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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

It seems as if more people arrive in Appalachia every day. This is very encouraging!

Davenport is a Mister Handy in the overseer's home.


Davenport performed reconnaissance work for the Vault 76 overseer while she went into hiding. In the time between Reclamation Day and 2103, Davenport became a trusted companion of the overseer.

As of 2103, he has taken up residence in the basement of the overseer's home, helping her plan for how best to deal with the inevitable return of people to Appalachia.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.



Apparel Weapon Other items On death

Behind the scenes[]

  • Between his name, role, and the fact that he is always floating next to a prominent map, he is probably named for Davenport the navigator from The Adventure Zone, a podcast by the McElroy Brothers. The character is in turn named for a fan, Drew Davenport.
    • There was previously a large tribute to the McElroy Brothers in the form of the Riverside cottage, which alludes heavily to the Fallout 4 episodes of the Monster Factory web series.
    • The McElroy Brothers are prominent West Virginians, and were honorarily considered mayors of Huntington for one day in 2017, when they held a parade to improve public perception of tarantulas.
    • Season 2 of The Adventure Zone takes place in West Virginia.


Davenport appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.
