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The reflex sight is a weapon mod for various weapons in Fallout 76.


Main article: Reflex sight

This weapon mod adds a reflex sight to replace the normal iron sights. For most weapons with this modification, the reflex sight is more clear and precise than the normal sights, either with glow sights or not.

The reticle used depends on the weapon; weapons with one reflex sight option will have a circle with a dot in the middle, while weapons with two reflex sight options will have a simple dot option alongside the aforementioned reticle. Pipe weapons have small tubes with screws instead, keeping in the style of pipe weapons.

Reflex sights also decrease AP cost in V.A.T.S.

Learn chance[]

Weapon Plans Learn chance
Syringer Learned from scrapping Very low (10%)
Radium rifle Low (15%)
Submachine gun
Tesla rifle
Gatling plasma High (25%)
Harpoon gun
Railway rifle
.44 pistol Known by default
10mm pistol
Assault rifle
Gatling laser
Gauss shotgun
Laser gun
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma gun
Ultracite Gatling laser
Ultracite laser gun
Western revolver
Enclave plasma gun Unlearnable
Crusader pistol Plan: Crusader pistol reflex sight


Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted. For modifications unlocked through scrapping, the corresponding weapon must be scrapped in order to learn how to craft it.

.44 pistol
10mm pistol
Assault rifle
Crusader pistol
Gatling laser
Gatling plasma
Gauss shotgun
Harpoon gun
Laser gun
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma gun
Radium rifle
Railway rifle
Submachine gun
Tesla rifle
Ultracite Gatling laser
Ultracite laser gun
Western revolver

ID table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
.44 pistol mod_44_SCOPE_reflex_Base 001A05E8 miscmod_mod_44_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0030EAFC
10mm pistol mod_10mm_SCOPE_Reflex_Base 001F6650 miscmod_mod_10mm_SCOPE_Reflex_Base 0030ABBD
Assault rifle mod_AssaultRifle_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0031295F miscmod_mod_AssaultRifle_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00312964
Crusader pistol mod_BoSPistol_SCOPE_Reflex_Base 005E6FB5 N/A
Enclave plasma gun mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0018DB7B miscmod_mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00329405
Gatling laser mod_GatlingLaser_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00312B0C miscmod_mod_GatlingLaser_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00312B12
Gatling plasma mod_GatlingPlasma_Scope_SightReflex 0001EC62 miscmod_mod_GatlingPlasma_Scope_SightReflex 001F121C
Gauss shotgun mod_GaussShotgun_Scope_Reflex 00589367 miscmod_mod_GaussShotgun_Scope_Reflex 005A2679
Harpoon gun DLC03_mod_HarpoonGun_Scope_SightReflex 00111063 miscmod_DLC03_mod_HarpoonGun_Scope_SightReflex 0011158F
Laser gun mod_LaserGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00312A22 miscmod_mod_LaserGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00312A27
Pipe bolt-action mod_PipeBoltAction_SCOPE_reflex_Base 002D5DA7 miscmod_mod_PipeBoltAction_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0030EAE6
Pipe gun mod_PipeGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 002D5E6B miscmod_mod_PipeGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0030EABA
Pipe revolver mod_PipeRevolver_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0012CA11 miscmod_mod_PipeRevolver_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0030EAC8
Plasma gun mod_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0018C4D5 miscmod_mod_PlasmaGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0032943E
Radium rifle mod_RadiumRifle_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0031B181 miscmod_mod_RadiumRifle_SCOPE_reflex 004E999B
Railway rifle mod_RailwayRifle_Scope_SightReflex 0014CDA6 miscmod_mod_RailwayRifle_Scope_ReflexSight 00188A8C
Submachine gun mod_SubmachineGun_Scope_SightReflex 001CA8D1 miscmod_mod_SubmachineGun_Scope_SightReflex 001CA8D8
Syringer mod_PipeSyringer_Scope_SightReflex 00188A44 miscmod_mod_PipeSyringer_Scope_SightReflex 00188A58
Tesla rifle DLC01_mod_LightningGun_Scope_SightsReflex 0010F279 miscmod_DLC01_mod_LightningGun_Scope_SightsReflex 0010F2FF
Ultracite Gatling laser mod_Ultracite_GatlingLaser_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00312B35 miscmod_mod_Ultracite_GatlingLaser_SCOPE_reflex_Base 0039E6FA
Ultracite laser gun mod_UltraciteLaserGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 00312AC3 miscmod_mod_UltraciteLaserGun_SCOPE_reflex_Base 003ACB25
Western revolver DLC04_mod_Revolver_Scope_Reflex_Base 00527094 miscmod_DLC04_mod_Revolver_Scope_Reflex_Base 005282EF


  • Craftable at any weapons workbench.
  • Loose mods may randomly be found in the following regions:
    • The Forest (Syringer)
    • Ash Heap (Gatling plasma, harpoon gun and railway rifle)
    • Toxic Valley (Submachine gun and syringer)
    • Savage Divide (Gatling plasma, harpoon gun, radium rifle, railway rifle, Tesla rifle and submachine gun)
    • The Mire (Gatling plasma, harpoon gun, radium rifle, railway rifle and Tesla rifle)
    • Cranberry Bog (Radium rifle and Tesla rifle)
  • Loose mods may also be for sale from vendors.
  • The mod for the Enclave plasma gun is unlearnable and thus can only be obtained already attached to an existing weapon found in the world. The loose mod exists in the game files, but cannot be found in-game.


  • The loose mods for the .44 pistol, assault rifle, Gatling laser, pipe bolt-action, pipe gun and ultracite laser gun are named standard reflex sight.
  • The loose mod for the harpoon gun is simply named sight.