The workbench is a world object used for crafting in Fallout: New Vegas.
Found in various places throughout the world, the workbench is primarily a utility station, comprised of a two-level wooden work table with a metal surface, a rotating bench vise, and a pipe or yoke vise, often found with tools on the work surface or lower shelf.
It facilitates crafting homemade weapons and explosives from various junk items. Along with weapons, it also enables the creation of some health items, skill books and magazines, belts, scrap metal, weapon repair kits, the recycling of residual expended flame and energy ammunition into fresh ammunition, and the conversion of different types of energy ammunition into others. As part of the family of crafting stations, workbenches are joined by reloading benches and campfires, with each offering different crafting options.
In the Mojave Wasteland there are 29 locations with 42 workbenches total. Dead Money adds 4 locations, Honest Hearts adds 4 locations, Old World Blues adds 8 locations, and Lonesome Road adds 6 locations. The companions Veronica and ED-E can each also serve the functions of a workbench. Workbenches can often be found in the vicinity of reloading benches and/or campfires.
- Veronica - The Scribe Assistant companion perk gives her the ability to be used as a mobile workbench via dialogue options.
- ED-E - Requires the Lonesome Road add-on to be installed, but not started. He can be used as a mobile workbench via dialogue options. His counterpart is capable of the same.
- Black Mountain - Two are located inside the prison building, one in each room.
- Brotherhood of Steel safehouse - Inside on the left, beside a reloading bench.
- Camp McCarran supply shack - On the first floor in a niche near the western wall, next to a reloading bench.
- Cerulean Robotics - Next to a reloading bench and the protectron for the quest Wang Dang Atomic Tango.
- Crimson Caravan Company - Next to the building southeast of the water tower.
- Followers safehouse - Straight across the entry room, to the left of the door into the second room.
- Gibson scrap yard - In the garage.
- Goodsprings - On the right side (exterior) of the Goodsprings General Store, next to a reloading bench.
- Great Khan armory - In the basement of a destroyed house northeast of the Spring Mt. Ranch State Park, accessed through a pale-yellow cellar door on the north side of the house, with a workbench and reloading bench to the right.
- Gun Runners - Four are inside the main warehouse where workers are constructing weapons, along with two reloading benches. High Sneak and/or Stealth Boys may be needed, as it is considered trespassing.
- Harper's shack - West of Ranger Station Charlie, inside to the left of the door, next to a workbench.
- Hidden Valley bunker, L2 - The west bunker, in the east workshop, where Senior Knight Lorenzo works.
- Lucky 38 presidential suite - One can be bought from the PC at the Lucky 38 presidential suite. It will be placed in the kitchen.
- Lucky Jim Mine - On the left side of the door when entering the house.
- Michael Angelo's workshop - Five: three workbenches are in the workshop, two on the catwalk platforms.
- Mick & Ralph's in Freeside - Straight across the room, against the back wall.
- Monte Carlo Suites - One inside the third room to the right from the entrance, along with two reloading benches.
- NCR Correctional Facility - To the left after exiting visitors center, courtyard side.
- Nellis Air Force Base - Inside the mess hall & munitions storage, which is the northern of the two large hangars, along with a two reloading benches.
- Nellis Air Force Base - East in the workshop, the middle of three small hangars. next to a reloading bench.
- Nipton - One can be found in the house with the Mister Gutsy prototype, southeast of town hall.
- Novac - Two: One is inside the Poseidon gas station garage next to a reloading bench, another just slightly southwest of No-bark's shack near the railroad tracks and the water tower.
- Raul's shack - Inside on the right wall.
- REPCONN test site - Three: two can be found in the research labs on the top floor, one on each level, and one is in the basement in the launchpad viewing room with Chris Haversam.
- Silver Peak Mine - Inside the shack before entering the mine itself, to the left of the door.
- Sloan - In the machine shop, on the left side.
- Southern Nevada wind farm - In the maintenance shack.
- Zapp's Neon Signs - Three: from the entrance office, go down the stairs, the workbenches are on the righthand side of the workshop room.
Dead Money[]
- Abandoned BoS bunker - In Elijah's old room, next to a reloading bench. This is the entrance to Dead Money.
- Sierra Madre Casino & Resort - In the Executive suites level. South of entering level but must walk around to unlock the door.
- Sierra Madre Casino & Resort - In the Cantina Madrid restaurant. On the right after entering from the casino back hall.
- Villa - In a room under an awning on the north side of the Villa, northwest of the entrance to Salida del Sol; the room is just west of a metal gate.
- Villa clinic - In the basement.
Honest Hearts[]
- Angel cave - Below and to the right of where Joshua Graham is servicing several .45 Auto pistols. There is also a reloading bench. Both have a crate nearby them, workbench crate and reloading bench footlocker, respectively.
- Cueva Guarache - After Joshua Graham leaves his original campsite at Angel cave, this is one of the few workbench sites in Zion Canyon.
- Fallen Rock cave - Inside, where the Compliance Regulator can be found. This bench is found along with a reloading bench towards the back end of the cave, past a few trip-wires and frag mines along the way.
- Stone Bones cave - Located in the Survivalist's quarters in one of the northernmost caves in Zion Canyon, this bench is located northwest of the cave's entrance, along with a reloading bench. The fast travel entrance is heavily trapped, so proceed with caution when first arriving.
Old World Blues[]
- The Sink - In the room with the Sink Central Intelligence Unit, next to a reloading bench.
- Higgs Village house #103 - In the basement of Borous' house.
- Securitron de-construction plant - Against the southern wall behind a conveyor belt.
- X-2 transmitter antenna array - In the east corner of the second floor.
- X-8 research center - After exiting the Institutional test facility and traveling through an observational corridor, in a room off to the right, just before the central facility exit.
- X-13 research facility - X-13 stealth testing lab, in the observation area of the northernmost room.
- Y-17 medical facility - Opposite the entrance.
- Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab - In the southernmost room, on the east wall.
Lonesome Road[]
- Ashton missile silo - On the top floor, in the southernmost corner, in the same room as one of the destroyed Eyebots, behind a large door that can only be opened with a Very Hard terminal.
- Ashton silo control station: Take the road east from the map marker and turn left (north) when passing between the two small destroyed buildings. The workbench is behind the far wall of this building.
- Hopeville Missile Base - Inside the gas station between the Hopeville missile silo bunker and the base west entrance, identifiable by a Ralphie poster above it.
- Marked men guard outpost: In a room with various crafting supplies (and also a reloading bench) on the first floor of the building.
- Ulysses' Temple:
- One is outside, in the destroyed and partially sunken building between the temple and the wastewater treatment plant. The building has a single floor accessible, and the workbench is at the southern end, next to several beds. Two marked men will spawn and ambush the player upon approaching this workbench.
- One is inside maintenance and storage, in the room where ED-E can be found and rescued during The Courier.
Some items do not require schematics in order to craft. Instead, they depend on certain skills, such as Survival and Repair.