Ira West (paternal grandfather); Nadine West (paternal grandmother); Robert Rudolph "Rudy" West (father); Mary West (mother); Charlotte West (paternal aunt); Iris West-Allen (adoptive paternal aunt); Daniel West (Reverse-Flash) (paternal uncle, deceased); Bartholomew "Barry" Allen (Flash) (uncle-in-law/surrogate father); Malcolm Thawne (Cobalt Blue) (uncle-in-law); Linda Park (wife); Wallace "Wally" R. West (Kid Flash) (paternal cousin); Dawn Allen (cousin); Don Allen (cousin); Jai West (son); Iris "Irey" West (daughter); Meloni Thawne-Allen (cousin-in-law); Jeven Ognats (cousin-in-law); Bartholomew "Bart" Allen (Impulse) (first cousin once removed); Jenni Ognats (XS) (first cousin once removed)
Frances Kane (Magenta) (ex-girlfriend)
Speed Force Conduit Superhuman Speed Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Agility Superhuman Strength Speed Force Aura Superhuman Durability Accelerated Healing Factor Multiversal Travel Decelerated Aging Electricity Generation Electro-Blast Electromagnetism Energy Transformation Light Projection Speed Force Absorption Speed Force Negation Anti-Life Negation Enhanced Mental Process Accelerated Sensory Input Superhuman Hearing Enhanced Vision Speed Force Empathy Speed Force Visions Vortex Creation Flight Interstellar Travel Molecular Acceleration Invisibility Phasing Thermokinesis Sharing the Speed Force Speed Steal Time Travel Time Acceleration Retrocognition Computer Operation Multilingualism Indomitable Will Genius-Level Intelligence Interrogation Investigation Mechanical Aptitude Meditation Martial Arts Tactical Analysis Weapons Proficiency
Tommy Cook Charlie Schlatter Michael Rosenbaum Chris Edgerly Hunter Parrish Jason Spisak Josh Keaton David Menkin Will Friedle
“A lot can happen in the blink of an eye. You can lose everything. Your name, your reputation. But they can be determination, strength, empathy, faith...A renewed sense of how blessed you are just to be alive. To have people who love you, care for you, but that only happens if you don't leave before the miracle. When you realize that tomorrow is a new day. That tomorrow brings hope, and hope is where we find redemption.”
— Wally West – The Flash 2021 Annual (July 13, 2021)
Wally West is the nephew of Iris West, the girlfriend and eventual wife of Barry Allen, the second Flash (who Wally idolized). During a visit to Barry's, Wally was invited by Barry in his Flash guise into his backroom which was used as a chemistry lab. While the room was being shown to him, a bolt of lightning inexplicably struck the nearby window, striking Wally and spraying him with chemicals, the same exact scenario that gave Barry his powers. Indeed gaining superhuman speed and related abilities, Wally would end up becoming the Flash's sidekick as Kid Flash, Barry eventually trusting him enough with his secret identity. Wally would also go on to become the Flash in Barry's stead after his years-long temporary death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Wally is one of the main playable characters of a crossover between Lego Batman (hence the title) and Lego Marvel, with his Kid Flash & Flash personas both being alternate skins.