- “ Gain the ability to use fist combat against weapons. Including the ability to block weapons with your hands using Ether. ”
Jus Karita is a taekwondo-like fighting style obtained from Polis in Etris or as a Starting Weapon if was previously unlocked. Compared to the other base fighting styles, it has higher scaling, swing speed, range, and a 20% penetration stat. In turn, it has only one equippable weapon, the Anklets of Alsin.
Jus Karita is unpopular due to it having worse damage compared to the other fighting styles, which also catch up in swing speed. To make up for it, it has unique Talents, slightly more range, and synergizes with its unique mantras, Karita Leap, Karita Divebomb and Tacet Dropkick. In addition, the Justicar armor Talent (The Path, Unveiled) gives it a 15% damage boost, about on par with the other fist-style armor Talents.
Dash forward while performing a kick.
Jus Karita is the only fighting style as of now that has its own mantras. With this it can help the user maneuver through the kick-style's difficulties and weaknesses. Possessing three seperate mantras that are effective for comboing, and having a chained effect for two of them; Karita Leap and Karita Divebomb. Tacet Drop Kick is also the first mantra in-game as of now that utilizes a Murmur, the rest being from the Soulbreaker oath. It's effectively used to knockdown on enemies and give them a sense of confusion, not knowing where the user is. To successfully know more about the mantras, as their requirements and in-depth information about their abilities go to the Light Weapon and Strength Mantra Pages.
To obtain Jus Karita, you must first have Power 5 and 40 stats allocated into Light Weapon Mastery. Then, you talk to the Justicar named Polis at Etris seen leaning on the biggest tree at the center of the city. Do his first dialogue option and obtain the ring, then ask him about Justicar.
Completing this will grant you the Jus Karita Talent which enables you to use the fist style and unlock it for consecutive uses on the Character Creation screen.
- Justicar's Prowess - Jus Karita +30% posture damage against other fist styles.
- Justicar's Renewal - Hitting an opponent with your Jus Karita critical resets the cooldown.
- Swiftkick Prodigy - Hitting successive basic attacks with Jus Karita will give a temporary speed buff.
- Flying Swiftkick - Hitting a Jus Karita critical attack while Swiftkick Prodigy is active will greatly slow your enemy, and consume your speed boost.
- Jus Karita's Critical Attack can be upgraded with Justicar Renewal, which removes the cooldown after landing the attack even on block or dodge, with a 10s cooldown.
- Justicar's Armor DMG Style boost was buffed after developer Ragoozer was made to fight a corrupted Bone Keeper.[1]
- Furthermore, Bone Keeper's health regeneration was disabled and LHT & MED scaling in PVE was buffed.
- Selecting Jus Karita on the character selection will allow you to use the fist style without the criterion of 40 LHT, though the base damage will be reduced until you reach the aforementioned requirement.
- You're able to get Jus Karita's Mantras as long as you have the requirements for them. (20 LHT)
- You will also not be able to obtain a Gold Ring from Polis.
- Jus Karita was made by Dexerius.[2]