Saturn Girl is one of the most accomplished telepaths of the 31st Century.
Sometimes called "telepathic communication", Telepathy is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to manipulate, or communicate with, others using only the power of the mind. Certain characters are born with the ability, others must learn the skill over time, and others use magic. While others, like Mento, use technology to manipulate someone's mind.
Telepathy leaves the mind open to many other mental abilities such as Mind Control and/or Telekinesis. A favorite technique of people who use telepathy are "mind wipes". This specific use of the power forces the victim or target to lose memory either entirely or from specific events. Batman was mind wiped as well as Arthur Light. While mind wipe may be a power specifically outside Telepathy, it is almost always used in conjunction with Telepathy.
Martians are an example of characters that are born with the ability to communicate with their minds and develop further abilities such as mind wipe, direct telepathy and senses over time. Zatanna is an example of a character that uses this as a form of her magic and therefore is sometimes untrained in the use of it.
See also:
- Illusion Casting: Using one's mind to cast illusions into another.
- Mind Control: Using one's mind to control another.
- Empathy: Using one's mind to sense, or affect, the emotions of another.
- Animal Control: Using one's mind to control an animal's.
- Animal Empathy: Using one's mind to sense, or affect, the emotions of an animal.
- Astral Projection: The practice of using one's mind to discharge the consciousnesses from their bodies.
- Energy Projection: Using one's mind to project psychic attacks.
- Fear Projection: Using one's mind to cast fear into another.
- Psychic Link: Using one's mind to link, or communicate, to another.
Superman (Clark Kent) -
Darkseid (Prime Earth) -
Bruce Wayne (Earth -22) -
John Constantine (Prime Earth) -
Lucifer Morningstar (New Earth) -
Jonathan Osterman (Watchmen) -
Raven (Prime Earth) -
Perpetua (Sixth Dimension)
All items (1202)
- A'monn A'mokk (New Earth)
- A'morr (New Earth)
- A-Mortal (New Earth)
- A.J. (New Earth)
- Abigail (Swamp Thing 1990 TV Series)
- Abigail Arcane (New Earth)
- Absorbascon
- Abyssal Dark (Prime Earth)
- Ace of Clubs (DCAU)
- Ace of Clubs (Prime Earth)
- Adam Blake (New Earth)
- Adam Blake (Prime Earth)
- Adam Sharp (New Earth)
- Adjudicator (Earth-One)
- Ahri'ahn (New Earth)
- Ahura-Mazda (New Earth)
- Alan Barnes (New Earth)
- Albart (New Earth)
- Alec Holland (Swamp Thing 1990 TV Series)
- Alex (New Earth)
- Alexander Fairchild (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alexander Luthor (Prime Earth)
- Alexander Salkind (Earth-One)
- Alexei Glushko (Earth-ABC)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Earth-One)
- Alicia Turner (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alloroc (New Earth)
- Alpheus (Sixth Dimension)
- Amanda Waller (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Amazo (DCAU)
- Amazo (Justice League Action)
- Amazo-II (DCAU)
- Amos Monroe (New Earth)
- Amy Winston (New Earth)
- Anansi (Arrowverse)
- Anansi (Earth M)
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- Andrew Bryant (Earth-ABC)
- Angel Fish (Earth-Twelve)
- Angelica Wallis (New Earth)
- Anomaly (New Earth)
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- Apex Predators
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- April Marigold (Earth-One)
- Apros (New Earth)
- Aquaboy (Tiny Titans)
- Aquagirl (Tiny Titans)
- Aqualad (New Teen Titans Shorts)
- Aqualad (Teen Titans Go! TV Series)
- Aqualad (Teen Titans TV Series)
- Aqualad (Teen Titans TV Series: Tween Titans)
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
- Aquaman (Crisis on Two Earths)
- Aquaman (DC One Million)
- Aquaman (DCAU: Earth-D)
- Aquaman (King of Atlantis)
- Aquaman (Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe)
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- Arlorans
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- Armen Ikarus (Prime Earth)
- Armorer (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Arous (Prime Earth)
- Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt (New Earth)
- Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt (Prime Earth)
- Arthur (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Arthur Curry (Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths)
- Arthur Curry (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Arthur Curry (DC Legends)
- Arthur Curry (DC Super Hero Girls TV Series)
- Arthur Curry (DC Super Hero Girls)
- Arthur Curry (DCeased)
- Arthur Curry (Earth -12)
- Arthur Curry (Earth -44)
- Arthur Curry (Earth-21)
- Arthur Curry (Earth-22)
- Arthur Curry (Earth-149)
- Arthur Curry (Earth-184)
- Arthur Curry (Earth-508)
- Arthur Curry (Earth-Metal)
- Arthur Curry (Filmation Adventures)
- Arthur Curry (Futures End)
- Arthur Curry (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Arthur Curry (Infinite Crisis Video Game: Earth-0)
- Arthur Curry (Justice League Action)
- Arthur Curry (Justice)
- Arthur Curry (Lego Batman)
- Arthur Curry (Lil Gotham)
- Arthur Curry (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Arthur Curry (Super Friends)
- Arthur Curry (Teen Titans Go! TV Series)
- Arthur Curry (Tidebreaker)
- Arthur Curry (Tiny Titans)
- Arthur Curry (Trapped In Time)
- Arthur Curry (Where the Light Cannot Reach)
- Arthur Curry, Jr. (DC Legends)
- Arthur Curry, Jr. (Justice)
- Arthur Curry, Jr. (New Earth)
- Arthur Curry, Jr. (Tiny Titans)
- Arthur Curry, Sr. (The Brave and the Bold)
- Arthur Joseph Curry (The Nail)
- Arthur McKenzie (Amalgam Universe)
- Arthur Stone (Mash-Up)
- Arthur, Jr. (DCAU)
- Artur (Earth-16)
- Asa (Prime Earth)
- Ashley Addams (Prime Earth)
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- Astra Logue (Arrowverse)
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- Atlanna (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Atlanna (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Atlanna (DC Extended Universe)
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- Atlanna (Tidebreaker)
- Atlanteans
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- Avery Ho (Prime Earth)
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- B'arzz O'oomm (Earth-16)
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- Bathound (Dark Genesis!)
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- Boston Brand (Prime Earth)
- Brainiac (Krypton TV Series)
- Brainiac 12 (Futuresmiths)
- Brainy Barker (Krypto the Superdog)
- Breuer (Prime Earth)
- Brother Blood (Teen Titans Go! TV Series)
- Brother Blood (Teen Titans TV Series)
- Brother Power (Prime Earth)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth -22)
- Burning Martians
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