DC Database

This volume collects four individual mini-arcs. The first arc deals with a villain calling himself Prometheus who single-handedly defeats the League. The second arc deals with a probability-manipulator named Julian September. The third arc has the League visit Rann

Strength in Numbers is a Justice League storyline written by Grant Morrison and Mark Waid with illustrations by Howard Porter. It's the fourth arc on Morrison's JLA series, following his third arc Rock of Ages. This leads into the DC One Million crossover and is followed by Justice for All.


This volume collects four individual mini-arcs. The first arc deals with a villain calling himself Prometheus who single-handedly defeats the League. The second arc deals with a probability-manipulator named Julian September. The third arc has the League visit Rann with a troubled Adam Strange. The fourth arc deals with a conflict involving Starro and the Sandman.


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JLA New World Order TP
Justice League Storyline
This event or storyline is specifically related to the Justice League of America, or to any other incarnations of the Justice League. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Justice League Storylines category.
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