The Justice League Watchtower was the headquarters of the Justice League of America. The Watchtower was constructed of promethium and used highly advanced Martian, Thanagarian, Kryptonian and Terran technology. The arrival of Orion and Big Barda added the technology of New Genesis and Apokolips to the systems within.
New Earth
The Watchtower was destroyed by Superboy-Prime[1] and superseded by the The Hall, based on Earth, and Satellite Watchtower in space.[2]
Earth 12

The Metro Tower in the future
In the Batman Beyond future, the Justice League Unlimited uses a Tower in Metropolis as their headquarters. The Tower was originally used by the first Justice League to replace the second Watchtower after the Project Cadmus crisis.[3][4]
Points of Interest
Areas in the Watchtower are as follows:
- Solar Tower - Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight to power Watchtower's operating systems.
- Observation Deck - Accessible in elevator shaft in Solar Tower, Deck houses security scanners that monitor lunar landscape for interlopers.
- Power Annex - Distributes power to base's circulatory nexus. Excess energy stored in redundant batteries for emergency life-support.
- Exterior Panels - Virtually impenetrable promethium-reinforced titanium/verdanium loses little heat or energy to cold lunar near-vaccuum.
- View-port - Liquid-crystal portals several inches thick provide unaltered view of moonscape.
- Stellar Telescope - Optical arrays chart stellar anomalies and astronomical phenomena.
- Guest Quarters - Living space for associated and reserve members, as well as authorized visitors.
- Long-Range Scanners - Microwave and multispectral arrays monitor cosmic radiation levels and detect unannounced visitors to Earth's orbit.
- Jump Shuttle Hangar - Martian-designed spacecraft repaired, maintained, and launched from self-sealing annex.
- Steel's Workshop - High-tech foundry and lab includes secondary surveillance controls.
- Armory - Secure vault for "last resort" weapons and other technological countermeasures.
- Trophy Room - Contains mementos-some authentic, some facsimile-of JLA adventures.
- Z'onn Z'orr Globe - Model reveals the White Martians' planned realignment of Earth's continents.
- I.F. - The "implicate field" is a 32nd-century quantum technology weapon confiscated from the Lord of Time.
- The Key's Key-Ring - A sample of the villains skeleton keys and psychotropic chemical injectors
- The Royal Flush Gang - Over-sized playing cards replicate a two-dimensional trap once holding the Gangs Ten, Hi-Jack, Queen, King, and Ace.
- Solaris - Illuminating facsimile of the 853rd-century tyrant sun, a super-computer defeated by the JLA and Justice Legion A.
- Piranha Penguins - Justice League Antarctica encountered Adelie penguins bioengineered to have the teeth and voraciousness of Amazonian piranha.
- Traumiel's Ashes - Remains of the angel loyal to Asmodel who was disintegrated by Zauriel's sonic scream are mounted on canvas with runes etched by Zauriel to describe the event.
- Engine of Chance - Deceased quantum physicist Julian September's probability-altering machine, capable of re-ordering reality by a factor of "lucky" seven.
- Kirby Dots - Bits of "dark matter" sealed in a vacuum chamber pending study.
- Artificial Kryptonite - Radiation-depleted isotope of the rare element.
- The Bug - Miniature model of Blue Beetle's scarab-shaped hover-ship.
- Worlogog - Kyle Rayner's sculpted interpretation of the "Philosopher's Stone" - the reality-altering Worlogog that Lex Luthor wielded against the JLA.
- Parademon Armor - Headpiece worn by Darkseid's elite flying stormtroopers
- Prometheus' Helmet - The murderous mastermind's computerized helmet was scuttled by Batman after downloading its wealth of information onto JLA archive servers.
- Amazo's Head - Deactivated central processing unit from one of the android's early prototype bodies.
- The Ray's Crash Helmet - Spare helmet worn by Ray Terrill (The Ray), briefly a member of the Justice League Task Force before joining Young Justice.
- Little Leaguers - Malicious micro-robot duplicates of the Justice League built by the Toyman and Abra Kadabra.
- Brain Storm's Thinking Cap - This channels stellar energy to boost intelligence, animates objects, enables its wearer to hurl "star-bolts," and permits teleportation.
- Starro Probe - Stasis tank keeps the Star Conqueror's face-hugging mental probe inert. Occasional feeding is required.
- Power Battery - Replica of original Green Lantern Alan Scott's emerald power battery, carved from the meteoric Starheart, repository of the universe's random magicks.
- Triumph - The Justice League's "lost" founding member William MacIntyre (Triumph) is forever frozen, transformed into a statue of ice for his treachery by the Spectre. Cooling units keep sublimation to a minimum, should the Spirit of Wrath choose to offer McIntryre a reprieve.
- Trick Arrows - A sample of Green Arrow Oliver Queen's shafts.
- Potrait Gallery - Holographic bank depicts constantly rotating assemblage of every JLA hero and heroine.
- Gamma Gong - Dhorian dictator Kanjar Ro's paralyzing weapon. When struck, the Gong incapacitates anyone in its vicinity.
- Superman-Robot Costume - Uniform worn by one of the robotic Men of Steel created by Superman to police the Earth
- Batarangs - Working samples of Batman's signature weapon.
- Blue Beetle's Weaponry - Compressed air-firing B.B. Gun; replica of first Beetle Dan Garrett's mystical scarab; hand-held remote for the high-flying Bug.
- Wandjina's Labyris - Battleaxe belonging to " The Thunderer," a parallel dimension hero who perished stopping a Russian nuclear reactor meltdown after attempting to rid the communist nation of its deadly atomic arsenal.
- Aztek's Helm - The late Justice Leaguer's sunmotif helmet was the source of his 4-dimensional powers. It remains in JLA possession pending a custody battle initiated by Aztek's former benefactors, the Q Foundation.
- Martian Jump-Ship - Unaltered model of the Martian shuttle, seen in its primary configuration.
- Key-Men - The Key's helper automatons with their clockwork motivators safely removed.
- S.T.A.R. Labs Shuttle - Scale model of a prototype spacecraft rescued by the JLA.
- Additional Storage - Spare parts, supplies, and items from previous headquarters kept here.
- Hall of Justice - The JLA's meeting chamber.
- Monitor Womb - Interactive computer systems monitor global mass media and feed "real-time" holographic displays around floating suspensor chair. League member on monitor duty assesses potential "trouble-alerts."
- Teleport Tube - Sender/receiver unit utilizes "ambient matter" to teleport organic beings.
- Living Quarters - Personalized suites for all active members.
- Galley - Kitchen and dining area provides Earthly and extraterrestrial cuisine and is stocked with dietary requirements of each League member.
- Bulk Teleporter - Larger teleporter unit transmits only inorganic matter, ferrying supplies to and from the Watchtower.
- Central Hub - An external casing surrounds the shielded hub-core with its meeting and living areas protected by individual self-sealing air locks.
- Spoke Terminus - Each of the Watchtower's three "spoke" wings can be hermetically isolated from the hub, or jettisoned using minimal ion-propulsion units to break lunar orbit during emergency egresses.
- Gymnasium - Includes training areas and virtual-reality battle environments.
- Pool - Low-saline pool provides exercise and relaxation for League members.
- Arboretum - Endangered species of flora and fauna find safe haven in segregated micro-ecosystems.
- Flight Bride - Contains navigational controls and flight-support systems.
- JLA-1 - Larger multi-seat sub-light shuttle takes off and lands like traditional aircraft.
- Entry Port - Provides access for incoming ships to disembark in primary hangar.
- Seismic Sensors - Early warning system to detect "moonquakes" in lunar substrata.
- Primary Hangar - Launch platform and berthing for JLA-1.
- CO2 Scrubbers - Sweep internal air systems for carbon dioxide, removing pathogens before feeding to hydroponic forest.
- Hydrogen Generator - PODS backup power-systems split hydrogen atoms from mixed water for fusion in reactors. Oxygen by-product released into ventilation ducts.
- Deep-bore Ice Miner - Extracts ice buried beneath lunar soil,cleansing and purifying resulting H20 for use throughout base.
- Deep Water Tank - Stores fresh water produced by deep-bore ice miner in large aquifer. Adjacent artificial "hot spring" doubles as sauna.
- Hydroponic Forest - Photosynthetic-reliant plants convert CO2 into oxygen, providing base with recyclable air supply.
There are hundreds more items in the Trophy Room. The more dangerous items are stored in vaults accessible only to core JLA members.
- In the Justice League: Gods and Monsters universe, the Justice League uses a headquarters in Metropolis called the Tower of Justice.[5]