Cerberus (named after Hades' dog) is a Superman villain.
Superman first encountered Cerberus after it launched a series of attack on LexCorp subsidiaries on behalf of the rebel forces of Tattamalia, Superman soon found himself facing cyborg sent by Cerberus. When the first cyborg was easily subdued, Cerberus sent two others, Rorc and Belcher, to terrorize Lexcorp. Superman tracked those two to a Metropolis warehouse and stopped them, but his attempts to question them were frustrated when Cerberus rendered them Catatonic via remote control.
Cerberus sent two more cyborgs, Jolt and Blockhouse, to abduct Lois Lane in hopes of luring him into a trap. When Superman rescued Lois Lane and once again proved too much for its cyborgs, Cerberus enlisted aid of Metallo with an improved robot body.
Cerberus was hoping to lure Superman into a more elaborate trap within his headquarters. Superman, however, found the hideaway and discovered that Cerberus was a single hulking figure, possessing a vast collection of living heads which it switched at will.
Cerberus personality changed each time it changed its head. When it attached a particularly psychotic head, it attacked Superman with reckless disregard for the safety of the other heads, in the battle the base was destroyed and perhaps Cerberus as well, leaving to only guess at the origins and motives of this mysterious enemy.
Powers and Abilities
- Unique Physiology
- Superhuman Strength
- Superhuman Durability
- Superhuman Reflexes
- Telepathy (with his head collection only)
He has a collection of heads, each one gives different powers and abilities.
- C.E.O. head: Leadership, Business Management
- Dragon Lady head: Charisma, Investigation, Leadership.
- Macho Man head: Superhuman Strength, Weaponry, Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
- Homicidal maniac head: Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Mental Disorder (Psychopath)
- Physicist head: Genius Level Intellect, Science, Gadgetry
- 12 Appearances of Cerberus II (New Earth)
- 2 Images featuring Cerberus II (New Earth)
- Quotations by or about Cerberus II (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Cerberus II (New Earth)
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Superman Villain(s) This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category." |