The Black Condor is the name of a legacy character, a super-hero and usually a member of the Freedom Fighters. Originally he was Richard Grey, Jr., a man with the power of flight who fought using weaponry. Grey has also been a member of the All-Star Squadron. Ryan Kendall was his successor, a hero using powers of flight and telekinesis, who would eventually be killed during Infinite Crisis. Kendall was a member of the Justice League and Primal Force. John Trujillo is the current Black Condor, a Native American man empowered by the gods.
The original character Richard Grey was created by Will Eisner and Lou Fine, first appearing in Crack Comics #1 (1940). Ryan Kendall was developed by Brian Augustyn and Rags Morales, first appearing in Black Condor #1 (1992). Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Daniel Acuna introduced John Trujillo in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #3 (2006).
Freedom Fighters
Reverse Gender
Earth 11
Justice Guild
Earth 19
Gotham By Gaslight
Amalgam Universe
Black Condor/Vulture
Alternate Timelines
Other Media
Other Media
DC Super Hero Girls
Stargirl (TV Series)
See Also: Black Condor Titles