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"A Week with No Hourman": Snapper Carr wakes up and feels terrible. He desperately needs a cup of coffee. Walking outside, he sees a demon chasing a priest. Snapper helps the priest avoid the monster's clutches, but the priest does not seem incredibly grateful.

Quote1 If you don't stop annoying me human, I will chew out your eyes! I mean it, human... Quote2
— Torcher

Hourman #8 is an issue of the series Hourman (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1999.

Synopsis for "A Week with No Hourman"

Snapper Carr wakes up and feels terrible. He desperately needs a cup of coffee. Walking outside, he sees a demon chasing a priest. Snapper helps the priest avoid the monster's clutches, but the priest does not seem incredibly grateful.

Hourman suddenly appears and tells Snapper that he learned about the demonic invasion of the Earth from one week into the future by using his time-vision. He wants to help, but is suddenly pulled into the timestream by unexpected forces.

Snapper goes to Riker's place and orders a cup of coffee and some cheesecake. He reflects upon the time he spent with the original Justice League and still feels guilty for exposing the location of their secret headquarters.

Suddenly, a demon named Torture bursts into Riker's and begins assaulting the place. Snapper tries to convince the demon that he doesn't need to live this sort of life simply because he feels a demonic responsibility towards doing so. He offers Torture some cheesecake, but the demons refuses. Snapper keeps badgering him until Torture finally relents and tries it. Oddly, he ends up loving it. The lesson being: on Earth, the demon has free will and can do anything that he likes, even if it means simply sitting down and enjoying some cheesecake.

Meanwhile, Wendi Tyler visits her dying son Rick in the hospital. He tells him that somebody broke into his father's lab in Long Island and stole some Miraclo. Though weakened, Rick is determined to find this thief and kill him. He falls out of his bed and scrambles about until he finds a stash of Miraclo tablets.

Appearing in "A Week with No Hourman"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • This issue is a "Day of Judgment" tie-in.
  • Progressive use of Miraclo is what gave Rick Tyler leukemia.
  • Snapper Carr remembers when he left the JLA. It happened because he was tricked by the Joker into revealing the location of the Secret Sanctuary and felt guilty.


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Day of Judgment 4
Day of Judgment Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

This comic issue is a part of the "Day of Judgment" crossover event that took place in 1999. Day of Judgment involved the rogue Angel Asmodel being bonded to the Spectre Force, and using his powers to wreak havoc on the world, attempting to take vengeance against the Presence. Hell was frozen over, and both Demons and the Damned were released upon Earth. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Day of Judgment Crossover" category.
