DC Database

Quote1 I am Ares--who is War. Ares who never ends. I am the God of the Battlefield. My battlefield is the world. Peace flees before me. Quote2
— Ares src

Ares is the Olympian god of war, father of Queen Hippolyta and grandfather of Wonder Woman, and an ancient enemy of the Amazons of Amazonia. In modern times, he acts as Maxwell "Max" Lord, an expert entrepreneur who provides his services to the US Army in areas such as robotics, tactical analysis and psychology.

Three thousand years ago he visited Hippolyta on the Amazon Island, but the Amazons managed to get rid of him. Now he has returned for vengeance, stoking global war between the sexes from the United States, having influence over the American army and government.[1]

As Max Lord, he was the main alerter against alleged plans of an Amazon invasion and domination of the men of the world by women. He is also the mind behind the Project A.R.E.S..[2]




  • Project A.R.E.S.: Armed Response Environment Suit, remote controlled automata.[2]
    • A.R.E.S. 2.0 (A.R.E.S. Mark 2): The most advanced automaton, remote controlled by Ares himself.[1]
  • Third Reich mind control tech



Wonder Woman 0062
Wonder Woman Supporting Cast
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was an ally of Wonder Woman. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Wonder Woman Supporting Cast" category.

Villainy Incorporated 001
Wonder Woman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of Wonder Woman and the Amazons in any of her various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Wonder Woman Villains category."
