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The reloading bench is a world object in Fallout: New Vegas used for crafting.


The reloading bench's primary purpose is to facilitate converting different forms of ammunition into others after breaking them down into their components, making gathering otherwise undesired ammunition very valuable. However, breaking down a different ammo type will not necessarily give the correct casings and hulls for the desired one. Ammunition types commonly share lead, powder, and primer, so it does not equal a straight conversion.


Special actions that can be undertaken at a reloading bench:

  • Ammunition rounds can be hand-loaded using certain raw materials. Note that the possible types of cartridges created depends on the level of your Repair skill, what ammunition specifications you have found, and whether or not you have the Hand Loader perk.
  • Cartridges can be disassembled in order to obtain reloading materials. Note that breaking down cartridges doesn't return exactly all of the materials a round was made of, so be careful to avoid unintended processing of desired ammunition.
  • Additionally, the reloading bench can be used to extract lead, a vital material, from piles of scrap metal. Tin cans and scrap metal can be used in combination with the shell or cartridge needed to make a type of junk rounds (requires the Junk Rounds perk from Dead Money).


Reloading benches can be found in almost all relatively large settlements. They can also be found around small encampments and outside stores:

Dead Money[]

Honest Hearts[]

Old World Blues[]

Lonesome Road[]


  • The reloading bench can only break down or convert standard ballistic ammunition into other types. Energy Weapons ammunition cannot be crafted at a reloading bench, instead requiring using a workbench. Most specialized types of ammunition such as armor piercing and hollow point rounds cannot be broken down or crafted from the reloading bench.
  • Some ammo types use the same type of primer when crafting. When obtained from breaking down ammo, primers can then be used to create ammo of a different caliber. For example, a Primer, shotshell can be obtained from a 20 gauge shotgun shell, which can then be used to craft a 12 gauge shotgun shell.

Behind the scenes[]

Two reloading benches can be found in test cells, one in the test cell for traps, and one in TestJoshWeapons.


PCPC Sometimes, when opening the reloading bench and hovering over any option in the left column and then moving to the right column and then back to the left to select something else, everything besides the "Exit" button becomes unclickable. Coming out of the menu and back on fixes this. It seems to happen by random chance.[verified]

