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I've met many clones in my time, but never one like you.
Rex, upon meeting Omega[src]

Omega is a female clone of Jango Fett and the deuteragonist of Star Wars: The Bad Batch.


Omega, similar to Boba Fett, is an unaltered clone of Jango Fett with none of the genetic modifications that the Clone Troopers have. After Omega's birth, she was raised under the care of Kaminoan scientist Nala Se and eventually became her ward.

Omega also witnessed Nala Se created the genetic modifications of Clone Force 99 in her secret lab, learning their names and eventually learning of clone trooper, Echo joining the squad after being rescued from the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the planet Anaxes.


  • Expert Marksman: Although not property trained, Omega is extremely skilled in utilizing blasters. She later improved while training overtime. She most notably capable in using her energy bow and later crossbow.
  • Expert Pilot: Thanks to her training with Tech, Omega is extremely skilled in piloting every type of flying craft.

Weapons and equipment[]

  • DC-15A blaster carbine: Similar to other clones, Omega used this blaster before switching to an energy bow.
  • Zygerrian energy bow: On Ord Mantell, Omega found the bow while rescuing slaves from Zygerrian slavers.
  • Energy crossbow: After loosing her energy bow, Echo later gifted Omega a modified energy crossbow that he had acquired and several of his contacts modified. This energy weapon is more compact and can easily fold away for travel.


Joining the Bad Batch[]

Omega is first seen during the Proclamation to a New Order was being broadcast after Order 66. She later introduce herself to the rest of the Bad Batch before being interrupted by her medical mentor, Nala Se who has come with her to do some assignments. She later join them during lunch and their food fight with the regular clone troopers. Omega tried to join the Bad Batch on their physical test for Wilhuff Tarkin but was turned down. She joins the Prime Minister and Nala Se in their conversation with Tarkin about future cloning, more about the Bad Batch's history, and the Jedi.

When Omega hears from Tarkin that during Order 66, there were reports of the Bad Batch not killing Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume, she heard Tarkin announce he plans to set a test of loyalty for The Bad Batch, making her feel worried. Omega tried to warn the Bad Batch's leader, Hunter of Tarkin's plans for them, but he believes she is just anxious about the recent changes since the formation of the Galactic Empire. Omega asked to come with them, which Hunter refused as she is not a soldier and that would be dangerous for her. Omega claimed that Kamino is also not safe, but Hunter was called away by his squad so they can leave for the mission. Omega then watched the Bad Batch leave before returning inside the Kaminoan facility with Nala Se. After taking a tour of the Bad Batch's sleeping quarters she was thrown in prison along with the Bad Batch after they defect and came to rescue her. She helps to break out of prison and escape from Kamino.

Part of the squad[]

Caring for a child proved to be a challenge for the Bad Batch. On Saleucami, they tried to give Omega a chance at a normal life in the care of Cut Lawquane and his family. But Omega chose to stay with them. On Pantora to refuel the Bad Batch's ship, the Marauder, and obtain needed supplies, Omega attracted the attention of the bounty hunter Fennec Shand. With help from Hunter, the girl evaded capture.

The team soon settled in on Ord Mantell, finding work with a Trandoshan barkeep known as Cid. On a mission to Old Ord Mantell City, Omega found her own weapon, an energy bow, and proved an essential part of the team as they rescued a young rancor called Muchi. On another job, Omega made fast friends with Trace and Rafa Martez, as the two sisters fought the Batch for control of a Separatist tactical droid. With the former Republic clone army now fighting for the Empire, the Clone Wars-era droid had valuable information to defeat the soldiers.

Danger was around every corner, and sometimes in the places Omega least expected. She knew from her training that the clones all had an inhibitor chip that forced them into submission to the Empire's orders against their will, and endangered anyone who defied the new regime. Still, it took the malfunction of Wrecker's inhibitor chip to force Clone Force 99 to take action and protect Omega from themselves. On Bracca, the Batch used discarded medical equipment to free themselves from the mind-controlling tech.

On a mission to Kamino that reunited Crosshair and the rest of Clone Force 99, the Bad Batch witnessed the planet's destruction by the order of Vice Admiral Rampart and his Star Destroyers. Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Omega were presumed dead, but together they escaped a watery grave, leaving Crosshair behind when he refused to join them.

Months later[]

TBB - 2x01 - Spoils of War

Omega during a mission with Clone Force 99.

Several months after the disaster on Kamino, Omega settled into life as a member of Clone Force 99. But she still had a lot to learn. On missions that took her and the team from treasure hunting in Count Dooku's castle to acting as Cid's security detail at the riot racetrack of Safa Toma, Omega learned the value of loyalty and helping those in need, including getting the Jedi Gungi back to his homeworld of Kashyyyk.

However, Omega could not escape her past. At the behest of Captain Rex, the Batch ventured into the heart of the Empire, seeking intel on Coruscant that would uncover Vice Admiral Rampart's lies about the destruction of Tipoca City. Dazzled by Senator Riyo Chuchi's poise and conviction, Omega began to see others like herself trying to help the citizens of the galaxy. But the mission also brought her face-to-face with Emperor Palpatine and a hard-won lesson: sometimes you can do the right thing in a situation and still lose. Even more heartbreaking, at the end of the mission Echo decided to leave Clone Force 99 to help Captain Rex and other clones in the galaxy.

Struggling with Echo's departure, the remaining four members of the Bad Batch continued to carve out a life for themselves with increasing difficulty. After their ship was stolen on a mission to Ipsidon, leaving them stranded with no help from Cid, they decided to cut ties with the Trandoshan. Retreating to a village on the tropical world of Pabu, Omega found a new community through Phee Genoa and her friends there. For a brief time, it was an idyllic life. But the Empire was hunting Omega and her brothers. With new intel that Crosshair had been captured and imprisoned, the Bad Batch traveled to Eriadu to track down Doctor Royce Hemlock in the hopes of following him back to his secret headquarters. However, during the mission, their covert infiltration was compromised and Omega and her brothers were trapped inside a railcar with no power. Tech was forced to execute Plan 99, sacrificing himself to save the others, a devastating loss for his sister.

Imperial confinement[]

TBB - 3x01 - Confined

Omega imprisoned on Mount Tantiss.

Omega and her surviving brothers returned to Ord Mantell to nurse their physical and emotional wounds, walking into a trap. A ground assault brought Imperial commandos to their door, and Omega surrendered to Hemlock and his cronies as Hunter and Wrecker got away with help from Echo. Imprisoned on Mount Tantiss, Omega succeeded in locating Crosshair, but could do little to help him or herself. Instead, she returned to a life not unlike the one she had known on Kamino, assisting Nala Se working on secret medical experimentation, a prisoner of the Empire. Upon arriving at Mount Tantiss, she met Dr. Emerie Karr, who revealed herself to be a Jango Fett clone, and her "sister".


Boba Fett[]

Boba was an unaltered clone of Jango Fett, and consequently, the brother of Omega. However, it is unknown if Omega and Fett ever met, or how Fett felt about Omega being an another creation of his father's genetics, despite being an unaltered clone like him. However, Omega finally did learn about him when Hunter explain to her why the Kaminoans were hunting for her after he and the Bad Batch rescued her form Cad Bane.


Out of all of the members of the Bad Batch, Omega shared the closest relationship with Hunter. She admired him just like all members of the Bad Batch and she did respect his request to stay away from him and his squad. However, upon hearing Wilhuff Tarkin being on the Bad Batch, Omega warned Hunter of Tarkin's plans to test his squad's loyalty to the Galactic Empire. Eventually, when discovering a probe droid to be spying on him and his squad, Hunter realized Omega was telling the truth and upon learning she was a clone, he decided to retrieve her from Kamino before defecting from the Empire.


Omega has a close bond with Wrecker, who becomes something a playful older brother to her. He customized a section of the Marauder to act as her own room, and even gave her his tooka doll, Lula. Like the other members of the Bad Batch, Wrecker is protective of Omega.


  • Omega and Grogu have some similarities; their lives changed after Order 66, they both have protective guardians, both have unique eating habits, and have been sought after by the Empire for Emperor Palpatine's cloning projects.
  • Like Ezra Bridger, her eyes glow and reflect hyperspace when first seeing it in action.
  • Many fans initially assumed Omega to be Force-sensitive, but this was later confirmed to be false.
    • However, due to Omega being revealed to have a high midi-chlorian count, theories of her being Force-sensitive are starting to come back to light.
      • However, it is conformed by Ventress that Omega "doesn't" have a high midi-chlorian count, and Hemlock later revealed that her blood is able to sustain M-counts.
  • Omega shares similarities to Rey; they are both kind-hearted girls who lived in isolation who idolized some of the galaxy's heroes and had no idea of their true identities.
  • Omega is based off of Arla Fett, Jango Fett's sister from Star Wars Legends.
  • Omega was the first of three female clones of Jango Fett to be introduced into Star Wars Canon, the others being Emerie Karr and Sister.
    • The latter being transgender while Omega and Karr were engineered to be female from birth.




External links[]

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The Bad Batch logo
Star Wars: The Bad Batch
HunterWreckerTechCrosshairEchoOmegaRexWolffeGregorGreyCodyTK TroopersClone TroopersWilhuff TarkinOrson KrennicEmperor's Royal GuardDepa BillabaCaleb DumePalpatineClone X TroopersCham SyndullaHera SyndullaC1-10PFennec ShandAsajj VentressRiyo ChuchiEmerie KarrRoyce HemlockCad BaneCut Lawquane
Season One: "Aftermath" • "Cut and Run" • "Cornered" • "Rampage" • "Decommissioned" • "Battle Scars" • "Reunion" • "Bounty Lost" • "Common Ground" • "Devil's Deal" • "Rescue on Ryloth" • "Infested" • "War-Mantle" • "Return to Kamino" • "Kamino Lost"

Season Two: "Spoils of War" • "Ruins of War" • "The Solitary Clone" • "Faster" • "Entombed" • "Tribe" • "The Clone Conspiracy" • "Truth and Consequences" • "The Crossing" • "Retrieval" • "Metamorphosis" • "The Outpost" • "Pabu" • "Tipping Point" • "The Summit" • "Plan 99"
Season Three: "Confined" • "Paths Unknown" • "Shadows of Tantiss" • "A Different Approach" • "The Return" • "Infiltration" • "Extraction" • "Bad Territory" • "The Harbinger" • "Identity Crisis" • "Point of No Return" • "Juggernaut" • "Into the Breach" • "Flash Strike" • "The Cavalry Has Arrived"

Galactic EmpireConfederacy of Independent SystemsJediSithGalactic Republic
See Also
Star Wars: The Clone WarsLightsaberBlasterImperial Star DestroyerRancor