Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Heroes Journey
Available Memento events
  • Make Way!
  • Coastal Collection
  • Compatibility Reading
  • Harvest Festival!
  • Proper Nutrition
  • More Hidden Dangers
  • Art of Armor
  • Plumbing the Depths
  • Raging Blizzard
  • Sunflower Fields
  • Wandering Wallet?
  • Spiraling Labyrinth
  • Fallen Tree
Start time
End time
Heroes Journey 34
Heroes Journey 36

Availability[ | ]

This Heroes Journey was made available on:

  • (Notification)

Rewards[ | ]

Battle rewards[ | ]

BeginnerMemento Point 10~
IntermediateMemento Point 11~
Boss BattleDivine Code Ephemera 6 40
Final BossAccessory Tropical Frozen TreatFrame 1Pane 1

Rapport rewards[ | ]

Rapport RapportReward
2Hero Feather 1,000
4Sacred Coin 20
6Hero Feather 1,000
8Refining Stone 20
10Hero Feather 2,000
12Divine Code Ephemera 6 40
14Dragonflower I 8
16Dragonflower A 8
18Dragonflower C 8
20Dragonflower F 8

Memento events[ | ]

Event 3 ♥ 4 ♥ 5 ♥
Make Way! The way forward is blocked by rocks. Time for our Heroes to get cracking!

The rocks don't budge even a little! They gave up and took another path.

The rocks smashed to smithereens! They marched on, weapons drawn.

The rocks smashed to smithereens! They found gemstones in the rubble!
Coastal Collection They combed the shore for treasure. What might they find in the sands?

A quick pinch from a crab's claw! They'll remember the laughs!

They found some beautiful seashells! The sound of waves as a souvenir.

They dug up a massive pearl! What unbelievably good luck!
Compatibility Reading A fortune-teller gave them a reading. What will appear in the crystal ball?

The crystal ball shattered into pieces! They both ought to tread carefully!

The crystal revealed a perfect match! They were abashed at the revelation.

The crystal shone with a brilliant light! The bond between them is incredible!
Harvest Festival! The two found a local harvest festival. A perfect chance to relax a little!

The festive music rang out all night. They danced and danced for hours!

They lost track of time while dancing! Even a scarecrow seemed to join!

They joined in the local celebration! The atmosphere lifted their spirits!
Proper Nutrition Time to eat after a long day of travel! Their stomachs are growling already!

They gobbled it up almost instantly. Their strength returns immediately!

They took seconds, thirds, fourths... Two stomachs and wills made of iron!

Neither showed any sign of slowing! The empty plates just kept piling up!
More Hidden Dangers The two Heroes delve with caution... But they're still caught off guard!

They were both ensnared in the trap! Escape requires they work together.

Quick reflexes allow one to escape! They collaborate to escape the trap.

One mighty blow destroyed the trap! There's a helpful partner to have!
Art of Armor This armor is in a state of disarray! Do they know how it fits together?

The armor clattered to the ground! Their method was lacking discipline...

The two got everything back in place! Maybe not its usual place, but still...

It looks even better than they recall—and surpasses all their expectations!
Plumbing the Depths The pair look around a dark cavern. What could a lit torch reveal?
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They stumbled into a swarm of bats! Both of them shouted with fright!
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They came upon a treasure chest... What a lucky pair of adventurers!
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They found a pile of gold and silver! The two adventurers win the day!
Raging Blizzard They crossed a snowfield in a storm! It got too dangerous to continue on...
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Their tent was blown away by winds! The two both rushed to retrieve it!
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They packed snow to make a hut! Out of the wind, they finally relaxed!
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They made a stunning ice shelter! Forgetting the cold, they just had fun!
Sunflower Fields The two traveled during midsummer. One disappeared in the sunflowers...
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They ran out fleeing a swarm of bees! Both of them bolted, shouting "RUN!"
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They reappeared in a sunflower hat! A truly dazzling look, worthy of envy!
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They reappeared with...a bouquet! Their smiles shone like the sun!
Wandering Wallet? Uh-oh! Someone lost their wallet... It had all the funds for the trip inside!
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Wait—they BOTH lost their wallets! The pair continued on in silence...
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Luckily it was held for safekeeping! Phew! What a thing to forget...
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It was returned to them by a kind owl! They thanked it as it went on its way.
Spiraling Labyrinth The two explored a dark labyrinth. In the depths, they found a lever...
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A trap! They muscled their way out... Thank goodness they had each other!
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A trap! They artfully evade danger. The labyrinth is theirs before long!
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Trapped! ...And having fun with it! They played to their heart's content.