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Adhesive is a crafting component in Fallout 76.


An uncommon component that is used for a wide range of weapon mods, explosives, and more.


Item Value Yield Weight Yield/Weight
Bulk adhesive 88 10 0.5 20
Digested goo 24 4 0.6 6.67
Duct tape 7 1 0.2 5
Economy wonderglue 30 5 0.75 6.67
Excess adhesive 0 1 0.05 20
Handmade glue 3 1 0.6 1.67
Military grade duct tape 22 4 0.2 20
Pack of duct tape 26 4 0.2 20
Sealed wonderglue 24 4 0.2 20
Vegetable starch 8 2 0.5 4
Wonderglue 12 2 0.2 10

Vegetable starch can be crafted at a cooking station, which can then be scrapped into adhesive.


See also[]
