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Fallout Wiki

The workbench is a world object used for crafting in Fallout: New Vegas.


Found in various places throughout the world, the workbench is primarily a utility station, comprised of a two-level wooden work table with a metal surface, a rotating bench vise, and a pipe or yoke vise, often found with tools on the work surface or lower shelf.

It facilitates crafting homemade weapons and explosives from various junk items. Along with weapons, it also enables the creation of some health items, skill books and magazines, belts, scrap metal, weapon repair kits, the recycling of residual expended flame and energy ammunition into fresh ammunition, and the conversion of different types of energy ammunition into others. As part of the family of crafting stations, workbenches are joined by reloading benches and campfires, with each offering different crafting options.


In the Mojave Wasteland there are 29 locations with 42 workbenches total. Dead Money adds 4 locations, Honest Hearts adds 4 locations, Old World Blues adds 8 locations, and Lonesome Road adds 6 locations. The companions Veronica and ED-E can each also serve the functions of a workbench. Workbenches can often be found in the vicinity of reloading benches and/or campfires.

Dead Money[]

Honest Hearts[]

Old World Blues[]

Lonesome Road[]


Some items do not require schematics in order to craft. Instead, they depend on certain skills, such as Survival and Repair.

