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This is a transcript for dialogue with Alana Secord.


1DialogueInstituteAlanaFirstGreetingScene{Exasperated, frustrated} I swear I spend half my time smoothing the feathers that Justin ruffles.AlanaSecord: We need to be able to collaborate with the other divisions, and that's a lot harder when they're always angry at us.A
2NPCFAlanaSecord: I swear I spend half my time smoothing the feathers that Justin ruffles.We need to be able to collaborate with the other divisions, and that's a lot harder when they're always angry at us.Player Default: If you can't get along, it's going to be hard to accomplish anything.A1a
3Player Default: If you can't get along, it's going to be hard to accomplish anything.Even worse, we've got a lot of smart guys with fragile egos.A1a
4Anyway, we'll figure it out. It was good to meet you.AlanaSecord: Just listen to me. It's the first chance we've had to get acquainted, and all I want to do is complain.A1b
5Player Default: Sometimes, feathers need to be ruffled to get things done.I won't deny that. I guess I just feel like he comes on a little strong sometimes, you know?B1a
6Well, of course you don't. Not yet, anyway.B1b
7I'll stop rambling and let you get back to whatever you're doing.AlanaSecord: Just listen to me. It's the first chance we've had to get acquainted, and all I want to do is complain.B1c
8Player Default: A little friction between departments is normal. You'll work through it.Yeah, I guess that's true.AlanaSecord: Just listen to me. It's the first chance we've had to get acquainted, and all I want to do is complain.X1a
9Player Default: What's Justin doing that's causing friction?Oh, he's just pushy and demanding. He thinks his problems should be everyone's biggest concern.Y1a
10I have to admit, though, the other divisions have never taken our needs as seriously as they should.Y1b
11I guess they see us as a necessary evil or something. It's really not fair.AlanaSecord: Just listen to me. It's the first chance we've had to get acquainted, and all I want to do is complain.Y1c
12Player Default: Anyway, we'll figure it out. It was good to meet you.Just listen to me. It's the first chance we've had to get acquainted, and all I want to do is complain.A1a
13In any case, it was good to meet you.A1b
14-{Filling in an awkward pause in the conversation.} I know, it's a lot to take in.
15{Exasperated, tired} Like any machine, a synth can malfunction. I just wish it didn't happen so often.
16{A little condescending, but well-intentioned} I know it'll be a difficult adjustment for you, but try to remember that synths aren't people.
17{Frustrated} The Directorate should take the synth escapes more seriously.


18DialogueInstituteAlanaJustin1SceneJustin: I'm seriously thinking of heading over to Robotics to knock some heads together.What now?Justin: They're dragging their feet on the targeting package upgrades I asked for.A1a
19Justin: Maybe I should take some Coursers with me. You know, send a message.Please don't. There's enough friction as it is between us and pretty much all the other departments.Justin: You going soft on me, Alana?A1a
20DialogueInstituteAlanaJustin2SceneJustin: Has X5-76 checked in yet?Not that I'm aware of.Justin: Hm, better keep an eye on that.A1a
21Justin: Has X5-76 checked in yet?Not since the last report.Justin: Hm, better keep an eye on that.A2a
22Justin: Has X5-76 checked in yet?I don't think so, no.Justin: Hm, better keep an eye on that.A3a
23DialogueInstituteAlanaJustin3Scene{Disappointed} Just heard from robotics. Sounds like the Courser upgrades have been rescheduled for next month.Justin: Bastards are dragging their feet just to make a point.A1a
24{Annoyed} Advanced Systems just sent a message. They denied that request you put in for sub-dermal armor.Justin: Bastards are dragging their feet just to make a point.A2a
25{Annoyed X1-91 is "X one ninety one"} Just got an update on the repairs to X1-91. It's going to take a few more weeks.Justin: Bastards are dragging their feet just to make a point.A3a
26DialogueInstituteSRB4Scene{Curt, all business} Just had a sighting near Poseidon Energy.Justin: Who's in that sector?A1a
27{Curt, all business} Got a fresh hit just north of the ironworks.Justin: Who's in that sector?A2a
28{Curt, all business} New report from up near Abernathy Farm. Looks legit.Justin: Who's in that sector?A3a
29Justin: Who's in that sector?{Confident/ "X two seventy one"} Right now, just X2-71Justin: Set him loose, then.A1a
30Justin: Who's in that sector?{Searching memory. "x three thirty seven"} Let me think... it's, uh... X3-37Justin: Set him loose, then.A2a
31Justin: Who's in that sector?{Searching memory. "x seven fifty-five"} Pretty sure it's X7-55Justin: Set him loose, then.A3a
32DialogueInstituteSRBScene5InstituteScientist: Doctor Secord, I've just been informed that a Courser in grid J-twelve has stumbled across a rogue synth completely by accident.{Neutral} What model?InstituteScientist: A gen-3, designation S1-14. The report indicates that it has no memory of the Institute or that it is a synth.A1a
33InstituteScientist: A gen-3, designation S1-14. The report indicates that it has no memory of the Institute or that it is a synth.{Disbelief, Excited / Disbelief} That unit's been missing for months.InstituteScientist: Seeing as how this was not the initial target, how should we proceed?A1a
34InstituteScientist: Seeing as how this was not the initial target, how should we proceed?{Professional / Neutral} Bring it back here for reset. We'll send the Courser back out immediately after.A1a
35DialogueInstituteSRBScene7InstituteScientist: Doctor, we've located a group of abandoned gen-1 synths on the surface. How should we proceed?{Serious. / Stern} Interesting...Engage with extreme aggression, these gen-ones are likely to be hostile.InstituteScientist: The Coursers will destroy them, shouldn't we try to reclaim them in an operational state?A1a
36InstituteScientist: The Coursers will destroy them, shouldn't we try to reclaim them in an operational state?{Neutral} Then we'll strip them for parts once they get back here.A1a
37Find me when they've returned.InstituteScientist: Yes, of course.A1b


38DN036_PostInstAlanaPlayerVoiceFemale01: I ran across an old woman named Phyllis Daily who thinks she's a synth.{Concerned} Well the surface is a pretty harsh place, she may have just cracked a bit, poor thing. But we'll send a Courser to make sure.A1a
39{Grateful} Thanks for letting us know. Here, have this for your trouble.A1b


40Inst303DirectorateOpeningSceneJustin: What exactly is he doing here?Excuse me sir, but is it wise to have this meeting given... present company?Shaun: I will address that issue, but there are other subjects that require our attention first.A1a
41Justin: SRB agents are monitoring all known situations, sir.Oh, yes. Uhh... Watchers have not shown any additional threats at this time.Alana: We're still monitoring increased activity around Fort Independence, though there's no immediate cause for concern.A1a
42Alana: Oh, yes. Uhh... Watchers have not shown any additional threats at this time.We're still monitoring increased activity around Fort Independence, though there's no immediate cause for concern.Alana: Boston International Airport remains occupied, and Brotherhood presence has been noted at several other locations.A1a
43Alana: We're still monitoring increased activity around Fort Independence, though there's no immediate cause for concern.Boston International Airport remains occupied, and Brotherhood presence has been noted at several other locations.Alana: And, uhh... Despite a lack of concrete evidence, we have reason to believe that the "Railroad" continues to operate within the Commonwealth.A1a
44Alana: Boston International Airport remains occupied, and Brotherhood presence has been noted at several other locations.And, uhh... Despite a lack of concrete evidence, we have reason to believe that the "Railroad" continues to operate within the Commonwealth.Alana: Personally I suspect they're becoming more ambitious, but I can't confirm that at this time.A1a
45Alana: And, uhh... Despite a lack of concrete evidence, we have reason to believe that the "Railroad" continues to operate within the Commonwealth.Personally I suspect they're becoming more ambitious, but I can't confirm that at this time.Alana: For now, we have assets monitoring all known situations.A1a
46Alana: Personally I suspect they're becoming more ambitious, but I can't confirm that at this time.For now, we have assets monitoring all known situations.Shaun: Very good, thank you.A1a
47Inst303DirectoratePreSceneLoopJustin: Yes, as soon as possible. I want that area completely secure.{slightly hesitant} Oh, I'm... Well, I'm not sure. That was Justin's concern, really. I suppose it's still worth the upgrade.Allie: Right... I'll make sure a team is sent over soon.A1a
48-{Apologetic} Catch me after the meeting, okay?A


49-{Measured, uncertain. The player was promoted and you aren't sure it was deserved.} Being director's a big job. I hope you'll take it seriously.
50{Measured, uncertain. The player was promoted and you aren't sure it was deserved.} When Father named you as his successor, I'm sure he bruised a few egos.


51Inst305Stage90DirectorateDecisionSceneJustinAyo: That's just what I wanted to hear.Good, then we're all in agreement.AllieFilmore: As Director, it's up to you in how we focus our efforts in achieving this goal.A1a
52Inst305Stage90DirectorateSceneJustinAyo: Everyone in the Directorate has a say, sir.With all due respect, sir, everyone's allowed a voice here.JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves.B1a
53JustinAyo: Everyone in the Directorate has a say, sir.With all due respect, ma'am, everyone's allowed a voice here.JustinAyo: Right now we're all here because it's time to decide to finally stand up for ourselves.B2a
54AllieFilmore: I'm sure you will.If I may, we're all here because our position in the Commonwealth has fundamentally shifted.AllieFilmore: Let's not be dramatic, Justin.A1a
55JustinAyo: There's nothing dramatic about it. We're in a position to push back, to assert ourselves here. That's what we've talked about all along.It's the only way of looking at it, Allie. You know that as well as the rest of us.ClaytonHoldren: To bring you up to speed: Obviously there are groups in the Commonwealth that stand in opposition to the Institute's goals.A1a


56-{Grateful} It's good to finally have the reactor up and running.
57{Confident / Confident} With the reactor online, we can focus on other priorities, like dealing with the Railroad.


58-{Sad, sympathetic / Sad} You spent all that time searching for your son, only to lose him. I can't imagine how you must feel.
59{Sympathetic... the player became director because his son (the previous director) died / Neutral} I'd congratulate you on becoming the new director, but under the circumstances, I think that can wait.
60{Sad, sympathetic / Sad} You spent all that time searching for your son, only to lose him. I can't imagine how you must feel.
61{Sad, sympathetic / Sad} You spent all that time searching for your son, only to lose him. I can't imagine how you must feel.
62{Sympathetic... the player became director because his son (the previous director) died / Neutral} I'd congratulate you on becoming the new director, but under the circumstances, I think that can wait.


63-{Disbelief, incredulous / Surprised} I still can't believe what Justin was doing. Now he's been banished and I'm in charge.
64{Exasperated, weary / Concerned} First, Doctor Zimmer, then Doctor Ayo. How many people is SRB going to lose?
65{Feeling overwhelmed and unprepared / Concerned} Acting director... I really wasn't ready for this. Guess I'll just have to make the best of it.
66{Grateful, impressed / Impressed} Nice work solving that problem with the synth escapes. Liam had us fooled pretty good.
67{Grateful, impressed / Impressed} I guess we all underestimated Liam Binet. I admit it, he got the better of us.
68{Grateful, impressed / Impressed} So it wasn't Doctor Binet helping the synths after all. Doctor Ayo had me convinced.


69InstR04SceneEndPlayerVoiceFemale01: I delivered the transmitter.{Pleased} Good. I'll send a Courser when I can.A1a
70{Friendly} I guess those Raiders didn't know what hit them.Player Default: It was a slaughter. They never stood a chance.A1b
71Player Default: It was a slaughter. They never stood a chance.{Impressed / Impressed} In that case, I'm glad you're on our side.QuestGiver: The raiders are a constant threat to our scavenging operations.A1a
72Player Default: On the contrary, they were pretty well prepared.I guess they knew we'd want that synth back. It's not the first time someone's underestimated us.QuestGiver: The raiders are a constant threat to our scavenging operations.B1a
73Player Default: The synth is safe, that's all that matters.{Aloof.} I suppose so.QuestGiver: The raiders are a constant threat to our scavenging operations.X1a
74Player Default: So, what's my payment?{Mild surprise and disappointment.} Payment? I suppose I can offer you something.Y1a
75{Mild disdain for the player} Here, we can spare a few of these from the armory. I hope that's payment enough for you.QuestGiver: The raiders are a constant threat to our scavenging operations.Y1b
76Player Default: So, what's my payment?Here, take a few more of these.Y2a
77{A bit sinister, but not totally serious about it} If you happen to use them against more of those raiders, I certainly won't complain.QuestGiver: The raiders are a constant threat to our scavenging operations.Y2b
78Player Default: So, what's my payment?Aside from gratitude, I'm afraid I've got nothing to offer you.QuestGiver: The raiders are a constant threat to our scavenging operations.Y3a
79Player Default: In that case, I'm glad you're on our side.{Serious} The raiders are a constant threat to our scavenging operations.A1a
80{Concerned} Unfortunately, more synths are likely to be captured.A1b
81If you want to continue helping us out, check back with me and I'll let you know if we need another rescue.A1c
82InstR04SceneIntro{Disappointed / Concerned} Looks like the synth was destroyed. I guess you were too late. In any case, the mission's over.QuestGiver: A raider gang just hit one of our scavenger teams. The bastards captured a gen-1 synth.A
83{Urgent, important / Somber} I'm glad you're here. I just got some bad news, and you should probably hear it.QuestGiver: A raider gang just hit one of our scavenger teams. The bastards captured a gen-1 synth.A
84NPCFAlanaSecord: Looks like the synth was destroyed. I guess you were too late. In any case, the mission's over.{Urgent, important, a little worried / Irritated} A raider gang just hit one of our scavenger teams. The bastards captured a gen-1 synth.A1a
85{A little worried, hoping for help / Worried} Our tracking shows that it's still functioning, but we don't have the assets to spare for a rescue.Player Default: I'll deal with those raiders.A1b
86Player Default: I'll deal with those raiders.{Grateful / Grateful} I knew I could count on you.QuestGiver: Take this transmitter. Give it to the synth when you find it.A1a
87Player Default: If raiders took that synth, it's probably spare parts by now.{Stern / Stern} Whole or in pieces, it doesn't matter. We can't allow Institute technology to remain in enemy hands.QuestGiver: Take this transmitter. Give it to the synth when you find it.B1a
88Player Default: There's got to be a Courser nearby who can handle it.{Irritated, a little exasperated} Nothing in that area, no.X1a
89{Direct, pointed / Stern} At this point, it's you or it's nothing. Hopefully I can count on you to take care of this.QuestGiver: Take this transmitter. Give it to the synth when you find it.X1b
90Player Default: Do you have a fix on its location?Yeah. In fact, I can upload the location to your Pip-boy.QuestGiver: Take this transmitter. Give it to the synth when you find it.Y1a
91Player Default: I knew I could count on you.Take this transmitter. Give it to the synth when you find it.A1a
92Report back when the raiders are gone and I'll schedule the retrieval.A1b
93InstR04SceneRepeat{Urgent, important} Got another report of an abducted synth. Any chance you can look into it?Player Default: Of course.A
94{Urgent, important} I still need someone to rescue that synth. Do you have the time?Player Default: Of course.A
95Player Default: Of course.{Pleased.} Great. I'll be ready to send that Courser when you return.QuestGiver: Can you do it?A1a
96Player Default: Not right now, no.{Disappointed} I see.B1a
97{Disappointed} Well, I won't keep you any longer.QuestGiver: Can you do it?B1b
98Player Default: I'll see what I can do.I'll give you the location, and you can do what you want with it.X1a
99{Mild disappointment} Thanks for hearing me out, anyway.QuestGiver: Can you do it?X1b
100Player Default: What do I need to do?Locate the synth that the raiders abducted, and give it a transmitter.Y1a
101I'll send a Courser to home in on the signal and retrieve the synth.QuestGiver: Can you do it?Y1b
102Player Default: Great. I'll be ready to send that Courser when you return.{Hopeful} Can you do it?Player Default: Of course.A1a
103-{Urgency} The sooner you can get to that synth, the better.
104{Annoyed, angry / Irritated} Those damn raiders are nothing but trouble.
105{Pensive} We really should improve security for our surface work crews, but our resources are limited.