Wanted: Sheepsquatch is a holotape in the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia.
The holotape can be found in the holotape case near the front desk at Van Lowe Taxidermy. It is only obtainable during the quest Lying Lowe.
Shelley van Lowe: Hello. I assume you're listening to me now because you followed the poster. Well, I'm Shelley van Lowe and I'm looking for my brother. Let me spoil the surprise now: my brother wasn't eaten by a damn Sheepsquatch, or at least, I doubt that's the case. But I think Calvin's obsession with proving it exists may have more than a little to do with his disappearance. Calvin is... not right. Never been. When he suddenly showed up in town again, I knew there was something strange going on. Next thing I know, he's vanished. All his belongings left behind, him: gone. But it doesn't feel right, he didn't just move out again. I contacted the police about trying to find him, but the war broke out and... well, I'm sure you know how it all went. So, I'll get to the point: I'm leaving Lewisburg, I don't have a choice. But, I can't just forget Calvin. If you think you've got better "investigative skills" than I had, please... Head up to the office on the third floor. See if you can pick up his trail. If Calvin is still out there, he needs to know I'm looking for him. And if he's not... well, I think that's something I need to know, too.