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Fallout Wiki

Vulcan security log #02 is a holotape in Fallout 76, introduced in the Gleaming Depths update. It is recorded by John Holloway.


The tape can be found at the Gleaming Depths. It is in the hallway lab area immediately prior to entering the large research laboratory as part of the fourth phase of Raid: Gleaming Depths. The tape is situated on a counter near a sink.



Holloway's log. The eggheads are at it already. Dr. Gaines was working in the lab, shooting soundwaves at crystals and pissing off his mutated test subject. Well what happens when you piss off a mutie? It breaks out of its cage and turns you into a human pretzel. They all swore that 'protocols were in place,' that they'd 'double checked.' We saw how well that worked out. Won't be the first time, won't be the last. Shame, though. Of all these schmucks, I liked him the best.

