

It is because their souls are one and
the same that their thoughts are
also the same.

We stand to uphold those thoughts.
We pledge ourselves to make their
hopes into realities.

I see...

Kent Crimson Shield Face FC
Seth Silver Knight Face FC

No matter how many Prince Ephraims
or Princess Eirikas are brought here,
their goals are the same.

I am sure it is also true of your Lady

Kent: Crimson Shield - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Their souls, their desires. My

I was so caught up by the appearance
of so many Lady Lyndises that I lost
sight of what matters.

No matter how many of her I might

All of them wish for peace in Askr.

I must pledge my sword to realizing
that goal.

There is no need to be so fraught.
You need not protect each of them

Seth Silver Knight Face FC
Finn Lance of Legend Face FC

You can rely on us.

The Order of Heroes has summoned
many allies for you.

Frederick Polite Knight Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Sir Seth, Sir Finn, Sir Frederick...
The dark clouds have parted.

I will do my utmost, wielding my
sword for my lady, supporting her
desire to see peace in Askr.

It seems you’re already at home
here, Kent.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

At home here? You certainly looked
comfortable in the dining hall. How
many women did you speak to?

Never mind that. It is high time we
made our mark in Askr.

A valorous deed or two will show
each and every Lady Lyndis what
we’re made of!

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

Do you remember what I asked you
before? About what you would do if
two Lady Lyndises were in danger?

I do.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

You replied that I would save one
and you would save the other. I
think you might just be correct.

What’s that? I’m correct? My ears
aren’t used to hearing you say that...
How did you make that conclusion?

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

In this world, we must not let our
guard down. We are knights of
Caelin, a proud order.

I’m not following you. Try it again!

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Kent Crimson Shield Face FC

We will hold our weapons ready
to support each and every Lady
Lyndis as best we are able.

So that we may bring into reality
the desires of her very soul.

Guy: Kutolah Blade[ | ]

Guy: Kutolah Blade - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Master Karel! ...Where are you,
Master Karel? Not here either...

Strange... If memory serves, it has
been some time since Karel first
arrived in Askr.

I’ve only seen him a few times on
the battlefield, but he’s hard to
forget. He has a certain...intensity.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

That sounds like him. He’s not
one to hold back!

When I heard that the Order of
Heroes works with so many strong
fighters, I was a little worried.

Master Karel seeks only to hone
his blade on those stronger than
him, no matter who it might be...

That is dedication...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

I’ve heard people referring to him
as the Sword Demon. I suppose
now I understand why.

It’s an apt title for someone so
singularly focused on improving
their prowess with the blade...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Well, thank you for helping me look,
Princess Fjorm. I think that’s enough
searching for today.

I am glad to have had you to guide
me around the castle though... There
is so much to take in here in Askr!

I understand. But you need not rush.
If you require anything else, please
do not hesitate to ask.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Fir Sword Student Face FC

...I beg your pardon, but are you
the swordsman who just arrived
the other day? Guy, right? I’m Fir!

I know we just met, but I have to
request something of you...

Hmm... By the look of you, you too
are a child of the plains. Might I ask
which tribe you are a member of?

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Fir Sword Student Face FC

Tribe? Well, it’’s complicated.
I’m not entirely sure myself, to be
completely honest.

But I heard you plan to be the best
swordsman in Sacae, so I just had
to challenge you myself!

A challenge, huh? I get it. You want
to spar! Well, I see no reason why
I should refuse.

To ensure neither of us get hurt,
will you referee, Princess Fjorm?

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Oh, um... Certainly! I will step in
if things get out of hand.

Excellent. Let’s get started then!
Ready your sword, Guy!

Fir Sword Student Face FC

Guy: Kutolah Blade - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger

...Hold there!

Whew! That was quite the match.
I feel invigorated! Thank you!

Fir Sword Student Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Likewise! I had to keep every bit
of my focus on the fight or it would
have been over for me.

I can’t put my finger on it, but
something about the way you fight
reminds me of Master Karel...

Karel? Wait—how do you know him?
He’s my uncle!

Fir Sword Student Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Master Karel is your...what?! Then...
if that’s true, your mother is—

Karla! She’s from the plains, like
you—from Sacae...

Fir Sword Student Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

So you’re the daughter of the Sword
Vassal... Then I wasn’t imagining
things during our match.

Her father is a man named Bartre,
if you know the name...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

That bellowing oaf? You’re joking!
I never would have guessed, given
the difference in temperament!

You must have met my father as
a younger man. He was rather
brash back then...

Fir Sword Student Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Hah! Well, I will say that it seems
to me you got your looks from your
mother’s side!

Thank you again for the match,
but I must get back to my training.
We should spar again soon!

Fir Sword Student Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

It is truly incredible to think that
people from so many times and
places exist together here...

Askr really is a wonder... I hope you
are able find your master soon.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

If I can find the old fortune-teller,
I can pay her 50 gold and find him
in no time...

Actually, I do know someone who
has some expertise when it comes to
tracking down missing people, but—

But what, hmm?

Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC


You wound me! I thought we
were friends...

Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

I shouldn’t be surprised to see you
here, I suppose. I’ve had a sinking
feeling coming on for a while now...

Call it fate if you like.

Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

You two know each other, do you?
How wonderful! I had no idea you
already had a friend here, Guy!

What kind of friend hangs a debt
over your head to justify dragging
you into all kinds of trouble?

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

Hey, I did save your life, did I not?
I don’t think asking the occasional
favor is too much...

Anyway, you’re not a bad fighter.
I’m sure Fir would agree.

Hmph. Were you watching us train?

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

I was! Think you’re ready to stand
with the Order of Heroes? They are
a powerful bunch.

Do you remember our little chat
about you wanting to become the
strongest swordsman in Sacae?

I asked you then, and I’ll ask you
again now... Is that your dream...
or is it your goal?

Guy: Kutolah Blade - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

If becoming the strongest swordsman
is your dream, just be done with it
already. Give it up!

You have to beat the best to be
the best. And that best is who you
will find among the Heroes.


Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

We’re talking the best and brightest
from worlds upon worlds... Far and
away what Sacae has to offer.

It’s true. Prince Shannan, wielder of
the divine blade Balmung... Zelgius,
who holds the holy sword Alondite...

Prince Ryoma of Hoshido... Ogma of
Talys, the former gladiator... Navarre
and Yen’fay, the great swordsmen...

Askr is home to many a
sword wielder!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

That’s right! And you’ll have to beat
every last one of them. Is that a wall
you want to bang your head against?

I fully understand what a feat it will
be once I accomplish it, I assure you.

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

It’s not easy to hear you’re just
another Guy among many, nothing
special or unique.

That’s...a bit harsh, isn’t it?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

So, now that you’re faced with the
truth of it, are you still willing to
commit to your dream?


Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Guy: Kutolah Blade - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

I may be nothing much now, but this
is my life, and I have to live it for
myself, no matter what.

I won’t change that way I live. I won’t
betray my heart. The people of the
plains despise cowards most of all!

Well said, Guy!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

I’m not scared of a challenge. In fact,
I relish the chance to overcome it!

I’ll do whatever it takes, even if that
means hounding someone until they
agree to train me.

That’s how I convinced Master Karel!
I just had to show him how serious
I was about learning.

Well, your resolve appears to be
intact, at least. That’s good! I’m glad
to see you’re not shaken.

Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Huh? You’re glad?

I was afraid you’d be intimidated
by Askr’s warriors as soon as you
stepped foot through the gate.

I wasn’t sure how you’d deal with it.
And you wouldn’t be much use to me
if you were moping around all day...

Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Oh, come on!

Fine, fine. I’m just glad to see you’re
in fighting shape. You were starving
when I first found you, after all.

We made a deal: one favor for one
piece of meat. So you already owe
me three—plus that rematch.

Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Ugh. Even in an entirely new world,
I still can’t escape my debts...

Will you be all right, Guy? Do you
need anything else from me?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

I’ll be fine, Princess. What I need now
is a list of warriors to track down and
overcome—whatever it takes!

I’ll cross out every single one of
their names one by one...even
Master Karel!

Well, then. I’m rooting for you!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Matthew Faithful Spy Face FC

That makes two of us! Once I’ve
called in all my favors, and you’re
clear of your debt to me, that is.

Hmph. That day can’t come
soon enough!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC

Florina: Azure-Sky Knight[ | ]

Florina: Azure-Sky Knight - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Fiora! Farina!

Ah, there you are. I had heard that
you��d been summoned to Askr.
It’s good to see you, Sister.

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

Hold on... There’s something different
about you. You’re still tiny, but it’s
like you’ve matured.

Y-you think so? I’m not sure I fully
understand it myself...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC

Nonetheless, it is plain for us to see.
We are your family, after all.

It’s clear that you’ve gained enough
experience to be called a seasoned
pegasus knight.

Oh... Thank you.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

I always knew you’d outgrow that
crybaby phase. It’s so rewarding to
finally see my little sister grow up!

Er... Right! That was...just a phase...
A-anyway, I’m so glad you’re safe
and sound in Askr, Farina.

I was afraid I’d never get to see
you again...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?

When Fiora said you’d gone really
far away, I thought... Well...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

Hold on—Fiora, just what kind of
crazy ideas are you putting in our
poor sister’s head?!

Me? I can’t very well be held
responsible for things I said in
another world, now can I?

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

Well, whatever. No use arguing over
it now. I’m just glad we’re all—wait...
Your bow is from Sacae, isn’t it?

Oh! Yes, that’s right. The Lorca tribe,
to be exact—

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

I knew it! Let me guess, you ran off
and got hitched to some hunky
Sacaen warrior?

I gotta say, I didn’t think you’d grown
up THIS much!

What? No! Nothing of the sort!

I, well... I still need to work on
conversing with men, after all...
One thing at a time, right?

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

Aww, I was pretty pumped there
for a second. Guess I got a little
ahead of myself, huh...

Regardless, it’s clear that our dear
sister has made excellent progress.
Let us be thankful for that.

That being the case, I have one last
thing to leave you with, as a senior
pegasus knight. Listen closely...

No matter what happens...even if you
have to take a mission that you are
certain you won’t return from...

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

“Never quit a mission that you have
already accepted,” right?

Indeed. I couldn’t have said it better
myself, which I suppose means I
already told you this in another world.

Hah! It seems that version of me did
not shirk her duties, either. No matter
the world, I am always unwavering.

Fiora Airborne Warrior Face FC
Farina The Great Wing Face FC

Wait a minute. Weren’t you just
saying you aren’t responsible for
your actions in another world?!

Florina: Azure-Sky Knight - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

So a version of me in another world
gave you that bow. It’s a Sacaen
design all right.

She must have good taste too. I’d
say it suits you pretty well! Use it
with pride, Florina.

Thank you, Lyn. I will. I’ve already
taken quite a liking to it, as well.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

I know what you mean. Just looking
at it is enough to remind me of the
days we spent on the plains of Sacae.

Right? Back then, I never would have
imagined that we were on the cusp
of an amazing journey!

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

Indeed. My only regret is that it could
not begin under better circumstances.

Oh, I-I’m sorry. I know you had a
personal reason for setting out.
I shouldn’t have sai—

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

Don’t worry. Even from the start,
I was never alone. The voices of the
spirits guided me.

How else can I explain the good
fortune of finding the Mani Katti and
meeting Grandfather?

Besides, if I had lived out my life on
the plains, I wouldn’t have ever met
all of you.

That’s true...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

I’ll always be grateful to Mark for that
opportunity, and to you for your

Remember when you told me Huey’s
crash landing had almost crushed
that bandit leader? Haha!

Oh, come on.. That was ages ago!

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

I know, I know... Hmm? Florina, what
happened to your fingers? They’re
all bandaged up.

Oh...these? I’ve been practicing
with the bow a lot lately and, well...

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Florina: Azure-Sky Knight - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

You must have really gone at it to get
calluses like that. Just how long were
you practicing?

Still... You should be proud of them.
Some may think calluses are
unseemly, but I find them beautiful.

Well, that’s...a little embarrassing, but
I’m glad you think so. I was deathly
afraid of bows for so long, and...

Well, I only pushed myself to practice
because I wanted to become strong
like you. To help you.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

And look how far you’ve come.
Remember how terrified you were
when you first met Wil?

Oh course! At first, my shots never
found their mark. Getting better took
a lot of hard work.

I mean, even setting aside hitting your
target, it takes so much strength just
to send an arrow flying!

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

That’s how it is for most people. This
may surprise you, but I couldn’t shoot
very far at first either.

Then...did you also keep at it every
day? Kept training until, slowly but
surely, your arrows flew true?

To tell you the truth, I broke down in
tears the first time I managed to hit
the target.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

Tears of joy, I trust. After all of your
hard work, that was proof that you’d
achieved your goal.

You’re right... I wanted to have the
same confidence I saw in your eyes.

But I didn’t want to just overcome
my fear of bows—I wanted to turn it
on its head.

I knew that if I put my mind to it,
I could turn that weakness into a

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

I can hear the resolve in your voice.
This was a decision you made
deep in your heart, isn’t it?

It wasn’t a decision I made alone. This
bow, these accessories... Everything
you gave me supports me to this day.

Thank you so much, Lyn. I couldn’t
have come this far without your help.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC
Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC

I only set you down the path, Florina.
You were the one who walked it.

You’ve come this far thanks to the
effort you’ve put in.

So be proud of your power to
turn your dreams into reality!
I certainly am.

Lyn... Thank you.

Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Florina: Azure-Sky Knight - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Oh, Lyn... I can’t even begin to tell
you how wonderful it feels to have
my efforts rewarded like this.

Looking back on it now, I was so
happy when I was taken into service
by House Caelin...

But hearing that you’re proud of me
makes me just as happy, if not more,
than I was then!

Hmm... I wasn’t sure at first, but you
may have changed in more ways than
even you realize.

Talking to you now, I can’t help but
be reminded of the winds of my

Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Oh? In what way?

As they roll across the plains, Sacae’s
winds can be gentle one moment, and
then fierce the next.

They ferry pollen to flowers and push
clouds along the sky, ever moving in
concert with nature.

Like the wind, you have chosen a
direction ahead of you and are
steadily pushing toward it.

Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

I see... That’s a pretty good
description of how I’ve always felt
about you too.

Then let’s ride that wind. Once we’ve
restored peace to Askr, Elibe is next
on the list.

And, of course...after things are dealt
with there, let’s make sure we find
our way back to Sacae.

I’m sure our future is just waiting to
be discovered in the rolling plains.

Lyn Lady of the Plains Face FC
Florina Azure-Sky Knight Face FC

Right! I’ll go wherever the wind takes
me, so long as it’s with you!

And in the meantime, I’m going to
keep honing my archery skills to
honor the gift you gave me.

I’ll make sure my arrow can pierce
through any barrier to reach its
target. Just you watch!

After all, I’ll be with you every step
of the way as we push forward, the
winds at our backs!

Sain: Green Lance[ | ]

Sain: Green Lance - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Sain Green Lance Face FC

The Kingdom of Askr is full of so
many lovely flowers in bloom!

Truly, what a marvelous country this
is! Being summoned here is a gift
without equal.

I could not say it better myself. Why,
with so many beautiful women here,
it almost feels like a dream.

Inigo Festival Flower Face FC
Sylvain Hanging with Tens Face FC

And they’re not just beauties! Many
are princesses and ladies who have
left their mark on history.

And no matter which way I turn,
there’s always another girl who
smells absolutely AMAZING!

Soleil Adorable Adorer Face FC
Saul Minister of Love Face FC

Surely, this land must be a place
blessed by the gods themselves.

Right? It really gets you motivated to
show off your good side.

Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

I, Sain, vow with all of my heart to do
everything I can to protect the smiles
of the women in the Kingdom of Askr!

I had thought that knights were all
uptight, but you know what?

You and Sylvain aren’t so bad!
I mean, you’ve clearly put a lot of
thought and effort into all this.

Soleil Adorable Adorer Face FC
Sylvain Hanging with Tens Face FC

Of course! We should always strive to
protect beautiful flowers from being
scattered in the wind.

Even if it costs us our lives, that is
what it means to be a true knight.
Don’t you agree, Sain?

Naturally! And it is truly wonderful to
meet others as dedicated as myself!

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC

It feels good to have such a reliable
comrade added to our ranks!

Indeed, I’m grateful for this encounter.
That said, there is one thing that
has been bothering me...

Saul Minister of Love Face FC
Inigo Festival Flower Face FC

Oh? What is it?

It is truly a pleasure to have so many
lovely flowers here in the Order of
Heroes. Of that, there is no doubt.

But I feel we are perhaps too blessed,
with too many opportunities for new
encounters every day...

Saul Minister of Love Face FC
Soleil Adorable Adorer Face FC

It is a welcome hardship, but a
hardship nonetheless. Even I can
struggle to remember all their names.

Hm? Is it really that difficult?

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC

You’d better believe it! Just counting
the women here right now, there are
hundreds of them!

True, but I have already memorized
them. Every name and face of every
woman at the Order of Heroes.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Inigo Festival Flower Face FC

You did WHAT?!

Sain: Green Lance - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC

You’ve memorized the names of
all the women? But weren’t you only
summoned to Askr a little bit ago?

Yes. I asked Commander Anna for
help, and also got some information
from Matthew.

Whether it’s their personalities or
backgrounds, I’m confident that I can
answer any questions you might have.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Sylvain Hanging with Tens Face FC

...All right. In that case, who is the
princess of the Adrestian Empire?

Edelgard von Hresvelg. A remarkable
lady, with a loveliness and dignity
truly befitting an imperial princess!

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Soleil Adorable Adorer Face FC

Incredible... You even remembered
her full name!

Hmm... Well then, what do you know
about Cecilia?

Saul Minister of Love Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

You are referring to one of the three
generals of Etruria, Mage General
Cecilia, I assume?

I had heard she is a teacher to both
Lord Roy and Lady Lilina, and that
she is both kind and strict.


Inigo Festival Flower Face FC
Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC

W-well then, next!


Inigo Festival Flower Face FC
Soleil Adorable Adorer Face FC

This certainly is a surprise...

Saul Minister of Love Face FC
Sylvain Hanging with Tens Face FC

I can’t believe that he remembers
almost everything about the women
here with the Order of Heroes...

That’s the power of love for you!

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC

It really is incredible. Here I thought
you were just another womanizer, but
it turns out you’re really quite sharp!

Um, excuse me? Would Sain happen
to be here?

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

You are... Ah! Lady Robin, the famed
tactician of Ylisse!

Your eyes are filled with both beauty
and intelligence! With just a glance,
I am already completely smitten!

So, you already know about me...
Then the rumors were true.

I have a matter that could use
someone with your incredible talent.
Would you mind helping me?

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Yes, yes, whatever it is, I’ll do it! As a
knight, I swear to assist to the best of
my ability!

Great! I’d like you to participate in an
Order of Heroes strategy meeting.
Just let me know when you’re ready!

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC

Sain: Green Lance - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Thank you for coming, Sain.

Welcome to the Order of Heroes
strategy meeting.

Anna Commander Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

This is... All of you are tacticians.
Why am I here?

We were hoping to ask for your
counsel on the positioning and
command of the other Heroes.

Gunter Inveterate Soldier Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Counsel? From me?

Yes. We also strive to get to know
more about the Heroes who lend us
their assistance every day.

Soren Shrewd Strategist Face FC
Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC

But despite our best efforts, there are
some whom we’ve overlooked simply
due to the sheer number of Heroes.

You, meanwhile, have already learned
almost everything there is to know
about many of them.

Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC
August Astute Tactician Face FC

Naturally, I think we all would love to
put that rare talent of yours to use in
our strategy meetings.

W-well, I don’t really mind helping,
but it’s not like I know all of the—

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Now then, let’s begin the meeting!
Sain, don’t be afraid to speak up!

Hmm... If there were a diversionary
force on the western front, the main
force could advance more easily.

Gunter Inveterate Soldier Face FC
August Astute Tactician Face FC

That only leaves us with the question
of who to entrust with that task.

In that case, how about Queen Nailah
of the kingdom of Hatari?

Considering the terrain, she could put
her quick wit and agility to good use.

As for the path that leads to this main
road... I think that Lady Peri and Lady
Charlotte of Nohr could excel at this.

If you want someone to go wild and
put on a show, they are the perfect
girls for the job.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Incredible work, Sain. I can’t believe
you can rattle off Heroes and their
specialties so readily.

Isn’t it incredible? Even I have a hard
time remembering everyone, and I’m
the commander!

Anna Commander Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Oh my, you’re too kind.

Next is our southern stronghold. Its
defense is vital, as that is where we’ll
be gathering supplies.

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Hubert Sinister Servant Face FC

We ought to position Heroes who
excel in defensive measures there.

In that case, why not let Lady Amelia
of Grado and Lady Gwendolyn of
Ostia handle it?

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Soren Shrewd Strategist Face FC

Please wait a moment. If we’re
talking about defense, then Arden and
Valbar should be considered as well.

Arden, Valbar... Um, if you don’t
mind... Who are they, exactly?

Sain Green Lance Face FC
August Astute Tactician Face FC

They are both quite large in stature.
I would think you’d have seen them
around the castle by now.

W-well, to tell you the truth... I do not
know very well about anyone other
than the female Heroes...

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Gunter Inveterate Soldier Face FC

...Excuse me?

I was starting to suspect as much.
Still, do you truly not know anything
about the male Heroes, Sir Sain?

August Astute Tactician Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

Not a single thing! I just couldn’t
bring myself to say it out loud!

Uh huh...

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC

Sain: Green Lance - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Sain Green Lance Face FC

...And so, that’s what happened. That
certainly explains why such odd
rumors about me have spread.

That...sounds like it was quite the
difficult ordeal.

Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC
Sain Green Lance Face FC

It’s all right. Though, I do think my
heart stopped when I saw that cold
look in Lady Robin’s eyes.

Hey, it’s not OUR fault that the
names and faces of women are easier
to remember.

Sylvain Hanging with Tens Face FC
Soleil Adorable Adorer Face FC

Yeah, I’m also way better at
remembering cute girls.

It’s hard work remembering all these
names, but someone has to do it for
all the cuties with the Order of Heroes!

Very true, but I’m sure that more
cute girls will be summoned to Askr
in the future.

We shouldn’t forget what that means:
the Order of Heroes still has many
battles ahead of it.

Inigo Festival Flower Face FC
Saul Minister of Love Face FC

As much as I hope to meet new faces,
our role here is to bring peace to this

You’re right. We must make sure to
never lose sight of that.

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Gatrie Armored Amour Face FC

That said, the harder we work, the
closer Askr gets to peace—and the
more attention we can pay to girls!

First, shall we concentrate on the
battle ahead?

Sylvain Hanging with Tens Face FC
Soleil Adorable Adorer Face FC

No objections here!

Seems like they’re all fired up! Can’t
say I care for their motives, but if
they’re eager to help, I’ll take it.

Anna Commander Face FC
Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC

We all have our own reasons for
fighting. The question is how we hold
on to that on the battlefield.

Regardless of what it is, I believe that
Heroes who have a clear reason for
fighting are strong.

Now then, to all the beautiful flowers
with the Order of Heroes! Please keep
your eyes on me as I prove myself!

Sain Green Lance Face FC
Book VI, Chapter 8: Part 5: Director Letizia
Limstella: Living Construct

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 未来へ繋がる地図
German Ein Weg in die Zukunft
Spanish (Europe) Trazando el futuro
Spanish (Latin America) Trazando el futuro
French Tracer le chemin
Italian Tracciare il futuro
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 連繫未來的地圖
Portuguese Mapeando o futuro