The Silversix is a gun obtained by using Echoes on Advanced Weapons in Character Creation, requiring 75 Echoes total before being able to be selected as a starter weapon. A character starting with the Silversix will dual wield them, one in the main hand and one in the off-hand. If you want to wield this gun single-handed, unequip one of them at a campfire.
(You need to unlock the Quickfang and Irontusk beforehand, each costing 25 Echoes to get.)
- The Silversix cannot be dropped nor stored
- A single Silversix can fire six shots when loaded before requiring a reload. The third and fourth shot are interrupted by a kick.
- Known for being used by 20 power players for ranged bullet shots before Silversix lost its ability to fire projectiles as a sidearm.
- At max LHT, the damage is (19.8)
- Despite being called Silversix, the gun can only hold 2 bullets at a time.

Icon in Main Menu Selection