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"The Destiny Dilemma": The morning after the Day of Judgment, the Sentinels of Magic and the Phantom Stranger are summoned together by an unknown individual to decide what to do with the Spear of Destiny. Unbeknownst to

Day of Judgment Secret Files and Origins #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of November, 1999.

Synopsis for "The Destiny Dilemma"

The morning after the Day of Judgment, the Sentinels of Magic and the Phantom Stranger are summoned together by an unknown individual to decide what to do with the Spear of Destiny. Unbeknownst to them, it is the Spectre who is responsible for the meeting. As they discuss what to do, it is revealed that Zatanna is actually the Wizard in disguise who attempts to steal the Spear for himself. The Wizard is defeated by the Sentinels and Ragman draws him into the Suit of Sorrows. Alan Scott hurls the Spear of Destiny into the sun.

Appearing in "The Destiny Dilemma"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • An Empty Field
  • Golgotha (Flashback only)


Synopsis for "Which Witch?"

Blue Devil goes to see Madame Xanadu seeking guidance about his recent return and the new powers he has received from the Trident of Lucifer. To put his powers in context, she explains the various magical abilities of the Sentinels of Magic.

Appearing in "Which Witch?"

Featured Characters:


  • Madame Xanadu's Tarot Cards

Synopsis for "One Enchanted Evening..."

Zatanna makes good on her promise to go on a date with Eric, a bartender to which she had taken a liking. She determines not to use her powers and have a normal evening with Eric. However, it proves difficult and eventually she uses her magic to quiet talkative patrons and allow her and Eric to enjoy their movie.

Appearing in "One Enchanted Evening..."

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Eric, the Bartender

Synopsis for "Faust's Epilogue"

It is revealed that when Faust killed the Enchantress, he actually only sacrificed the Enchantress portion of her. June Moone was returned to Earth free from her evil portion of her being. It was as if her evil self was the one that was killed. Freed from her connection to the Enchantress, June is soon released from the mental institution. Faust watches from afar as she is released.

Appearing in "Faust's Epilogue"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ostrander Mental Institution

Synopsis for "Timeline"

Appearing in "Timeline"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Magical Talismans"

Appearing in "Magical Talismans"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Profile Pages"

Appearing in "Profile Pages"

Featured Characters:


  • Madame Xanadu's Tarot and Crystal Ball
  • Dr. Occult's Symbol of the Seven
  • Faust's Magickal Pouches

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Day of Judgment 4
Day of Judgment Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

This comic issue is a part of the "Day of Judgment" crossover event that took place in 1999. Day of Judgment involved the rogue Angel Asmodel being bonded to the Spectre Force, and using his powers to wreak havoc on the world, attempting to take vengeance against the Presence. Hell was frozen over, and both Demons and the Damned were released upon Earth. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Day of Judgment Crossover" category.

JLA Secret Files and Origins 1
DC Bullet 2024

Secret Files and Origins
This issue is a special "Secret Files and Origins" issue supplying background information to an ongoing volume, character, team or concept. These one-shots appear frequently, and often serve to more pointedly establish official canonical sources for in-universe content about characters.
This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Secret Files category.
